1971 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar


People differ from each other with a set of individual character traits, but the ancient wise men noticed a certain similarity between the same year born. Also, the wise men reimpted 12-year cycles: everything is repeated after 12 years, but otherwise. So the eastern horoscope was created, which we use to this day.

The cousin, which began to get involved in astrology and horoscopes to information about the character traits. How many errors in communication we had to fix to align the situation with colleagues and friends! Today we will look at 1971: what kind of animal does it represent? This year is under the auspices of white metal pig, or iron boar.

1971 what animal

White Metal Pig Character

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The year of iron boar, or a white metal pig starts on January 27, 1971 and ends on February 14, 1972. Dates are related to the fact that the Chinese calendar depends on the alternation of lunar phases and does not match the solar. Distinctive features of born in this year are: Cheerful temper, healthy optimism and hope for the best future. It is funny, the company, and the lightest on the rise of people with whom it is not boring. The metal pig does not frighten the obstacles on the way, she will always find a way to overcome them either to avoid.

Sometimes it seems that the pig goes to slip, moving towards the target target, and demonstrates enviable perseverance. However, this is not connected with ambitions or careerism: just a pig loves to bring everything to the end. A dream is that a guide star that leads a boar in life from the target to the goal.

The boars are very sociable people and can easily come into contact with all people, but they try to avoid communicating with sullen and eternally dissatisfied with their lives. Pig loves to have fun and spend time on the idleness, which often leads her to trouble.

Positive traits:

  • optimism;
  • persistence;
  • iron will;
  • Cool;
  • a responsibility;
  • immediacy;
  • generosity;
  • good nature;
  • non-conflict;
  • Probrostility.

With boys, it is very easy and pleasant to communicate, as they perceive people with all the shortcomings and do not have the goal to teach or re-educate. Also easily, the pig belongs to criticism in its address: does not react, since it knows the price. Kaban is sometimes considered insensitive, as he does not respond even to insults and insults.

Note! The boar, like a dog, is ready to disinterestedly help the neighbor and do not require anything in return.

However, one should not think that the boar does not react to requests. It is enough to show attention to him how it instantly responds and carefully listens to the applied. Good nature and simpleness, as well as the responsiveness of the boar use dishonest people for mercenary purposes. The pig is so careless that it can take the cargo of other people's problems: she is unable to refuse request.

Note! The pig is not capable of educated actions and is always ready to forgive their offenders.

These are completely non-conflict people who try to keep the feeling of equilibrium and comfort in the shower. They do not need difficulties. Pig will try to avoid conflict with any ways, even to the detriment of its own interests. For them, the Credo is relevant: "The bad world is better than a good war."

The sensitivity of the pig to people is difficult to express in words: they will not be offended by melee. Even if a person behaves in an inappropriate way, the pig will not criticize him. From born under this sign you can only hear praise and support, but not criticism and accusation.

Negative character traits:

  • carelessness;
  • Inspection in relations;
  • alarmism;
  • inability to make a choice;
  • Outlusion.

Large lack of boar is the intolerance of loneliness. This careless merchant so loves the society of people, which is willing to communicate with whom it fell, just to be alone. This quality of Kaban's nature harms him in family life: he likes to walk on the side in a funny company. If you do not control the tricks, it can breathe hard and harm yourself.

Panicism is a disgusting feature character of a pig. Representatives of this sign of the horoscope feel confident only in a calm and friendly atmosphere. If force majeure happens, the boar falls into a panic and starts to test. Hope on a panic man does not have to hope, he should be saved himself.

Note! Kabana is easy to convince, as he has no own opinion.

Another negative quality of the pig is the inability to make a choice. They cannot be submitted to ultimatum, it is impossible to offer a multiple choice: the pig will not be able to navigate and choose the only right path. Kabanans are absolutely devoid of intuitive allegations and focus only on the consequences generally accepted in society.

The constant aspiration of boar to communication gives people from him, since he looks in their eyes too intrusive. Despite the huge number of dating and connections, the pig has no real friends. If you manage to find such a person, then the pig is ready to donate to many for each other.

Caban easily affects someone else's influence, it can be drawn into any adventure and dubious enterprise . These naive and gullible people can be deceived and rob, leave without a pennie over the soul. However, the cruel lessons of fate do not teach Kabanov, and they are again ready to believe and trust with any fraudster and an adventurist. The boars are confident that all of their suffering will ever pay for a hundredfold, so it is worth it tolerated any adversity.


These are decent and honest people, ready to always stretch the hand of help. They are pleasant in communication, modest and consistent. Kabanans do not like to hypocrite and hide their own intentions, they openly talk about their plans. If the boar intends to make someone's competition, he will warn his opponent about it. When meeting women, his intentions are expressed directly: entertainment or serious connection.

Putting a bump in youth because of his gulling, the boar tries to keep the distance with people. It saves it from many troubles. In a relationship with women, she strives to be a knight, but he is not always lucky with partners. Girls quickly recognize the weaknesses of the character of boar and its credulity than immediately begin to use.

Kabana is very faithful and reliable spouses. If they manage to find their half, then they dedicate her all their lives. True love makes Miracles with Kaban: He is even ready to forget about the guilles with friends for his chosen.

