1970 Any animal on the horoscope


Dogs are the most devoted pets along with a horse. Eastern Astrology has found the relationship between the qualities of a dog and a person, determining the main features - devotion, simpleness, protection. Many people are: 1970 - what kind of animal on the Eastern calendar?

If your close man was born in the year of the white metal dog, then you are big lucky. These people are distinguished by devotion, loyalty and concern about your well-being. My sister's husband was born this year, and he always stands on the guard of the interests of the whole of our family.

1970 what kind of animal

White metal dog

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This year begins on February 6, 1970 and ends on January 26, 1971. People who patronize the White Metal Dog are faithful friends and tireless fighters for justice. They are generous, noble, compassionate, not self-support. A white metal dog endowed her wards with loyalty and devotion to his family, to protect which they cost until the end of their days.

However, there is a metal dog and a negative character trait - uncompromising. If she saw the truth and the truth in anything, it will defend it to the end. It is dangerous because the truth may be a lie, but the truth is delusion.

On a note! The straightness and self-confidence of dogs often become the cause for a conflict situation.

Love for criticism is another weak side of the character of the dog. They love to stand up on the protection of offended and weak, so they often come to conflicts with others. And the dogs will stand until the end, despite anything.

To achieve internal comfort and successfully move towards the goal, the dogs must temper their dust: stop criticizing others, gain a balanced character, stop reacting to failures. After all, it is Metal dogs are noisily reacting to everything that does not go according to their plan and idea.

Often about the metal dog they think about the intolerant and cold personality, but a kind and concerning nature is hiding under inhape coldness. If you want to get acquainted with the real altruist, look for a white metal dog.

Note! White metal dog is ready for a self-sacrifice for the interest of another person. These people are distinguished by mercy and compassion.

Dogs can carefully store other people's secrets What significantly increases their status from friends. Rarely who can boast such a skill.

Women born this year are distinguished by original and extravagant appearance. They can impress strong and extraordinary natures, which is completely not true. Thanks to the developed intuition, the woman of this year is able to find a way out of any predicament.

The man of this year is distinguished by incredible stubbornness, reaching extremes . Gloominess and gloomy do not always talk about him as an unpleasant person, just Dog has someone's self-esteem : And this is the reason for the failure of the career.

Negative character traits

Stubbornness, reaching absurd, is a distinctive feature of the character of a white metal dog. Straightness is so pronounced that it borders with insults of the person. But the dogs do not notice what a person can hurt: it is important for them to find the truth, and the rest is a side effect.

Increased anxiety is also one of the unpleasant qualities of representatives of this sign. Dogs are able to wind themselves and worry because of the smallest detail. The pessimism is energized with anxiety: these people got used to everything in the dark colors. From here takes the beginning and uncertainty in their own power.

The closure is another unsightly characteristic of a white metal dog. To climb, go to your own world, because I want so much. The dog is often difficult to express their own feelings and emotions, so it prefers to get silent and stay alone. Sometimes born this year think that they do not need anyone and nobody understands them.

1970 Any animal on the horoscope

Family and relations

The dog demonstrates loyalty and devotion to his family, which is impossible not to note as the most positive character line. You can completely rely on the dog in any matters. These are faithful friends and energetic advocates of the interests of their loved ones. Dogs often lack optimism, so they need support from the outside.

Note! Dogs constantly need approval to have the strength to move on. They are strongly understated self-esteem.

However, a man-dog has an inexperienced negative trait of character - a tendency to love adventures and treason. They are easy to dating and can support communication with multiple partners at the same time.

Find a real life satellite for a dog is not so easy. However, finding your halm, the dog will live by her interests. Relationship with a partner dog builds on mutual trust and respect. But if disappointed in a partner, it will be quite quickly will find him a replacement.

In the family, the dog behaves restlessly, which complicates the relationship. However, if the partner shows patience, then instead will receive devotion and love. Finding a soul mate, the dog quickly forgets about his adventures and completely switches to care for his (his) spouse.

