Stribogov: his role in the Slavic religion to whom helps


Striboga (also called a windbreaker, windy, streaming) is the pagan deity of air and wind, which is coming by the Father to all winds. Incredible fast stribog first recognizes all the news, sleeps everywhere and assists other inhabitants of the Divine World (Rules). Striboga is a spontaneous God, to him often appealed in statements and rituals. More details about the lord of the air will tell my next article.

Striboga God Slavs

Strebogue - God of Slavs, his description

Our ancestors of Slavs read the striboga not just like a wind god, but also everything related to airspace. Prince Vladimir established at the main Kiev Koymir Kumir Striboga, praying to him as the main god in paganism.

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This deity disposes of all air: wind, birds, air spirits, even onions and arrows. He also affects the weather much more than God Perun.

It is not surprising that the streakoga was especially loved and read the categories of the population whose activities were greatly dependent on weather conditions. The very first are landpashers, annually expected saving rain, which would provide a high harvest.

He also prayed for navigators, because the wind was needed for their prosperous swimming. With his absence, an irreparable trouble could happen. Stry was honored and merchants whose vessels moved through the sea too by the will of the wind. Therefore, at the shores of large rivers and seas were installed idols of windy God. Its assigned, wanting to achieve Divine location.

Stroboga appearance

Winds are depicted as a grandfather with a long beard. Absolutely all of his faces are drawn as an elderly, but not stray or helpless. As a rule, the stribog on its images is holding a golden bow, and it is robbed into the apparel of the azure color.

The physical embodiment of the Divine is considered a stress-bird, although on some sources it is associated with Velez.

The origin of God, mythology

There are two legends regarding the origin of Streboy:
  1. The first one states that it is created from the sparks that god the weld with his anvil.
  2. The second argues that God is created from the breath of God's god.

Whatever it was, the stribog has two native brothers - Dazhbog and Semarlagra, which in the Slavic Pantheon are honored at no less than himself.

By nature, it is quite a fairly militant deity. He, who had a widespread support of semarlang and Svarog, managed to cope with the blackbody. And with Perun, he fought with a skipper. Horsa helped defeat the month.

In principle, the stribog participated in almost all divine battles. It was not distinguished by special communicability: to join the contacts with other deities to be strictly preferred solely at a special need. The rapids believed that the nature of the deity is quite steep and unbridled. Striboga has an air arger that helps him in battles.

The wind is equally needed as before and now. But the Slavs were also known about one negative aspect of the Divine - it was believed that he was able to dispel wealth. Allegedly, if the stribog gives an order, then the money is dispelled in the wind, and the person will remain naked and bare.

Similar to most of the deities, Stry could send such a punishment with wicked personalities that violates the commandments of God.

Attributes of the Divine

  • Sacral animals are all birds.
  • Heraldry, Item - Bird Feather.
  • Offering (Treka), which was underwent a deity - flour with grain, ribbons and bread.


The god of the wind in Slavs has his own personal symbol, known as Stribozhich or the vortex. In appearance, it is very similar to a windmill or twisting swirl.

Photo Talisman Strebozhich

This symbol dwells in constant movement in the same way as the alike itself. Its images can be met on jewelry, embroidery, as well as in the house thread near the Northern Slavs.

Why do this sacral sign use? It has the following valuable properties:

  • Savings man from bad weather;
  • protects against accident, troubles;
  • helps to experience the taste of life;
  • Help in the career of those people who dream of glory, universal recognition.

Stribogu attributes another symbol - a bird charm. He is observed on the Slavic cuts of the genus.

Who patronizes the deity?

Straight has always been characterized as a god of reasonable, but having bad manners. Those exactly the same qualities are distinguished by the people with whom he favors.

These individuals are characterized by a flexible intelligence, developed intuition, as well as extraordinarily high intelligence. In addition, they are inherent religiosity, the mystical focus of thinking, an irresistible desire to study the ancient mysterious teachings.

Speaking about negative personality features, it is impossible not to mention the too single-sided perception of life, egoism, hotmeastness and places bordering with rudeness. They also experience difficulties with the proper wording of their thoughts and emotions.

What does such behavior lead to? The described personalities quickly do the enemies and ill-wishers, even if they did not want this at all. Installing normal human relations for them is a very difficult task. Therefore, as a rule, they are known as loners.

But with everything, the "wards" are very smart, educated. They adequately come out of any life situations, cope with the tests sent to them over. And in their heads are infinitely arising more and more new ideas of noble intentions. Most of them are implemented in life.

