1973 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article about people born in 1973 to find out what animal sign and what element influenced their character. I will tell about their personal life and career, I will consider the peculiarities of the behavior of men and women so that you can figure it out in them too.

general characteristics

1973 corresponds to the sign of the water bull, which imposes an imprint on the nature and behavior of people born during this period.

1973 Any animal on the horoscope

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They are very secretive nature, "ourselves on the mind", it is difficult to determine what they want and what are thinking about. They don't like to chat, with their plans and desires, they can only share with the most close people.

They have a well developed intuition, but this is not a gift, but developed in the process of life skill. They always calculate the outcome of the case a few steps forward and plan their actions in accordance with this. Unforeseen situations in their lives rarely happen due to the particular quality.

Realists, we are not used to turning in the clouds and dream, firmly stand on your feet. They put clear goals, and then - step-by-step and the most detailed plan for their achievement. Thanks to this, they achieve almost everything about what only dreams.

Love order in everything and very fair. Chaos makes them worry and worry, so they love the same ordered and clear people in their actions as they themselves.

Most of all their own security and the impression they produce on others.

Woman - Water Bull

From the first minutes of communication, it gives the impression of a very soft, feminine person, which is completely immersed in the affairs of his family. But it is deceptive, because in fact inside it there is a steel rod, a bunch of ambitions and an incredible force that can only dream of many men.

1973 what animal

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She wants to feel that it is important and meaningful - for friends, his man and society. She strives for recognition, wants to hold leadership posts. It tries to respond to fulfill their duties and is perfectly coping with them.
  2. Ready to work very selflessly to get the best result from all possible. Small, responsive and insightful - thanks to these qualities, finds a response in the hearts of people, conquers their location and appreciation.
  3. Does not see unresolved problems and impracticable tasks. It is hard and diligently working on each of them, therefore it is constantly growing both as a professional, and as a person.
  4. When it comes into relations with a man, until the last breath will remain true. Do not even make thoughts about treason. Family for her - the main value. When alone, most dreamed of reliable and strong shoulder.
  5. She is confident in herself, independent, is able to cope herself with everything that happens in her life. But at the same time adheres to traditional views on the family: wants to be a weak woman next to a strong man.
  6. For the sake of marriage is ready to sacrifice the career, it does not care about the achievements, if they become a harmonious, healthy and happy relationship with loved ones.
  7. Children love very much, which is fraught with its transformation into a hyper mammy, which literally stifles the child with their control and attention. Often sacrifices for their interests, from which it burns.
  8. It takes care of her husband and loves him, cares for the house, watches that there is always fresh food on the table and there was order. Supports and shares any views and hobbies of the spouse, ready to help him in any endeavors.

Man - Water Bull

He knows how to calculate the consequences of his actions a few steps forward. Very far-sighted person, which helps him almost always take faithful and correct decisions.


What is still characteristic of him:

  1. You can't stand quarrels, any conflicts diligently avoid. It will not be arranged for the analysis of flights and find out the relationship in an even place. Does not like people who are sharply expressed and hasty in their judgments.
  2. A good friend, keeps with everyone who communicates, good and politely.
  3. Its thoughts, views and beliefs most often holds with you, preferring not to share them with anyone. An exception can only be done for the most close people to him, whom he can trust one hundred percent.
  4. He is very loved by colleagues, because it is famous for rarely pleasant and light character. He is valid, knows how to work in a team and very kind. If it becomes the leader, then the subordinates are ready to wear it in their arms.
  5. Always come to the rescue to a person who was in a difficult situation. Comforting, subjected, will give a valuable advice and will help not only in a word, but also.
  6. Externally, it seems very calm and imperturbable, regardless of external circumstances. But in fact, in the depths of his soul, the bright fire of ambitious flames. His ambitions can be enough for a dozen man, but he rarely shows it.
  7. Next to him wants to see a spectacular, beautiful, intelligent and well-groomed woman, whom he can be proud of the same way as she. But tolerate the capricious character and the claims of the second half will not be exactly, and no beauty will save it.
  8. The family will create with an exceptionally intelligent woman who takes him seriously to him in general. Males at the sight of cute, feminine and charming girls.
  9. It becomes a wonderful husband and father, he is completely nothing to reproach, because he will make every effort so that his wife and children are happy. His house is always a complete bowl.
  10. He likes to take care of loved ones, does it with pleasure and is ready to sacrifice many for them.

Check the video on the topic:


  • It is very insightful, smart and thinly feeling, the main goal of which is to move only forward, without worrying about the past. Making a mistake, draw conclusions and go on.
  • Full ambitions and very ambitious. They want to achieve more than all other people from their surroundings.
  • Able to find a common language with people, to convince, get their benefit from communication. Fasting useful ties and find influential patrons.

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