Perun - God thunder, lightning and war in the culture of Slavs


Perun acts as a master of thunder and zipper, having a son of the Savoga. In the pagan pantheon of the deities of the second circle he got a dominant position. Later, he was considered a defender of the prince and his troops. In this material I want to tell you all the detailed information about this God.

Perun God Slavyan

History of origin

The first mentions about the Bar-Rubejnza in Slavs are found in the 6th century. They made a historian from Byzantia Caesarian proof. Perunus was asked, bringing him sacrificing bulls. According to this fact, it is associated with the prophet Ilya, who was given the functions of the Lint in Christian religion. In Ilyin, the day was organized by a soul feast, which also killed a bull.

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Other information about the Divine contains the "conversation of the three saint", which protrudes the monument of the writing of the ancient Rusch. It is written in the format question-answer, they are responsible for the Orthodox saints. And Perun in the "conversation" is called very loud - "Thunder Angel."

More detailed information about the warlike God offers the famous "Tale of Bygone Years". It tells about the oaths given by the Old Russian warriors who brought them in the name of Perun and Veles - another Slavic deity, protecting the animal world and the patronage of creativity.

The oath was carried out as follows: the warriors folded all their uniforms, swords, shields, another instrument and gold products on Earth, they were given a vow of fulfillment of certain conditions and agreements.

We meet the mention of Wooden idols established by the ruler of Ancient Russia Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Statues depicted the sisters of the gods and were located on the Kiev Hills. It is noteworthy that Perun got the first place in this list. Also were the idols of Dazhbog (the submitter of all sorts of goods), Horsa (Sunny Divine), Streboga (patron of wind and other phenomena of nature), Makoshi (Earth-Mother) and Semarlagra (Divine Men).

Of course, today it is impossible to say for sure exactly how Idol Perun looked. But according to written descriptions, his head was covered with silver, and the mustache was made gold-plated.

When Christianity was officially introduced in Russia, Prince Vladimir ordered that the idol of God was cut into pieces to pieces, wrapped on the rods on the ground and dropped into the river wolch. Then the texts of the ancient Russian scribes gradually changed the image of Perun from the Divine on a demonic essence. Allegedly his power stopped with the baptism of Russia.

What does the god of Perun look like, what is responsible for?

In appearance, Perun is depicted as a middle-aged man with a strong physique, with a gray head and dark gold mustache and beard. Dress up in golden armor, with you wears a terr with an ax.

External appearance Perun.

True, in the battles, the God of Perun did not engage in near battles, and shot enemies with his boom-lightning. Another image of the Divine - Perun sends on a fireball either rides in the chariot, which the fiery horses are carrying.

Perun was given a central role in the Slavic Pantheon. By the end of the pagan, he was one of the main gods. Born from the Union of Svaroga and Lada, when grumblers rushed in the sky, Perun personified appeal, courage, honor and power.

Relaxing God - meaning to entrust serious consequences, because his anger is terrible. And the vintage legends describe it as a very strong character. The princes of the princes of the voor who are guarding their lands fell into the sphere of the patronage of the throat.

Divine attribute

Each Slavic Divine has its personal attributes. The latter are designed to designate strength in the present world (PRES). Let's talk about the Perunovy characters, which were the following attributes:
  • His calling is to be God of Wars and Justice;
  • His name in translation means - the battle, separating;
  • The greatest patronage was obtained warriors and blacksmiths;
  • refers to the fiery element, which symbolized lightning with a thunderstorm;
  • The sacral animal is the Bogatyrian horse (on Him Perun traveled during battles), as well as the wolf (legends it says that the deity often appeared before people in the wolf image);
  • Sacred Bird - Eagle, personification;
  • Combat attributes - sequirs, ax, sword with a shield, sometimes - Bulava;
  • Sacred plant - Perunov Color (otherwise called Iris, Peruchnaya), symbolizes love;
  • Sacred tree - oak. It was in oak groves that it was customary to devote young guys in the warriors, carried out a ritual of consecration of the military guns or turned to the Council in difficult situations;
  • Victims - bread and salt, as well as live rooster or bull;
  • The sacral day of the week is Thursday. On Thursdays, they were sanctified their dwellings from the evil spell, expelled the lower entities (Navi world), cared for sick. If you want to do or buy Perun amulet, it is best to do it on the fourth day of the week;
  • Churov (Perunovy idols) put mainly on well-lit hills, as a rule, in Dubrava.

Mythology of the Slavic Divine

In the Arkhangelsk region there is one mysterious zone - Karasova Mountain with neighboring territories. Since the ancients, people are trying not to go to it, as they believe that this is a litble place. Of course, you will not find any scientific confirmations of such prohibitions, but they are offered by the mythology of our Gods of Slavs.

For example, according to the ancient legend, Mount Karasova is a burial ground Skipper, killed by Perun and buried there after the battle.

Mystical Power

What abilities are Perun - God of Slavs?
  • Perun is the god-storm, who is sitting on the ground the strongest thunderstorm with lightning.
  • It also has a huge physical power that highlights it against the background of other inhabitants of the Divine World.
  • Along with its brothers is a beautiful magician: changes his appearance as desired, flies, creates ghost entities disappearing after the end of the magic.

The motto of the deity is the following words: "Catch the moment! Do what in your power, and still postpone until the best time. " Perun's scene is used in rituals involving the achievement of strong and quick results.

In what cases can you ask a militant deity for help?

