1976 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article about people born in 1976 to find out, the year of which animal on the eastern horoscope influenced their character. I disassembled behavioral features, personal life and friendship both men and women.

general characteristics

People born in 1976 patronize the element of fire and the year of the dragon on the eastern calendar. Undoubtedly, this fact was reflected in their character and behavior.

1976 what animal on the horoscope

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These are inborn leaders who are accustomed to expect and hope only. Delegate duties without tight control, it is incredibly difficult. They will not check everything without end, try to take into account all the details, evaluate and adjust.

Often impose their position to the surrounding people just because of this desire to control everything. It is trying to help endlessly, instruct, give advice, which is not like everyone.

Male - Fire Dragon

He is very active and ambitious, puts in front of him an incredibly bold goal, because of which it may seem to look around, but it is not. Just this man is purposeful, who clearly knows what he wants from life, and puts a higher bar than any other people.

1976 what animal

What is characteristic of him:

  1. He has a huge energy potential from birth, and this can only be envied. Inside it, as if there is some eternal engine that helps him constantly develop, move forward and implement his most bold dreams.
  2. He is quite calm and non-conflict, prefer to find a compromise, and not argue. But at the same time, it clearly knows his borders, does not allow anyone to violate them and ride it, to use for personal gain.
  3. He has a colossal power of will, thanks to which there are no unsolvable problems and impossible tasks. It is able to be clearly and argued to convey its point of view to the interlocutor so that he will agree.
  4. At work is considered an excellent specialist, a true professional. Reaches high position due to persistence and hard work. Work and career devotes most of their time, it becomes the main, key viability for him.
  5. In anger, he is terrible - it is only worth angry it, as you will not begone. Especially flashing flashes are afraid of his subordinates, because at such moments it can become extremely tough.
  6. Enjoying great popularity in women due to their attractiveness and fiery, passionate temperament. Able to produce a good impression on representatives of a beautiful floor when it is necessary - polite and warned, when it is necessary - manifests hardness.
  7. It's never boring with him. It is famous for the wonderful sense of humor, as well as a wide range, so can support the conversation on any topic. I will not regret money to fulfill the desires and whims of your chosen.
  8. By nature, he is an extremely responsible personality, and when it creates a family, this responsibility increases several times. He will not constantly sit at home "with his wife," but also to participate in noisy thugs with friends will not be too.
  9. Having created a family, learns to find time in order to devote to his close people, and not just work. Provide wife and children to all that they need them for a comfortable and happy existence.

Woman - Fire Dragon

She is attractive, smart and interesting, knows about it and enjoys. And her confidence is impossible to shake her. He knows the price and requires a valid attitude towards him from others. Woman fighter, she is always ready to defend their own interests, using any ways to do this.


What is still characteristic of her:

  1. I know how to keep yourself in my hands and do not give in to emotions, will give free to the feelings only when it turns out to be alone.
  2. Most often holds leadership posts, becomes a very strict and demanding boss, which does not give anyone to a descent. It is impossible to delete and persuade to give an overlook, if she doesn't want it herself.
  3. Active, charged for success and seeks not to just achieve the result of it, but to achieve an ideal in everything. Puts a high bar and yourself, and people who are in her submission.
  4. Friendly and sufficiently sociable, but prefers to get acquainted only with the useful people who can benefit her in the future, to provide their patronage. It does not encourage and does not adjust even before very influential people. It always says only what he thinks, but in such a tactful and ingenious form, which is impossible to offend on it.
  5. Very self-sufficient, from the presence or absence of a man its life does not depend. To humiliate and run for the cavalier liked, it will never become. It believes that she herself is a valuable prize and a true gift that still needs to try to conquer.
  6. Therefore, it is waiting from their fans not banal walks in the park, but beautiful courtesies, actions and gifts. Few people can withstand her high demands and interest it.
  7. She wants her husband to be smart, attentive, purposeful, caring and certainly generous. The bore and the Zhadin can not tolerate, they have no chance.
  8. At the same time, the family does not become a waste mistress. It knows how to unemplate rationally, plan expenses and lead the family budget. Therefore, it is not necessary to control her spending to her husband.
  9. Very emotional and honest in the manifestation of their feelings, will never hide their offensive, complaints and desires from the man. He says everything immediately, without postponing in a long box.
  10. It becomes an excellent hostess, loves to cook, restore home comfort and order. In parallel, time to build a career and raise children.

Check the video on the topic:


  • 1976 was dominated by the sign of the Fiery Dragon.
  • People born during this period are characterized by purposefulness, activity and incredible vigorous.
  • They are straightforward and always tell a person what they think about him, looking into the eyes. But tactfully and with humor, so no one, as a rule, is not offended.
  • They want to achieve more than other people, because of which they sometimes seem like fantasies and jacks. But do not pay attention to someone else's opinion, but simply act, sooner or later achieving your own.

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