In family relations, representatives and male and female are sensitive spouses. They are also faithful and devoted friends and responsible workers. You can safely turn your back with your back, knowing that they will not hit the back. They carefully take care of their family, trying to provide close to everyone necessary so that they do not have any needs.


The year there is not one and not even a couple, but the whole four holidays dedicated to the god of the wind! Consider them in morelined:

  1. The first is called winter stribling and falls on February 21, when the first warm winds coming to replace the cold winter.
  2. The second is known as overfast, or spring, stribing, it falls on April 5th. Then the grandchildren of the Divine bring with him almost summer, a warm breeze.
  3. The summer holiday of the Striboga is considered the day on July 14, although in reality our ancestors celebrated him in the first half of August. If we consider the modern calendar of a new style, then the celebration of the mount falls on August 8. Then hesitates the first autumn wind.
  4. And finally, the fourth holiday is autumn stribling, the coming September 20, when the first autumn cold come to the ground. Then the wind with a warm replaced on the cold, which testifies to the ambulance.

Some weather signs have come to us, for which the specified hasty holidays are confirmed once again. All of them concern winds. For example, if on August 8, there was a drill, prepared for the cool September. And in the direction of the wind, the weather was determined in autumn, which will be autumn and winter.

What was laid on holidays? Since ancient times, people who have a deity went out in the field. If the wind began, it was just perfect. They prayed with strying so that he would send the winds, providing a high harvest.

Then the victim of the Deity was launched in the wind. As demands used grain, colored ribbons or flour - all that the wind could carry. In some cases, Treka consisted of cereal or pieces of bread scattered over the field.

God of wind in Slavs

Sweatstroke Stroboga - Slavic Exercises

Sweatstorm of the striboga - is part of a large complex of Slavic exercises. This is not at all the same as the ancient Slavic practices, "there is almost nothing known today today. But the consumption of reference is based on Slavic practices. The system was developed by the authors V. Meshalkin and E. Barantsevich.

This complex consists of special gymnastic exercises, very reminding Yogan Asana. According to the creators of the system, the exercises contribute to increasing the energy industry, give the body vitality, plus protect against any negative energy due to the natural energy overag.

Different vaults are known, each of which is dedicated to a specific deity. Moreover, the most revered and popular gods are taken into account. Accordingly, the exercises of each of the dwells differ significantly.

For example, the goal of the Lada Code is to help a person achieve harmonious relationships with the Universe. Sassy streakoga are designed to train a person control over their body, contribute to the best mastering the surrounding space, its rational filling, lead to the full functioning of all systems and body bodies.

According to the authors of Slavic, who previously similar exercises used Magi and Mystics. Today they are available to everyone who is engaged in spiritual cultivation, but does not forget about the importance of concern about the body.

A family

We found out, Striboga - God of which, who helps, got acquainted with his holidays. Now let's talk about the family of Stray.

His wife is the goddess of Nemiz. She, like her spouse, heads all winds. Symbolizes the winter, being one of the IPosts of the Divine Mary. But in this face, Nemiz only controls the winter elements, but does not carry perfection.

Backway wind, rain, hail and storm - all this is called horses of striboga. And even the modern expression "Wind of Changes" also belong to it. The famous "Tale of Bygone Years" suggests that any wind and any bad weather - all these grandchildren of Strib. Our ancestors believed that any of the manifestations of the weather concerns if not the God himself, then his children or grandchildren.

To understand the pedigree of Slavic deities is quite difficult, as it reached our days there did not have a lot of information about their exact respect and origin. Therefore, it is impossible to talk with 100% confidence who are the patrons of the winds - children or grandchildren of the striboga. This question remains secret, to reveal which has not yet succeeded. We will call them grandchildren without claiming absolute accuracy, having familiarized themselves with their personalities:

  • Posters - is the lord of storms with winds. In his area of ​​responsibility - management of cold northern winds, storms.
  • Dogoda (either the weather) - promotes moderate, most comfortable weather for human conditions.
  • The gage is the third row of grandson, brings with him drought, controls hot winds.

You can sum up on this deity. Striboga controls everything that concerns winds, weather conditions and airspace. In the vintage times, the deity was one of the most important and revered, he prayed, asking for good weather, a crop.

For today, people forgot about the meaning of the Forces of Nature, so the cult of strying is almost forgotten. True, in recent years, Slavic knowledge is beginning to be understood: there are special communities in different cities where you can get information about Slavic knowledge. You can easily find them on the Internet.

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