Shiva God: what value he has in the life of the Hindus


Shiva God is one of the most famous and important deities in the Indian Pantheon. Together with Divine Brahma and Vishnu, he constitutes the famous Trinity of Hinduism - Trimurti.

It is believed that brahma with Vishnu and Shiviva is the three hypostasis of the Unified Most High. Manifestations are associated with the Holy Trinity in Christianity, that is, with the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. At the same time, Brahma - acts as God the creator, Vishnu - as a security force, and Shiva is like an exterminator.

Statue of God Shiva

Shiva is a mysterious and two-way deity

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Hinduism is a rather common world religion. As the old legend says, the customs of the Aryan nationalities who inhabited Ancient India are taken.

At the beginning of the 1st millennium, Hinduism is divided into two branches: Vishnuism and Shivaism. The names proceed from the names of the deities who prayed adherents of both religions, - that is, Vishnu and Shiva.

It is believed that the power of Vishnu and Shiva is equivalent, differs only in the direction of activity. While Vishnu is guarded by the world, the task of Shiva is the destruction of the outdated world, so that the new one came into it.

The God of Shiva is engaged in the destruction of human illusions that people love themselves very much. And although on the one hand he is angry, aggressive, unbridled, but on the other - the merciful, goodbye, capable of giving hope and its patronage. Shiva fights with evil demons. One day he is the stirrefish of the Earth of the 3 cities in which demons-asura lived.

The sons of Demon Taraki influenced Brahma, and he allowed them to build three fortresses. They created one on the ground, one in heaven and another in the air, strengthened their abode by evil spells, so that they were able to kill them only with the help of an arrows shot.

Evil entities felt their power and invulnerability, they wished to destroy the bright deities to get up in their place. Shiva the same shots burned the city of demons, providing the victory of good strength over evil.

According to reference when a new stage arises in human life, Shiva creates it with his dance. And with the completion of this stage, he destroys the dance of what has already been outlined.

The very first fans of Shiva are Dravida. Dravids were the very first nationality living in India. Shiva gets the role of the main god in Dravida Pantheon. They believed that Shiva controls everything in the world, because he managed to become absolute perfection, to express himself in the highest quality.

Legends of the appearance of God

There are several versions of the arrival in this world of Divine Shiva, each of which differs from each other.

  1. According to the first, Lord Brahma spent a lot of time in meditations, praying for a son like himself. As a result, a boy appeared on his knees, whose skin was amazing blue. The child began to run around God, asking him to give him a name. Brahma nicknamed the baby Rudra, but the boy did not stop it - he continued to shout. Then Brahma was forced to come up with another 10 names, in general, 11, as and 11 reincarnations came out.
  2. According to the second legend, Rudra (Shiva) was created by the wrath of Brahma, precisely because of this, this deity has the most negative energy in Hinduism.
  3. The third version claims that Brahma originated from the belly of Vishnu. Evil demons have been craving for the destruction of brahma, and then from the area between the eyebrows of Vishnu from his anger appears Shiva, holding a trident in his hands, who will remove Brahma from evil entities.

Dancing God Shiva

Siva attributes

This deity is depicted with different characters that change depending on its incarnation. Attributes personify what is inherent in a specific reincarnation.
  • The Lord's body is nude, covered with ash, symbolizes the source of the universe, which is outside the framework of the earth.
  • Tangled curls - personify spiritual, physical and mental types of energies.
  • Ganga, who lives in curls - is one of the wives of Shiva. From her lips drops the flow of water, descending to the ground, which symbolizes the elimination of the shivel of ignorance, sins, reservoir, cleanliness and knowledge.
  • The moon in the lap of God personifies the fact that the mind can be controlled.
  • Shiva is depicted with three eyes: the first is the symbol of the sun, the second - the moon, and the third - fiery energy.
  • Half open eyes of God symbolize an endless course of life, which does not have an end or beginning. It is distinguished by cyclical, eternal. The opening of the eye is associated with the beginning of a new turn of life on Earth. And their closure will lead about the destruction of the world necessary for the new birth.
  • Snakes who lose the neck of the Lord are the symbol of the time - the past, present and future.
  • Necklace from Rudrakshi (dried fruits of evergreen plants) symbolize divine inflexibility in controlling order in the universe.
  • The right brush, which God blesses his followers, is associated with wisdom, designed to destroy any evil and ignorance
  • Triculus (Trisezul) - Connection of three energies: knowledge, actions and desires.
  • The drum (Dammar) symbolizes the physical and spiritual forms of life.
  • Bull Nandi, the eternal satellite of the Lord, serves him in a constant means of movement.
  • Tiger skins personifies hidden energy, victory over his passions.
  • Shiva, squeezing on the burned soil, symbolizes his control over the death of the physical body.

