What itchies the right or left chest in women and men


Since ancient times, people believed that the best prophet is their body. It acutely reacts to various changes in fate and accurately foreshadows the nearest events that signals the unbelievous burning or itching on a certain area of ​​the body.

I noticed that periodically I have without obvious reasons may be bored, after which some important incident happens. After analyzing the situation, I decided to search for information about this decision to arma the future. In this article I will tell you what itchies the right breast and the left, as well as to what events will prepare, if it isked on both sides.

why chest

What does the right breast be checked?

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Since the right side is responsible for positive incidents in a person's life, the scabies of the breast on the right promises good changes in human life. But it should be taken into account that there may be exceptions, therefore, for a more accurate interpretation, the signs should be taken into account the features of scabies. They will be most favorable if itching appeared in the first half of the day. In this case, you can count on luck, a favorable set of circumstances, a pleasant meeting or good change in professional and personal life.

Scab in the field of right chest in the evening promises minor difficulties or troubles. They will be quite solvable and completed favorably, but for this will have to make some efforts. For women, this sign is often associated with love affairs, and for men - with a professional sphere.

Interpretation for women

Even in the old days there was a belief, which said that the right chest itching when she gambled her beloved. If the girl was alone, then the sign spelled that a secret fan thinks about her. Today other interpretations of itching right chest gland are known:

  • Light feeling of itching - to admission to love.
  • Strong scabies with painful sensations - to cheating from the beloved or betrayal of a loved one.
  • If the scabies suddenly appears and disappears, then appears again, and so continues for a long time - the secret fan is experiencing peace of mind due to the fact that it cannot be decided to confess in his feelings.
  • The feeling of itching, which is accompanied by burning or tingling, foreshadows intimate proximity.

If the right breasts are drawn in girls who are not in a relationship, then this sign can foreshadow good news. In some cases, a strong long-term itch indicates that guests will soon have to meet, so it is necessary to prepare delicious treats in advance.

What itchies the right breast

Meaning Signals for Men

When men are drawn to the chest on the right side, they are awaiting good changes in life and success at work. If itching originated on the eve of a business trip, an important meeting or before the start of a new project, this means that everything is conceived and planned will come true. Married men sign can predict the improvement of the relationship with his wife.

Scab in the field of right chest in single guys may be associated with weather changes, and for the worse. It may be a sharp cooling, there will be plenty of precipitation, there will be a strong wind or even a hurricane.

Meaning Signals by days of the week

To get a more accurate prediction for the near future, it is necessary to take into account, on what day of the week the right chest was combed, and look into the interpreter.

  1. Monday. Scabies on this day is usually associated with weather changes. Sketches of promotion storm, thunderstorm, strong wind and even a hurricane. If there is such an opportunity, then on this day it is better to stay at home.
  2. Tuesday. Health problems may arise, so it is not easy to dress in cool weather and it is better not to be in places of large cluster of people in order not to "pick up" infectious diseases.
  3. Wednesday. Soon you will visit the long-awaited guests, so it is worth cleaning and cooking treats. The meeting promises to be very pleasant and interesting.
  4. Thursday. Itching on the right side promises trouble, and both small and large ones.
  5. Friday. There is a interesting trip or a small journey. It can be a business trip, catching in nature with friends or a date outside the city with a loved one.
  6. Saturday. Acquaintance with an interesting person with unexpected circumstances. For single people, communication will turn into a stormy novel, and those who are in relationships will acquire a good friend.
  7. Sunday. In the close environment, a uninforced man was attached, who dismisses gossip about you. It is worth listening to intuition to expose the scoundrel.

What itchies the right breasts in men

What does the left chest iron itch?

Favorable change should be expected when the left chest begins from the morning. In this case, the sign may indicate success in matters, receiving material goods, achieving understanding with someone from loved ones with which a conflict has recently happened.

As for the evening itching from the left side, he can fill the cardinal changes in his personal life:

  • Relationships will move to a new level;
  • The second half will make a serious step to strengthen relationships;
  • Lonely people will have a fateful acquaintance.

If the breast was won late in the evening or at night, then the next day can carry some kind of danger, so maximum caution should be taken. For example, a long trip is better to postpone, the decision of an important issue should be transferred by another day, and if the unfamiliar empires will ask for help with some dubious matter, it is better to politely refuse.

Meaning Signs for Women

Itching the left breast in women is usually associated with love topics, so it may foresee the following events:

  • Cute brunette will begin to have no attention signs.
  • A ambulance meeting with your beloved person with whom you have not seen long.
  • Single girls awaiting familiarity with an interesting young man.
  • If the girl had just started romantic relationships with a guy and at the thought of it was combed his chest, it means he also experiences strong, sparking feelings for her.