Work and career

Dogs with the inherent one loyalty are trying to choose a profession as much as possible for other people. They can not just receive money for their work: they need to help others and be most useful as possible. Work is suitable with all the soul, therefore are valuable workers.

Readiness Always come to the rescue distinguishes representatives of this sign from others. This is especially valued by colleagues for work that felt constant support from the metal dog.

Note! Representatives of the Year of the White Metal Dogs do not seek to wealth and power, they have other values ​​- not material.

The absence of the desire for wealth protects representatives of this sign from stress and experiences, but dogs need to relax more due to increased physical and emotional load at work.

Recommended professions for dogs: policeman, health care, politician, judge, lawyer, teacher.



Rats . With this sign, the dog arises sincere affection and friendship. Partners are good together, they can realize themselves in these relationships. The rat receives devotion and loyalty from the dog, a dog from rat - material support and pleasant communication with a smart interlocutor.

Bull . Relationship relations, as the bull is distinguished by a conservative worldview and the innovative ideas of the dog are not always clear to him. Also, the bull does not like an attachment and fussy dog ​​behavior, it can cause him a sacred anger. But if the partners can go to mutual concessions and make each other in cross-partings, the relationship promise to be harmonious and stable.

Tiger . This may be a tandem of two companions fighting with injustice. Astrologers believe that the Union can become successful if there is a joint creative idea. It will strengthen the relationship and will bring a variety.

Rabbit . Relationship is quite harmonious and successful. Both signs are distinguished by a sincere and responsible approach to the Union. The rabbit is distinguished by serenity and softness, which calms the pessimistic and nervous dog. And the rabbit receives devotion from the dog and enjoys loyalty. Bedding relations in this pair are deprived of passion, but filled with sensuality.

The Dragon . Non-easy relationships. Dragon does not like the straightness and critical mind of the dog, and that does not like the dragon's impetus and his "work in public." Also, the Dragon does not like the pessimistic attitude of the dog and too landed realism, because he is vital to admiration for his personal qualities. And without approval and admiration for the dragon, even in bed will not be able to fully disclose himself, which, in turn, will greatly disappoint the dog.

Snake . A pair will be very difficult to come to mutual understanding. At the very beginning, the novel will develop rapidly, because partners will find each other what they themselves are missing. Snake will attract the innocence of the dog to himself, and the latter will be fascinated by the magnetism of the snake. The fate of the relationship will fully depend on the snake if she managed to hide his hobbies in secret. The marriage unions between these marriages are to calculate, since there is no inspiration spark between them. People simply combines a common cause or interest.

Horse . The union will be successful if the partners are able to negotiate in bed and satisfy each other. Otherwise, they will inevitably find themselves on the side of more suitable partners. And so the Union is very favorable: the dog does not differ with jealousness and pickyness to the disadvantages of the horse.

Goat . The union of two pessimists is doomed to the gap. The goat is characterized by such a property as fantasy and dreaminess. The realism of the dog will not allow it to turn around in their aspirations, which will inevitably lead to tension and conflict in relations. Also, their individual life rhythms do not fully coincide: the slow goat does not understand where the dog is always in a hurry.

A monkey . This is one of the most unsuccessful unions, which is only possible. Altruistic dog does not understand the grazing egoism of the monkey and reluctance to help others. This worldview causes a monkey attacks of laughter, and the thirst for naught monkeys causes attacks of indignation in the dog.

Rooster . The dog will not be able to give the rooster of the most important thing - admiration for his person. Rooster is vital to paint and notice the delight in the eyes of the public, and the dog does not like it hard. The caustic comments of the dog in the direction of the rooster will lead the last in rabies. This pair is not destined to be together.

Dog . Relationships with your knowledge are unpromising. Both partners are characterized by pessimism, so they will not be able to support each other into difficult life moments. Also both partners will fuss and constantly hurry somewhere. Even an excellent mutual understanding in bed will not save the union from the rupture.

Pig . The union is harmonious, but the dog will not be enough of activity in a partner: a pig is very lazy and slow. But the pig will always provide the dog to the necessary moral support at the right time. In bed with a pig dog will also miss romanticity and activity.

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