1997 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar


Why are some people have a boiler energy, and other sluggish and misinterpretative? This can be explained by the properties of temperament, but one is not enough. If you carefully examine the eastern calendar of animals, you can surprise the detailed similarity between the description and a certain person. This description helps to establish relationships with the right people, achieve mutual understanding and friendly location.

Consider 1997: what kind of animal does it represent? This is the year of the fire of red bull, a very troubled and wayward person. My friend's son-in-law was born this year, and she was able to achieve non-conflict relationship with him only thanks to the eastern calendar. Now the family reigns in the family and peace, mutual understanding and harmony.

1997 what kind of animal

Red fiery bull

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Perseverance with which the bulls achieve their goals cannot not admire. However, these people seek to control everything and everything that the other signs of the zodiac are in many ways. A marriage life with a red bull can be a real test for strength, as they do not differ in peace and fasciance . Holders of tremendous will of the will and powerful spirit, they are not considered any opinion and try to suppress everything in their path, to dive with the situation.

Note! The red fiery bull does not recognize any prestige, except its own.

The red fiery bull considers his own opinion the only true and categorically does not tolerate any objections. However, the bull will never use dirty methods in the struggle for leadership, so enjoying respect and authority among people. But there are few friends from bulls, among them there may be only trusted personal personalities.

In marriage, the bulls appreciate constancy, so they do not betray and do not change the partner. Bulls are divorced very rarely and only by the most significant reason when a joint accommodation with his spouse becomes impossible.

Positive traits:

  • reliability;
  • thoroughness;
  • constancy;
  • hardworking;
  • attentiveness;
  • Care.

Negative character traits:

  • complacency;
  • stubbornness;
  • conformism;
  • bias;
  • intolerance;
  • incontinence;
  • conservatism.

Communication with a bull completely frees from the illusions and tight puts on his feet. To turn in the clouds with him is unlikely to succeed.


This is a very emotionally movable person who do not tolerate critics and comments to their address. It is impossible to give bulls even tips, as they consider their own opinion to priority and the only true. Therefore, only the bull itself can adopt the only correct decision, to do in one situation or another. If a bull female is held, the military discipline also reigns in the workplace.

It may sometimes seem that a female bull is too prejudice, but this is an incorrect impression. Just at the bulls, a acute sense of justice, they will not tolerate extinguishes. Site and demanding - here are the distinctive quality of bulls. They themselves also demonstrate the extension, conscientiousness, responsibility and hard work.

On a note! Despite the harsh appearance, the female bull is very raw in the soul and is hard to overwhelm.

A bull female and in relationships with their loved ones shows hardness, as it is used to dictate its conditions and does not tolerate objections. They rarely ask for help, as they fear themselves to hear the refusal. It is very wounded by the bull, so he prefers to count only on his own strength. However, in his beloved bull appreciates and care for himself, although it is able to cope with everything and without his help.

Note! The best compatibility of a woman's bull with roots, pigs and snake signs.

High moral qualities of the bull do not allow to put up with bad habits and laziness, so a woman under the patronage of this sign is very stronger and demanding on the chosen one's heart and does not allow him to relax. Most of these women are attracted to men who have already consisted, capable of providing comfortable existence and secured life.



This person calls for him sincere admiration and respect, as it demonstrates incredible strength and power. If the bull was configured to win, then nothing can hurt him or knock off the way. Often, on the way to the goal of the bull, everything sweeps on its way, little paying attention to the dissatisfaction of others. Honesty and sincerity of the bull cannot not attract attention, it never chooses dirty methods of fighting.

On a note! The bull is not distinguished by diplomatic and loyalty in communicating with people, always tells the truth in the forehead. Has a tyran's reputation.

In professional activities, bulls achieve high results. The work is chosen by the one that can bring big income. That is, the bull can agree to the unloved work for the sake of high income.

With homemade bull communicates not so categorically as with colleagues at work, but does not give the descent too. This is a strict parent and demanding spouse. In love, bull also demonstrates its basic qualities - pressure and determination. It helps him to seek the location of any woman who has attracted. Failing a bull does not tolerate, and few people decide to refuse him.

On a note! Bull men well will fit women under the auspices of the sign of rat, monkeys, roosters, rabbit and pigs.

Since the bull generously spends any money on its chief, few women are able to resist such a man. He can fulfill any whim, fill up a favorite expensive gifts - but at the same time will control every step of its chosen and will not allow flirting on the side. Bull is very jealous and in anger is terrible . Also, the bull will never allow its second half to be independent and make decisions - this is its prerogative, and objections are useless. Moreover, Bull sets its leadership role in the first meeting, cutting off all possible misunderstandings.


Career in bulls is not always successful, since the bosses are more inclined to encourage talkative and more compliant staff. However, this does not always frustrate the bull, unless the question relates to a large fee. Also, the bosses may notice a conscientious employee working at the enterprise for many years, and increase.

What professions are suitable for bulls? Those who are not related to big mobility and business trips. Among them are excellent lawyers, cooks, bankers and teachers. Also, bulls are suitable for professions associated with intuition. Noisy, fussy and crowded bull sites are trying to bypass. He loves silence, stability and predictability of the result.

Love and family

Bull gives the impression of a mysterious and mysterious personality because of a silent nature. However, this silence is not nice at all, since the bulls cannot endure artificiality in relations and the public game. If bull loved, then this is a real feeling . These people rarely remain lonely, as they have good compatibility with many horoscope signs. The devotion and purposefulness of a powerful will cannot be noticed, and it attracts partners as a magnet.