1971 Any animal on the horoscope


The representatives of the year of the metal pig do not like funny companies, unlike men-boars. These are a homemade, preferring a calm atmosphere to a noisy society. They love to needle how to cook and landslide the dwelling. With youth, these girls dream of a happy marriage and do not think about career. However, the happiness of the pig largely depends not from it itself, but from the decency of the spouse.

Note! Born in the Year of the Pig Women more often than others become victims of domestic violence.

Unfortunately, the representative of the year of the boar is not endowed with intuition and do not understand people, so it is very difficult for them to choose a good man. For some reason, the pig believes that a person can be corrected, and often from pity connects his life with the people sung on the bottom - drug addicts, alcoholics, tuneev. Even aware that the mismatched man is not able to change, the pig still continues to support him and be responsible for his life.

The pig needs to support relatives and loved ones who can protect her from unnecessary relationships that can destroy her own life. Pig often manifests noble gusts not where necessary, and because of this suffers . However, again and again comes on the same rake, without making conclusions from what happened.

Love and family

The pig in love completely loses control over himself, plunging into romantic feelings with your head. The absence of fat and intuition leads to the fact that the pig does not know how to evaluate people. Every personality for her represents a whole uncharted world to know. Pigs believe that anyone is able to change for love, so completely ignore the negative qualities of the partner character.

On a note! The Baban in love completely loses control over himself and with his head goes into a love relationship. He is not able to think adequate and notice a reality around him.

The pig believes to her beloved unless, believes in sincerity and the genuineness of his feelings. This naivety often leads to the fact that the boar is simply manipulated and use it for mercenary purposes. This naive creature does not see that it is used.

The boar can become happy in marriage and create a strong family, if he is lucky with a partner. They do not seek to lead in relationships, so completely dependent on the decency of their marriage partner.

However, to family life, the boar is practically not ready, as it loves fun to spend time in companies. The spouse must show a maximum of patience to wean a frivolous pig from endless parties and pretties.

The heartlessness and good nature are so frank that often there is a load of family problems on their shoulders. But if the boar will finally understand that it is used, he will quickly find a substitute for a dishonest spouse.

In bed, the boars do not show the initiative, but easily respond to partner's proposals. These are altruistic personalities who care about their pleasure last. Kabana is important to deliver a partner's enjoyment, and not yourself.


Responsibility and conscientiousness of the pig in relation to the commissioned obligations causes respect in the team. They can always be entrusted with an important project or responsible task. For boar it does not matter to be a boss or manager, but it is always interested in an increased salary and award. Boar's workplaces changes extremely rarely, as it gets used to a founded place and does not seek to leave him.

Responsibility and conscientiousness of boar in relation to the entrusted work is noticeable to chiefs, so it is strongly striving to encourage and increase in office. If the kabana is little earned at its workplace of money, he can easily find a part-time job. However, caution and prudence prevent Kabana to create their own business, as it is afraid of risking and will not leave the sake of the sake of shaky prospects for ghostly income.


Compatible with other signs

Bull. These are very complex relationships, since the bull seeks to suppress a pig with his authority and power. The frivolism of the pig displays a solid bull from equilibrium and causes misunderstanding. If the partners are accustomed to each other, which is not excluded, they will be able to form a strong marriage union.

Tiger . Astrologers do not advise the romantic relationship, as partners do not know how to keep loyalty to each other. The best option for this union will be just friendship.

Rabbit . Partners are good and cozy together, they have the same views on life and general aspirations.

The Dragon . The union is unfavorable for boar due to the despoticness of the dragon, which seeks to control each step of his partner. The boar sooner or later escapes from the dragon, because he feels empty and unhappy with him.

Snake . Harmonious Union, which is beneficial to the snake. Surface Reptile uses a boar to promote his own plans, but not without benefit for the latter. It helps Kabana to achieve incredible heights in his career, skillfully directing its energy into the right direction.

Horse . Partners are simply created to be together. Very harmonious union, which is based on mutual respect and trust. All vital issues partners decide together, the family has no struggle for leadership and dominance. It is in such relations that a pig can gain happiness.

Goat . This union is doomed, as partners do not correspond to each other. The charm of the first meeting is quickly ends with disappointment. The goat likes to arrange the scenes of jealousy, roll scandals. It scares the pig and makes it look for refuge in the arms of another, more relaxed and balanced, partner.

A monkey . A very successful union in which partners understand each other with a semi-unrest. For the sake of a monkey pig ready for change in its character, ready to make concessions and become softer. The pig is happy from the fact that someone changes love for her and love. The unions of pigs and monkeys will decay extremely rarely, partners will become a friend and protect their relationship.

Rooster. Unsuccessful Union, partners will quarrel on trifles. The scandal will be a cockpit that always blames a pig. As a result, both partners come to the conclusion that the pig must be corrected. While the pig will not understand that the scandals climbs the rooster, in the family there will be permanent discord.

Dog . Very harmonious union, where there is no struggle for leadership. Partners get fine, try to please each other. However, family idyll will last to the first treason of pig: the dog does not forget the liberties on the side.

Pig . Union with your rarely familiar and harmonious. However, the pair must be defined who will be the leader, otherwise the skirmishes and the quarrels are not avoided.

Rat . Extremely unsuccessful union. The first bright impression of the meeting ends with a strong disappointment. The pig surprises the evilness and aggressiveness of the rat, and that annoys naivety and simple pigs. The pair will have permanent quarrels and discord, while the pig does not run away from the rat in an unknown direction.

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