  1. If you need to remove a bad plot, damage with a person. Using their fiery arrows, Perun eliminates all evil and dark.
  2. When a man goes to war to make it bold and invulnerable.
  3. To incite the fire of passion in a pair. After all, it is impossible to forget about another aspect of the Divine - his physical, male attractiveness. He was published by Lada itself - the Heavenly Queen, which also adds passion to the relationship of a man and a woman.
  4. Also, the task of Perun is to protect the explicit world from naval entities, drive them back to the lower worlds back into the lower worlds.

But not everyone in the Divine Pantheon has established good relations with Perun. So, he always opposed God Veles. History keeps numerous myths and legends about their mutual hostility.

True, their dislike for each other is not a direct feud. Rather, they appear with two brothers who constantly making one other small pieces, but more to attract attention, not harm.

Perunovy Alegoga

Finding out who Perun is, it's time to talk about his sacred symbols. As is known, this deity has protected the strong spirit of warriors of noble origin. But this scope of God is not limited, its amulets will help to cope with various difficulties. Consider them in more detail.


It is considered a universal sign that can be applied by representatives of both sexes. It should be treated for help if you need to make a difficult choice in which a person is not sure. The power of the Peruzka will push the most correct option. In addition, the Pervuts attracts good luck, increases moral stability, will, loyalty to the principles.

A barrier is depicted in the form of a zipper that is an independent sign, and sometimes complemented by the star of Inglia. No data on the accurate origin of the symbol. Some sources call the Perunitsa daughter of God, and the second is his wife.

The symbol of the deity of Peruznuts

Gromovik (Perun wheel)

This is an unequivocal male symbol that manifests solar (solar) energy. Consists of six ray. In ancient times, Military robes and an instrument were decorated with a bunker, applied him to the temple. An image of the sign in the doorways are found.

Gromovik has a protective effect from the energy of the other world (curses, spanking). But they can not use the prefigure of the sex, as otherwise their female energy will suffer.

Perunov Color

The color of the fern (famous called Purunov's color) was presented with a thumb at the wedding of the joy. Symbolizes clean eternal love. Also, the color will protect the happy human life from any dark effects.

If we carry this symbol, it is realistic to become more successful in affairs, endeavors. It will help to cope with obstacles, will save from the evil eye, damage, curses.

Clean Perun

This symbol can use morally strong and bold men, ready to fight for their family, values. Also the charm will also protect against various impressions. Widget the owner of the amulet will not be able to any witch.

Sword Perun

The sign also performs a shield from magical influences. Protects from naval entities (demons and other evil spirits). They are ideally to use those people who risk suffered from witchcraft actions, the evil eye.

Another sword of Perun leads health. It is suitable for patients restoring their strength.

Shield Perun.

It is a strong coastery, has powerful protective properties. The amulet will dispel the negative energy from a person who is wearing it. Extras will make its owner more confident, strong and spiritually, and physically, lucky and gives him good health.

This is another purely male charm. Although sometimes they can also use women who wish to protect themselves from the influence of dark forces, diseases. The main thing, wearing it with breaks and only when life throws up truly serious tests.

Star Perun.

It is used as a native charm or used on household items. The star symbolizes the daylight shower, fills the energy necessary to continue and complete any matter. However, it is necessary to abandon it those who interrupted the connection with their own.

Bird Perun

Picture it flying with fiery languages ​​and flocculated tail. The symbol was applied on clothes, made decorations with him. The Crested Bird will be useful in solving material issues, if they want the future child to be born a boy, will develop the mind, will help find a way out of a difficult situation. In addition, makes the owner bold and courageous.

Runa Perun

It is considered a male symbol. Runa Perunov is suitable for all representatives of strong gender that are not related to military life. Make a man more successful, this leader. But it will help solely in the case when its activities are sent to the aid of the people.

Holidays of the Divities

A year was a few days when the militant and aggressive god-storms was revered.
  • January 12 - bowed to Divine Wisdom and Justice. There was a special rite - from early morning with bare feet run through the snow. And especially boldly wrapped his body with snow, wash themselves. According to beliefs, such actions are designed to fill with life force, as well as clean the spirit of human from the bad.
  • February 2 . The great celebration of the reverence of Perun, called the threshold. It was put on the thunder to produce special lumped candles and pounting their strength of thunder and lightning.
  • WITH July 20 to August 2. At the specified period of time, the warriors celebrated their holiday associated with Perun. They sanctified their weapons, charged amulets, organized ritual battles.

All three holidays possess undoubted power. Today, against the background of the revival of Slavic culture, many begin to discover pagan celebrations for themselves and notify the favorable changes to their lives after that.

A family

The wife of God-Thunderman is the beauty of Diva Dodol, which he won, defeating the battle of a terrible snake.

Diva - Dodol, Perun's wife

And from the children of God the most famous are two: Tarh Purunovich (also known as the name of the dazhboga) and the divan. They played a big role in the life of our ancestors. And not only them - even Hindu beliefs mention these deities. For example, according to the statements of some Slavs, Dazhibogog became the prototype of the Great Buddha.

Tarh patronized sunlight and fertility. It goes about it in many songs, and the famous prince Vladimir called the "Red Sun", which indicates the highest reverence and folk love of this deity.

Do not forget about the daughter of Perun, the mention of it is found in almost all the peoples. In Greece, Artemis ordered her, worshiped her as a fearless hunter who came with distant Slavic lands. And in ancient Rome, Artemis was called the goddess Diana.

Such he is a majestic Perun, God-Studzzitz, Lady of Lightning, Thunder, God of War and Justice. An even more interesting information about it offers the following video:

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