1974 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article on people born in 1974 to find out, the year of which animal it corresponds to them. We will understand in temperaments, characters and behavior so that you can understand them better.

general characteristics

1974 on the Eastern Horoscope corresponds to a tiger sign, and the element - a tree, which is a rather unusual combination. Because the fiery "tigrin" temperament in combination with the purposefulness and love for a beautiful life from "wooden" creates a rattling mixture.

1974 Any animal on the horoscope

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These people are desperate balalauras, humorists and merry. The surrounding it seems that they, as if "rolling-field", are non-permanent, frivolous, superficial and irresponsible, although very attractive and pleasant in communication.

But such an impression is deceptive. These people actually know what they want, they know how to set goals and go to them. Just the execution of your desires is granted to them much easier and faster than everyone else.

They stretch to them, because they radiate incredible cheerfulness, they know how to see good qualities in every person and praise their sincere. Near them is nice to be.

Man - Wooden Tiger

Very attractive and charming, he conquers the location of any person with almost the first minutes of communication. He knows how to like, cause sympathy, it is especially possible to him with women. Incorrigible heartband.

1974 what animal

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He is for peace all over the world and not a supporter of conflicts. In any quarrel, it takes the position of the peacemaker, never to inflate the scandal and provoke an opponent for negative emotions. Rather, it will try to calm down and understand its point of view.
  2. At the same time, he is very courageous and strong, no one will allow you to violate your borders and "ride" on yourself. When you need, your own interests will defend the way. But it will make it so good-natured that no one will remain completely.
  3. It is always discovered to communicate, friendly with most people, aggressive and evil to see it almost impossible. It comes to contact and compromise, you can always agree with him if your interests are diverted.
  4. It happens impulsive when it falls for a long time to deal with the same tedious matter. At such moments, it loses the ability to focus and starts spraying on everything in a row, losing precious time.
  5. Easy character, excellent sense of humor and courtege attract women as if magnet. The girls clearly allocate him among other men, he becomes the star and the center of any company in which it turns out.
  6. If he himself falls in love, he will come up with a thousand ways to win the chosen. Even if she does not answer with reciprocity immediately, he will do everything possible to arrange it to himself and make agreement.
  7. It seems good-natured, in relationship it can be quite tough. He wants to be a leader and make decisions himself, not very listening to the opinion of the woman. But at the same time he loves his wife with all his heart, and children will do everything possible for their well-being and happiness.

Woman - Wooden Tiger

Very sociable and attractive, it is popular with men. They stretch to her and strive at least make friends if they can't build relationships. She knows about its advantages and willingly use it when he wants to get something.


What is still characteristic of her:

  1. She adores travel, get acquainted with new people, experience new emotions. All her life is an infinite search for bright impressions. Easy and joyfully flies through life, like a beautiful butterfly.
  2. Fully devoid of anger and aggression, on the contrary, it is very friendly and opened with a heart to people. Merry, careless, can even rejoice even to small things, and in unpleasant events to see something useful.
  3. At the same time, it is absolutely not frivolous and is not a cheerful pacifier, which may seem at first glance. If someone tries to deceive her, at the moment it will become very tough and demanding.
  4. Smart, flexible in dealing with people, responsible, it easily finds the solution of any of its problems and quickly comes out of a variety of difficult situations. If she manages to find his destination, then it is successfully implemented in his favorite business, responsibly refers to work and becomes a real professional of his case.
  5. He loves entertainment and does not represent his life without them. Preferably a party in a noisy company, rather than choose a romantic date or a quiet evening at home alone with me.
  6. Equally friendly and even with all his friends and friends, usually does not allocate anyone and does not translate into the category of "best girlfriends". Sometimes it is hot-tempered and sharp, but to quarrel with her, it will be pretty bored.
  7. Loneliness can not tolerate and does not take it, able to show the initiative and get acquainted with the first with a man. Does not see anything wrong and reprehensible in it.
  8. In relationships easily forgives resentment and tries to always find a compromise in a quarrel. The moment of parting will pull up to the last, will try to make every effort to save the relationship.
  9. She is usually a lot of fans, so there is no problem with a choice of a decent husband. In marriage becomes an excellent wife, but the classic housewife will never turn. Most of her life will continue to occupy friends and entertainment, although for the family she finds time.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Wooden tigers are true peacekeepers that seek to settle conflicts in the most calm way. It is rarely quarreling with people and other disputes help to find compromises in quarrels.
  • Very calmly and careless about life, because of which they may seem somewhat frivolous. But this is a deceptive impression, in fact they are sufficiently responsible and rational.
  • People for them are of great value. They also seek to work in a large team, and rest in noisy friendly companies, and relationships try to create quickly in order not to be alone.

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