The disadvantage of the will is its property to complicate. If the partner succeeds in releasing the bull, the limit to the admiration of the qualities of this mighty sign will not be. Bull has a very rich and versatile nature, to manifest itself that the unsuccessful manner is prevented to complicate everything.



Rat . Very good union. Bull admire the skill of the rat to adapt to new circumstances, to be a blank and mobile. Rat likes the responsibility and reliability of the will, on which in everything you can rely. Partners have every chance to be happy and build a durable family union. Idyllo overshadows the bull-free jealousy, which displays the rat of himself. Quarrels and conflicts on an empty place can remove partners from each other, but they are unlikely to be solved on the final break. Save the Union General Aspiration to Stability, even without mental relationship.

Bull . With his sign, the relationship is not quite successful. At first he sees in a partner what is missing in other people - stability, reliability, sincerity. But in relation to romance here, everything is tight: the bull does not know how to attract, but a fall on various temptations. Over time, they will just become boring with each other. In addition, the passion of the bull to gain leadership in a pair can play a cruel joke with this pair union. However, the situation saves the difference in age, if it is available: the eldest gets the palm of the championship. But in marriage with the same opportunities, such an opportunity is not expected, if only partners do not count seniority for months.

Tiger . Very unsuccessful tandem, the pair does not have a joint future. Even if these two enter into a marriage union, the family will have permanent quarrels and a rapid clarification of relations. Not excluded and assignment. These are two strangers for each other person living under one roof. If the pair breaks down, then the divorce is always a tiger. After separation, both partners experience a huge relief: the tiger is no longer afraid of the scandals of the bull, and the bull no longer needs to be controlled by an unreliable and trying tiger.

Rabbit (Cat, hare). This is a rather successful union, partners are good and calm together. Both love stability, comfort, peace and security. The cat is not a lover to seek adventures, so in the face of the bull acquires the best partner, which you can dream of. Both houses, both love to conduct a dimension lifestyle. Astrologers consider the perfect pair in which the bull is a man. This is an exemplary maritime union, because the bull is no reason to jealous a rabbit house.

The Dragon . Unlikely Union, since the Dragon Bull categorically does not attract. He does not like silent and balanced people: Dragon like a bright and charismatic personality. The stability that the ox can offer, the dragon is absolutely not needed. The will of the Dragon is unpleasant, since he is annoyed by the playing personality. The entire external gloss and tinsel of the dragon cause the bull indignation. He believes that the dragon is simply not created for marital relations. And for friendship, these signs are not suitable due to the lack of confidence in each other.

Snake . This tandem is ambiguous, but sometimes such a combination is found. Partners have a completely different worldview and vital priorities. The will strain the free relationship of the snake with many people, it enters it into a stupor and awakens thoughts about jealousy. The snake can easily adapt to new circumstances, which will hardly succeed in the will. Even with the real love of both partners, mutual understanding is excluded.

Horse . Incompatible steam. The horse exhibits a wretched temper, which is strongly annoying the ox. Ox is used to be the owner, and the horse attracts freedom. In a pair there will be permanent scandals about the jealousy of the ox. Despite all the scandals and requests to conduct a more measured lifestyle, this information does not reach the horse. This union is doomed to the gap, the initiator of which is always a horse.

Goat . The pair is unlikely to be a joint future, since both are not accustomed to managing the initiative. Bull likes the traditional way, the goat is used to sailing downstream - where it will take out. In addition, the pair is expected by cash scandals because of the exorbitant goats spending. The hell is used to hardly earn money, and the goat knows how to get everything into the wind. Ox, despite its diligence in labor, has no goal to become rich and satisfied with small. It annoys the goat, which must be poured and acquired a bunch of meaningless things. Why don't go go to work? Because she does not like to work most in the world, but he likes to spend money. Will will try to re-educate the goat, to which she will not react.

A monkey . The union can be very successful if the partners learn to put up with some of each other's habits. Bull and monkey perfectly complement each other, although at first glance it seems completely different and incomprehensible. The restless monkey appreciates the consistency in the bull, which is hard to achieve it. In turn, the monkey will help the will to achieve unprecedented heights in his career, because he knows how to negotiate with people and find a way out of any dead end. Monkey tips will be for oxen by travel thread. Partners will live a long and happy collaborative life, and their union will become stronger over the years.

Rooster . If the rooster agrees to recognize the leadership of the will in a pair, the Union may be quite successful. The ability of the rooster to provoke the ox on aggression greatly harms the Union. And the bull, in turn, should not exhibit a stick and too oppressing the shackled rooster. The reason for jealousy in the bull will not be, as the rooster is quite satisfied with his partner. By bull will impress the bright appearance of the rooster, which belongs only to him alone. The rooster is inclined to rapid actions, and in the face of ox, he will find a reliable defender and durable rear. This tandem becomes stronger over the years, partners can appreciate each other.

Dog . Unsuccessful tandem. The confidence of the dog in the ability of people to change will stumble on the increhensible conservatism of the will. All efforts to re-education dogs will be vain. The bull of dog prolongation and its obsession will simply take out. In the eyes of the will, the dog is a revolutionary, ready to turn everything from his head. Dog's tendency to constantly show discontent, attempts to dive to themselves a partner and find justice - all this bull perceives as a threat to his well-being. The couple decays on the initiative of the bull, which is bored with endless adventures.

Pig . A promising and successful union based on mutual feelings. The couple has the same view of the world, common spiritual values ​​and priorities. They with a gambling create a joint future, full of rainbow hopes. The inclination of the pig to make rapid acts often leads her to trouble, in the face of the bull she gets a reliable defender and strong support. Gradually, the bull teaches a pig to be more prudent, do not trust everything in a row and make only the deliberate acts.

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