Wives Shiva

According to legends, the Multi-Device of Shiva was married to three women: Sati, Parvati and Ganges.

  1. Sati - the first reincarnation of his spouse. She was a beloved wife of God, but the circumstances have developed so that she had to leave a life ahead of time, having committed a ritual of self-immolation. Shiva suffered for a long time after the death of the beloved, he wore her dust in the world. To comfort him, Sati's soul decided to reincarnate in the daughter of Tsar Mountains, who received the name of Parvati.
  2. Parvati is by no means its only name. So, it is also known as Kali because of what was born black. Parvati had to seek the location of Shiva, and finally, she deserved his love. God took her in wives, and Parvati gave birth to him two sons: Ganapati (Ganesh) - eliminating the obstacles of God the wisdom and sub-scanda (scanda) - the leader of militant deities
  3. Ganges is a goddess-river, but not ordinary, and the world-ceased, earthly and underground. It is endowed with a special power to get rid of any earth sins. Ganga experienced strong feelings to Shiva and asked him to take her to her. God married her, and since then she lives in his hair.

Multician spouse Shiva

Why are Shiva turn to God?

It is logical to ask such a question, because this deity is distinguished by the devastating force. But, on the other hand, God also destroys any ignorance, illness, all that has learned his age, prevents normal life.

In addition, in translating from Sanskrit, the Name of Shiva is "good". This god of Hindu Pantheon is responsible for the beginning of a new life, is associated with flowering, fruiting, with life itself and sacrifice in her name.

Also performs the only one of all the gods that control the time, in particular, the life of a person. No one is allowed to influence the time, in addition to Shiva. Therefore, it is often called Mahakala - "Great Time." Those who wish to extend the years of their earthly life, and also spiritually develop, must ask him for help in prayers.

Old legends say that God tried to extend the human life as much as possible. For this purpose, he gives people yoga designed to lead to immortality, eternal youth. Then the gentlemen are posing as another epithet - Mahaioga (Great Yoga).

Unfortunately, people failed to immediately keep knowledge of yoga, over time it was almost completely forgotten. But, fortunately, the few devotees of this art, the hermits helped the yoga not to go into oblivion, retaining Asana to this day. Today, physical and energy practice is actively reborn.

What is the danger of multi-rod god?

By nature, Mahadeva is dual: at the same time he acts as a creator, and the destroyer. Under the end of its cycle, the universe must be destroyed. But if the Lord Shiva is angry, he can do it at any moment.

This happened when Sati died on fire. Then God became bloody and cruel. He, surviving the hyposta of the virobhadra, reproduced himself in thousands of people and went to the Palace of Father Sati for Retribution. In anger, he killed everyone around, cut off the head of Daksha - the guilt of his beloved death. On the ground, the blood rivers flowed, the sun became faded. But the anger of God passed, and he raised all the dead, and Daksha put the head of the Donkey.


The Divine Family is the form of Shankara, that is, consciousness designed to do the benefit for the world. Children from the Union of Shiva and Parvati are the personification of the balance between the material and spiritual:
  1. Scanda (karting) - God of war having six heads. His power is so great that he has destroyed the Demon of Tarak for the sixth day of life.
  2. Ganesh - God with an elephant head, in India it is honored as the deity of material goods.
  3. Nammada is a daughter of God, but in the not quite traditional sense of the word. So, the Lord, practicing deep meditation on Mount Aramkut, separates from himself a share of its energy, from which the Narmada river is created. It is sacred for Hindus.

Women's image of God

The left part of the body of the deity is associated with the female energy of Shakti. Shiva from Shakti is inseparable from each other. Having a lot of goddess Shiva-Shakti appears in the image of Cali - the deadly female hypostasis of destructive power of the Divine.

Hinduses bow to Cali's force. Her face is able to scare each: Kali has an exine-black leather, a blood-red-thicken tongue and a garland formed by 50 turtles (reincarnations).

One hand of Kali holds a sword, and the second is a chopped Mahisha head (the leader of the demons). Other two hands express gestures of blessings to all followers, save them from fear. Cali is the nature of the mother, whose authorities are the creation and destruction of everything in the world with a huge speed.

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