For adult women, scabies of the left chest gland may impose an improvement in the financial position or success in the professional sphere. Strong itching before the start of any business promises its successful outcome.

what itching left chest

Interpretation for men

If the man had a chest from the left side, this may mean the following:
  • There will be an unforeseen situation that will bring change in all spheres of life;
  • Acquaintance with an attractive girl who will find a romantic color;
  • If there are feelings for some girl, then you need to act, otherwise you miss your chance for happiness.

When scabies left breast overwhelms a man at the time of thinking about the plans for the future, it means that he is on the right track, you can safely begin to implement them. Sudden strong itching can also foreshadow financial arrivals.


The value of the Signs of "Left Chest" depends largely on the day of the week, so esoterics recommend accessing a special interpretator, which will allow you to learn the details of the upcoming events.

  1. Monday. A good day has to be achieved, throughout which it will turn out to perform all the outlined tasks. Young girls are waiting to familiarize with a wealthy guy. Men are acknowledged financial spending, but they will be very successful.
  2. Tuesday. Women should show vigilance, otherwise there is a chance to become a victim of a fraudster. The guys will have to solve other people's problems, but it is not worth breaking on them to relatives and loved ones.
  3. Wednesday. It is not necessary to engage in financial issues, and you should also ignore the attempts of ill-wishers to bring you to the conflict.
  4. Thursday. Girls await a date with the beloved, besides, they will have a chance to solve protracted problems in relationships. Men sign indicates that you need to pay more attention to the second half and seek to avoid quarrels.
  5. Friday. The itching of the left chest on Friday indicates changes in personal life. Couples that are currently in a quarrel will go to reconciliation. Spouses who have lost their interest in each other will receive a chance to revive their love. Lonely people know the beginning of a new relationship.
  6. Saturday. A small intrigue or novel is possible on the side. Free men and women need careful to look at the person who actively shows the signs of attention in your direction. People who are married, you need to try to solve family problems and not even think about an adulter.
  7. Sunday. A unexpected, but very pleasant meeting with long-distance relatives or good friends.

why itching left chest in men

What are both breasts come together at once?

Itching immediately both breast glands in most cases is a bad sign. As a rule, it foreshadows the trouble with which it will not be possible to cope on their own. If scabies arose in the morning or before lunch, then the question will eventually be solved, and if closer in the evening or at night, you will have to spend a lot of effort and time to improve the current state of affairs.

For girls, this sign can designate problems with beloved - conflicts, misunderstanding, empty jealousy or even betrayal. If the chest on both sides is brief with men, then they are difficult to work at work or disputes with colleagues. But also sudden scabies may mean that someone from loved ones need your help.

For a more accurate interpretation, the signs must be taken into account the features of the itch:

  • All the chest is drawn, not in a certain place - to a meeting with distant relatives, who have not seen it for a long time.
  • Synchronous itching in a specific place, for example, in the area of ​​the nipples, foreshadows negative events that may occur in your fault. To avoid trouble, you should not make hasty decisions, and trust unfamiliar people.
  • When scabies asymmetric, for example, itchies at the top of the left chest and on the side of the right, then this indicates good news, a pleasant surprise or a joyful meeting.

Itchy feeling in the center of the chest, i.e. Between the breasts, indicates that a dual situation will occur soon, for example:

  • Someone will give a completely useless thing;
  • parting with a loved one, which will delay for a long time, while the relationship will be uncertain;
  • Acquaintance with a good person, but because of this follows trouble;
  • The emergence of a conflict, which will help "bring into clean water" the unfriendly.

Interpretation signs of weeks of the week

The interpreter will tell me the events by day, what events should be expected when both breasts will be bred at the same time:

  • Monday - to the deterioration of the weather.
  • Tuesday - to health problems.
  • Wednesday - you have to make uninvited guests.
  • Thursday - to troubles that will have global consequences.
  • Friday - to an unplanned trip.
  • Saturday - acquaintance with a person who will have a strong impact on your future life.
  • Sunday - learn that someone is planning to make some point against you.


  • If the right breast is itching, then it usually foreshadows positive changes, but sometimes there are exceptions.
  • With interpretation of signs, it is important to take into account the features of the itch.
  • The scabies of the left chest indicates the incidents associated with personal life or the financial sphere.
  • We should wait for problems and trouble if both breasts will begin immediately.

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