1941 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article on the people born in 1941, and you will learn, the year of which animal put the imprint on their character. I dismantled all the features of behavior in personal life, career and friendship in both men and women.

general characteristics

In 1941, the elements of the metal and the sign of the snake rule, which was reflected on the nature and behavior of people born during this period.

1941 Any animal on the horoscope

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They are real strategists, thinly feeling how to behave in a particular situation. Practically not mistaken and have well developed intuition. They are looking for benefits in everything and act on the basis of their own interests, and other people's needs are careful.

Love beautifully furnish the house, dress up in brand things, appreciate art, style and grace in everything. At the same time, somewhat arrogant and show pride in relation to people who, as they seem to be below them.

They have a tremendous power of will, a lot of ambitions, calculating and subtle mind. These qualities allow although slowly, but to seek the goals and live the lives that many people only dream of.

They may enter out some plan for years, calculate all sorts of options for the development of events, strive for impeccability in everything.

Man - Metal Snake

This is an incredibly cautious and secretive person who prefers to conduct a closed lifestyle and closed to people. Does not trust almost anyone, including the most close people. Because of this, over his life, he often has problems with communication.

1941 in what animal

What is still characteristic of his behavior:

  1. His respect, approval to earn is extremely difficult. But if it turns out to win his trust, he will become a very devoted, loyal friend, ready to sacrifice everything for the good of the good man. Very reliable.
  2. It is characterized by such qualities as envy and suspicion, which greatly complicates life not only to him, but also to all people with whom he interacts. Rivalry does not tolerate, seeks at any cost to prove that it is better, smarter and stronger than many.
  3. He considers himself a worthy of the highest position and does everything to achieve career heights. And more often it succeeds, although it is very slow, but it is true for the service, conquering authority and respect.
  4. Chooses the work that can love. And gives it completely. Very responsible fulfills all the duties assigned to it, develops and becomes an impeccable professional in its activities.
  5. I am ready to help your colleagues who ended up in a difficult situation. But only if they conscientiously performed their work. To those who relate to the duties of negligent, negligible.
  6. If it becomes a leader, then very tough and demanding. Puts a high bar not only yourself, but also subordinates. His leadership style withstand only the most persistent people.
  7. Love is looking for complete mutual understanding. He wants his woman to be reliable, supported him in everything. And if it matches these qualities, he becomes very reliable, devoted and faithful husband who will never change.
  8. And the deception itself will not bearing, he is jealous, although it seems calm and even cold. But the slightest suspicion will make him turn into a raging jequinist.
  9. It is important for him that the right to take important decisions was only from him. It will not tolerate attempts to command and manage them. But in Tirana, it does not turn into the opinion of loved ones and does everything for the benefit of the family.


This woman amazes with its composure character. Creates to own themselves and with their emotions in any, even the most unpredictable situation. Clearly calculates each step and his probable consequences.


What is still characteristic of her:

  1. With whom does not share with your thoughts and does not take hasty decisions. The chatty characteristic of most women is not very characteristic of it. She is very hidden and even closed, it is difficult to understand what at all on her mind.
  2. Full of ambitions and strives for material well-being, wants to live better than many, dreams of a beautiful life and does everything to achieve a high standard of living. And it turns out, there is a potential.
  3. She has the Iron Will. She dare and decisive, in business issues shows rigidity, especially if it concerns competitors. It goes to goal by any ways, ready to sacrifice many for this.
  4. Hardworking and responsible, a real professional of his business. Performs workers responsibilities immaculately, constantly developing, is improved and strive for immaculateness.
  5. It is self-confident, sometimes even too, to such an extent that it begins to resemble the extreme degree of egoism. First of all, it takes care of the satisfaction of your own interests.
  6. For a family, chooses the most decent man from the list of workers. It is important for her that he occupy a high position in society, was provided and was able to satisfy it not only in love, but also materially.
  7. Adjusts comfort and art, uses it in decoration and atmosphere at home. She always has a stylish interior that can be envied. It becomes an excellent wife - the hostess and mother, the finished maximum of time to devote homemade troubles.
  8. But it still does not turn into a classic housewife, seeks to go in career and in the family. Small and calculating, it becomes boring, if you have to do only to household for a long time.
  9. The children carefully cares very touchingly, they take them and gives the maximum of love, which is only capable of.

Check the video on the topic:


  • In 1941, people were born under the sign of a metal snake.
  • These are the most closed and closed of all snakes. It is difficult to understand what they have on the mind at every moment of time, and even close people are often guessing about it.
  • Loneliness loves and enjoy them, do not need friends and like-minded people, and they are not always looking for the second half.

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