Su-jok therapy - what it is unique and how it works


Today, the interest of people towards unconventional methods of treatment is increasingly increasing: naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and other things. But people strive to find not just an effective, but also painless and bloodless method of eliminating diseases. It is in this way that the therapy of Su-Jock is.

Su-jok therapy - What is it?

Su-jok therapy - What is it?

Su-Jock performs one of the types of acupuncture. Its action is based on the effect on specific biologically active points located on the brushes and footsteps. If you make the name of the name of therapy from Korean, then "Su" means a brush, and "JOK" is a foot. The founder of the methodology is a professor from South Korea named Pak Chezu Wu. The base time is the 80s of the twentieth century.

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The story of Su-Jock leaves by 1986, because then the first articles begin to appear in the press, describing the essence of the method. Due to its efficiency and ease of application, new therapy is quickly becoming popular and goes beyond the limits of native Korea, spreading to the whole globe.

Interesting fact. Many states included Su-Jock into their healthcare system.

The system described is based on the perception of the human body as a single energy structure with interconnected with each other processes. If the harmonious energy flow in the body is disturbed, the disease occurs.

At the same time, physical manifestations are just symptoms of more depth problems. And, accordingly, to recover truly, it is necessary to begin to influence the true root cause of pathology at the energy level.

According to the theory of Su-Jock, the human body and its different organs are proprietary on the brushes and feet. It is best illustrated by a brush:

  • The thumb is associated with his head;
  • index with a maizin - with upper limbs;
  • Middle with nameless fingers - with lower limbs;
  • The back side of the brush is the projection of the spine;
  • The location on the palm below the thumb affects the chest;
  • The middle part of the palm is associated with the abdominal cavity.

With a more detailed compliance of different parts and stops with organs, you can find the following photo

Scheme of matching points to organs

How does Su-Jok therapy work?

Based on the above, it can be concluded that with the help of influence on specific points of the brushes and stops, it is realistic to manage your own organism and eliminate various diseases!

The Su-Jock expert has an impact on active points using special hollow cigars (moxs), miniature magnets, radiation by the light of a certain range or biologically active seeds. All this allows the body on its own overcome the disease. But the points are activated not only by special tools, but even with screwdrivers - handle, matches, nails.

True, the seeds are higher above, as it is believed that they contain information about the future therapeutic properties of the plant. Seeding therapy was even led into a separate section and arose later later than the Su-Jock method.

The meaning of the effects of seeds on the point is that the skin receptors exchange with phytoncides, pectins and other useful components of the shell and seed juice. As a result, the point receives information how to actually adjust pathology, the endocrine glands is activated, the launch of self-regulation, which results in self-describing.

Often, the use of seeds on points on the feet and arms allows you to achieve a greater effect than if you simply attach them to the affected organs. In the latter case, the seeds are glued to points using a leucoplasty.

What seeds can be used for healing? Beanes, pea, apple, grain of buckwheat or pea peppers and other. It is important that the seeds are alive - with the surviving ability to grow.

Hands with feet contain the projection of all body bodies. The active points on them are located in a certain sequence and represent a mini-copy of the anatomical structure of the body.

When a certain organ is ill, it starts to act on it to the point, which excites it. As a result, the point swells, it feels soreness. If you stimulate the point, then the medical impulse will go to the affected organ and will help to normalize his work.

Interesting fact. Stimulation of biologically active points is carried out even naturally - when performing handmade, walking, running. This confirms the value of sufficient movement and work. If natural stimulation is insufficient, then the development of the disease is quite likely. And the conscious impact on the point will help recovery.

Pak Chezo Wu - the creator of the method, indicates the ease of this treatment method. After all, a person has no need to study a huge number of scientific literature, to enter the Medical University. And besides, the visible information is prone to forgetting, and having understood with the basics of the technique, you can use it all your life.

There are several options for Su-Jock Systems. In this material we will consider only standard schemes.

So, of all known techniques, the most popular is the brush matching system. This contributes to its easy accessibility for the impact and the greatest similarity of the body. According to the system, the head with two legs and hands (five parts of the body, which appear) is designed for five fingers. At the same time, similarity is observed in the amount of protruding parts, and in their location, direction, size and number of segments on them.

A separate attention of Su-Jock Therapy gives the likeness of a thumb with two phalanges of the head with the neck and the importance of the head of the comparatively other parts of the body. The head controls the body and limb, and the thumb freely touches his palms and fingers appropriate to the body, hands and legs.

Pak Chezu Wu - Creator of the Su-Jock method

In second place after the brush is a foot. In general, the stop and brush are not very different from each other - in the first case, just shorter fingers, and the big is not expressed so clearly as in your hands.

