What itchies the right foot in men and women


In the old days there was a belief that the path should be started with the right leg to be prosperous and successful. Also, people believed that the unfortunate itching of the right foot foreshadows an ambulance or cardinal changes in life.

Even before, this folk sign was known to me, I noticed that after a sudden scabies of the foot, significant events occur in my life. In this article, I will try to tell in detail about what the right leg is drawn, and that it may mean for men and for women.

What itchies the right stop

General interpretation

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According to popular beliefs, everything connected with the right foot is positive. Consequently, itching stops also foreshadows something good. In addition, events that will soon occur will have a positive impact on the next few years. For example, if the sign is promoting a distant trip, then a person may change the place of residence or will meet a person there, who will be in his life for a long time.

Quite often, the feet begins to hide in front of money profit or receiving a material gift. But also a sign may foresee a good news or the arrival of long-awaited guests. For a more accurate interpretation, it is important to consider in which area it is felt:

  • The right side of the foot - the most favorable time has come for long-standing plans.
  • The left part of the foot - it will have to work pretty to fulfill to perform the intended affairs, but the outcome in any case will be positive.
  • Area near the fingers - to good news or guests that you have not seen for a long time.
  • Fingers were born - to a fun holiday with incendiary dancing.

Sleeping about the scratched stop also should not be ignored. He points out that in real life, a person awaits a happy event or the fulfillment of cherished desire. But if the dreams after awakening feels anxiety or sadness, then the event will rather be negative, or after him there will be an unpleasant impression.

Stop itching

Meaning Signs depending on the floor

To accurately interpretify "what the right foot is cleared," you need to consider half a person and his life circumstances.
  • A young, free girl itching stops is promoting a fateful acquaintance with an interesting guy, which, most likely, will happen on the road.
  • If the girl is in a relationship, then the sign foreshadows her attendance of the fun event, and it is not excluded that it can be her wedding.
  • Married lady scabies feet predicts a journey with a beloved or a pleasant surprise.
  • A free woman of middle-aged sign promises important acquaintances that may be related to both personal life and a professional sphere.
  • For a young guy, consisting of relationships, a sign may mean that he is time for him to think about creating a family.
  • If the guy has no second half, then it will soon meet the girl of his dreams.
  • An adult man's thoroughly held a man is promoting successes in work and personal affairs. Due to the successful coincidence, he can easily fulfill a number of important cases.
  • A family man's sign usually foreshadows the solution of household problems or improving the relationship with his wife.

Value Signs of time

For a more accurate interpretation, the signs "itching the right foot", it is important to take into account, at what time of day it happened.

  • Morning scabies warns that the day will be fussy. There will be no time to even sit or calmly dine, but thanks to this tempo, it will be possible to do a large amount of work and successfully complete the old projects.
  • If the stop was combed during the day, you need to think if you did not forget about something important. Perhaps you gave someone promise or appointed an important meeting, but formed about it.
  • Evening itch is a harbinger of long road. Even if you did not plan a trip, it will take place and will be very successful.
  • If the right foot began to hide at night, then in the coming days it will be possible to exercise a long-time dream. Also, the sign may indicate that it is time to implement long-standing plans.

what itchies the right stop by day


To understand what the right foot is drawn to, and get a good advice, you can turn to the interpreter on the days of the week.

  • Monday. Get ready for a negative event. It may be an unpleasant conversation, meeting with a poor man or conflict with someone from loved ones. Avoiding negative consequences will be able to only those who show restraint and comprisibility.
  • Tuesday. A good friend or relative will inform the pleasant news. The heard news will not only delight, but will push to new achievements.
  • Wednesday. The day will be extremely favorable. Positive incidents will be alternate one by one. There will be a chance to solve long-standing questions. Girls itching the right foot promises a pleasant meeting.
  • Thursday. Do not worry - all important things are crowned with success. It will be possible to complete the long-standing projects and solve a number of old problems that have no rest for a long time.
  • Friday. The nervous system will be at the limit, therefore, so as not to break into someone, you should control your emotions and avoid disputes. Otherwise, you can be the culprit of most conflict situations.
  • Saturday. Very productive and successful day awaits those who can overcome their laziness. It is today that you need to "tighten" old things, because In the coming days there will be no time for this.
  • Sunday. The upcoming week promises to be difficult. Conflicts are possible at work and in personal relationships. To avoid trouble, in the coming days you should try to keep calm and do not take criticism close to your heart.

why stop the foot

How to neutralize the negative?

Species about the scabies of the right foot predominantly interpreted from the positive side. In addition, its importance does not affect vital issues, such as health. For the most purpose, it warns that this is about to happen a significant incident and what needs to be prepared for it. For example, if interpretation points to the road, you need to prepare suitcases in advance and settle things at work or at home.

When the itchie stops is associated with negative events, everything should be done to prevent it from or smoothed bad effects. For example, if a long trip is to be needed or you need to start fulfilling a responsible case, and the sign indicates the upcoming difficulties, you need to make more efforts to solve emerging problems and approach work with maximum responsibility.

Quite often, the stop of the right leg is symbol on the eve of the distance trip, which was not at all in your plans. To avoid it, you need to approach the entrance door and scratch the foot about the threshold with the words: "Itching the quitching, and in the path do not call. At home I will, about itching for a job. "


  • Itching right legs is often associated with the road.
  • Preferably, the sign has a positive interpretation.
  • To clarify the importance of superstition, you need to take into account half of the person and the day of the week.

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