1946 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article on people born in 1946, and you will learn, the animal has affected their character and behavior. I disassembled the features of their temperament, the habits in the relationship, the potential in the career.

general characteristics

1946 corresponds to the year of the fiery dog ​​on the Eastern calendar. And this imposed a large imprint on the character and temperament of people born in 1946.

1946 Any animal on the horoscope

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They are honest, but at the same time they have the potential of the leader, therefore, they can achieve very much only by energetic, initiative and activity.

Thanks to a light and funny character, they are easily hardened new acquaintances and acquire friends. They have many like-minded people, so they do not have to miss almost never.

Character and behavior of a man - fiery dog

This man looks at life as seriously and has far-reaching plans. He always has specific goals to which he seeks, without sorry, neither the strength or time. Wishes success at any cost, sacrifice for this anything.

1946 what animal

What is characteristic of him more:

  1. A very strong person, possesses all associated qualities. He is ambiguous, with a bunch of ambitions, dare and stubborn. Although sometimes it makes the impression of a very soft, calm person, actually completely different.
  2. People try to be balanced and demonstrate their feelings openly, but in fact he is very emotional, just does not show it. Fire energy makes its temperament very explosive, rustling, restless.
  3. Does not tolerate injustice, it extremely perturbs him, makes worrying and rushing into a desperate struggle. The betrayal will never forgive, does not tolerate such even from the closest people.
  4. It is very responsible for its work, he can safely charge a completely any matter, labor is not afraid. On the contrary, he likes to load himself so that there is no time for extraneous thoughts.
  5. From nature, he is a talented organizer who can conduct people behind him, inspire and motivate them. Therefore, he can become an excellent leader who subordinate to which work in the team as a coherent and uninterrupted system.
  6. He knows how to take care of women and does it very nicely. It uses all the imagination, which is only capable of doing. It is easy to go on a wild and crazy things to please the woman he loves.
  7. If you fall in love, then she gives herself completely to his feelings, and the same wants from a woman. He needs to be with his beloved in the first place, be a sense of her life. he will never agree to a supporting role.
  8. Very jealous, it can arrange the second half of loyalty and constant checks to roll unreasonable scandals. With this feature of his character is difficult to come to terms, so if he does not learn to control yourself, woman, sooner or later can just walk away.
  9. But in all other respects it is quite exemplary husband and father, who always take care of their home, provide them with all the necessary, considerate and polite to those he loves.

The nature and behavior of women - Fire Dog

It's incredibly easy to find friends and like-minded people, it feels like it has an innate gift right interacting with people. To stretch it, it wants to deal with. She is friendly, easy and free.

1946 who

What else is characteristic for its behavior:

  1. She is self-confident, but not arrogant. Friendly and courteous to all, able to tactfully keep the conversation going. It is a good companion and a great friend. Besides friends, and constantly surrounded by fans-men, who are attracted by its mild and delicate manners.
  2. Beautiful, intelligent, she has a lot of advantages, of which she knows and can apply them. It creates the impression of a confident, narcissistic (but without going over) and energetic, a very attractive woman.
  3. Knows that looks spectacular, bright and skillfully uses. Uses charm to rise through the ranks. Rarely encounters obstacles and difficulties in its path, from the side it seems that everything is given to her very easily.
  4. Responsible attitude towards work, is committed to leadership positions and to reach them sooner or later. Without difficulty gaining credibility and respect of colleagues, it is a highly qualified specialist in his field.
  5. In this case, often stubborn, is not able to admit their mistakes and wrong, it is difficult to give in and take someone else's point of view that is different from its own. Not always able to control the feelings that sometimes it hurts.
  6. Men fall in love with her instantly, they are crazy about such a bright and spectacular beauty. And she skillfully adds fuel to the fire with their sexy outfits and looks provocatively.
  7. She loves compliments and wants her constantly admired. It does not matter, from men or women, this admiration will come. It seeks to conquer absolutely everyone.
  8. She is very proud, never will endure to betrayal and betrayal. If he finds out about the deception, without the slightest regret, will leave a man and for nothing forgive. Loneliness is not afraid and knows that it will be easy to find a replacement.
  9. Married the first time is trying to be a classic wife and a housewife, but it turns out it is bad, and over time she returns to career achievements. It is designed to shine not only in the family, but also in society.

Check the video on the topic:


  • People born in 1946 belong to the sign of a fiery dog. They patronize the element of fire, thanks to which they have a rustling temperament and bright, fiery nature.
  • These are very ambitious, even there are even concert personalities who strive for dizzying success, superior to the successes of many other people.
  • Never stand still, constantly develop, become a better version of themselves almost every day.
  • They strive to shine, they want to recognize and admire others who are almost without difficulty and get.

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