Three composite limbs (feet with a shin and feet for a leg either brush with forearm and shoulder for hand) correlate with the structure of four fingers (the exception is only thumbs).

Useful recommendation. Memorization of the correspondence system in this technique does not represent a special complexity. Thus, the shortest part of the body is the head (exactly as a thumb), the legs are the longest (similar to the nameless and middle fingers). Hands, by analogy with an index finger and a little finger, have an average value.

The matching of the feet is almost no different from the correspondence of the brush. This variant of the correspondence system is also considered very effective, first of all, because the stop is naturally stimulated in the process of movements.

Features Yin-Yang Teaching in Su-Jok therapy

At the beginning of our era, Yin-Yang teachings are created in China. According to him, Yin is considered to be a female start, associated with darkness, cold, tranquility and unknown. And Yang is a male principle, which is manifested by light, warmth, movement.

Our body (above the legs) is divided into the abdominal cavity and chest, which delimit the diaphragm. To identify the correspondence points on the hands, it is necessary to initially find a line that corresponds to the diaphragm. The standard Su-Jock system speaks of a double diaphragm projection:

  1. Upper diaphragm Creates a projection on the brush line of life, in the area where palm is divided with the base of the thumb. With this projection, you can detect the points of influence on the organs of the chest, neck and head.
  2. Projection of the bottom diaphragm It falls on the area of ​​the ray-tank joint. On it we find the abdominal organs.

As for the symmetry line, it passes in the center of the rear and front parts of the body. At the same time, the hand corresponds to the Yang system, while the feet is the yin system. Then, to detect the points of the chest organs, the thumb should be raised to the top. And wanting to find points affecting the abdominal cavity, all fingers or feet are lowered down.

Jan-surface body are outdoor, substituted sun. These include hands and legs outside, as well as buttocks, back area and headings. All these parts are located on the rear of the brushes and feet.

Perhaps it will not be quite clear to you why substituted the sun is considered to be a back with the rear surfaces of the brushes and feet, and not, for example, breasts and palms. Then imagine a person, but not one that stands vertically, and in the pose of an animal - on all fours. It is logical that in this case the back is on top and addressed to the sunlight.

The provision of impacts on the back side of the feet and brushes will help to get rid of the migraines, the pathologies of the spinal column, kidney colic and other ailments.

Now let's talk about the yin-surface of the body. It is the inside of the hands and legs, the chest with the belly and face. The projections of all listed parts we find on the palms and soles.

Brushes and feet will help to cure

How do medicinal points find?

The process of their identification occurs like this:
  • First of all, you need to choose a part of the hand of your hand or a foot, which corresponds to the affected part of the body.
  • At the same time, they look, whether this surface is yin or yang, you need to choose the right zones on the brushes or footsteps.
  • If the disease struck the body, not a hand or legs, then you need to install localization relative to the diaphragm, therefore it will be possible to projection pathology on the brush or a foot.
  • When localizing the illness on the upper either the lower limbs, it is determined by its location regarding the joints, and then projected it to the fingers.
  • At a point that corresponds to the disease, the color of the skin is changing, the skin acts or placing, with pressure, soreness is felt.

So that Su-Jok therapy is successful, it is necessary to properly detect the stimulation points and to have therapeutic effects on them.

Advantages of techniques

Su-Jock's healing adherents lead a lot of positive aspects of the system, namely:

  • No painful sensations - For therapy, needles are not used, which allows the patient to relax and feel comfortable. This also needs to be attributed to the security of Su-Jock, because here it is impossible to injure the brush or a foot to the wrong Introduction of the needle.
  • Technique is available to independent use. . Everyone wishing to heal and restore the impaired harmony in the body can resort to this system.
  • Good and fast result . The first signs of healing, the decrease in pathological symptoms is observed after all the few minutes of therapy.
  • Universality . The presence of the projections on the brushes and the feet of the projections of all body organs allows to treat the entire body as a whole, and not separate parts of it.
  • Ambulance - Since Su-Jock, with proper exposure, it acts instantly, it can be applied in cases where a person cannot get qualified medical care.

If you are seriously interested in this technique and wish to master it in practice, I advise you to find a qualified specialist in her city. Fortunately, now Su-Jock courses are available almost everywhere.

In conclusion

Let's summarize:

  • Su-Jock is an unconventional therapeutic technique based on the ratio of biologically active points on the feet and brushes with patients with parts of the body. Affecting the dots you heal yourself.
  • The impact is carried out by seeds, cigars, special magnets and other.
  • The method shows high efficiency and popular worldwide.

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