1988 Any animal on the horoscope


Questions of relationships between people are the most important and priorities. We live in society, therefore constantly interrelated with each other. The Chinese horoscope presents a detailed psychological portrait for each sign of the zodiac by year of birth. Today we are interested in 1988: what animal he characterizes.

My good girlfriend constantly suffered from the soldier of the chief at work, and could not quit him because of high salary. Patient Mom, two children and a dog - the family required the provision. When we carefully studied the Chinese horoscope by year of birth, they found the cause of the conflict and the right approach to communicating with the harmful boss.

1988 what animal

Yellow Earth Dragon

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Every year the Eastern calendar describes a certain animal that patronizes people. And 1988 who characterizes? This time controls the yellow earth dragon. Why is this dragon called earth? Because all the animals of the eastern horoscope are subject to a certain element (water, earth, fire, air and metal), which imposes their imprint on them. For example, an earth dragon will be somewhat different from fire or metal: it is more balanced and calm.

Yellow dragons are able to set realistic and fully fulfilled purposes in front of them, do not affect the influence of illusions and do not like to fantasize. This quality quality allows them to succeed in life and achieve the peaks of the career ladder (if desired).

These are inborn aristocrats demonstrating independence and pride in their own person. For the yellow dragon, there are no authorities except him . Curiousness and desire to find the truth make these people constantly know something new, to improve and infinitely study. They are always busy, somewhere in a hurry, can not sit without a minute.

This people are peculiar to despotism, but with him and objectivity. The dragon does not regret anyone and does not gently, but at the same time fair and friendly. If he sees his mistakes and errors, always ready to admit them and fix it. Dragon appreciates the opinion of others if it deserves attention . But beware of the anger of this creature, if you decide to play with him.

Despite the fact that the Dragon loves to subjugate all around, it is difficult to blame in egocentrism or selfishness. These people know how to work in a team and understand the importance of everyone in their place. The scope of the Dragon's work activity has no restrictions: it can prove himself completely in any field of social relations. The main thing for the dragon is to make money and provide a family. Families from the representatives of this sign of the zodiac, as a rule, are always big, so much money is required.

Many dragons have achieved success in the field of art and culture: artists, actors, sculptors. Many have achieved success in business and conquered business heights.

Earth Dragon is a very sociable and charming creature, so he has many friends and acquaintances. They are sincere, benevolent, are open to communication - and from others require the same relationship. Hypocrisy is what hates the yellow earth dragon. You can always rely on the dragon: it will take a help hand at any time and will even help financially.

On a note! Among the negative qualities of the nature, vanity and some aggressiveness can be noted.

No need to bring the dragon to white cation in order to hear unflattering words from it to your address. And notice, he will never regret his words expressed by Sgorie. Also, the earth dragon is distinguished by revenge, it does not forget the resentment. But its revenge will be filed under the cold sauce and at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and not get involved in verbal battle in this cute creature.

1988 Any animal on the horoscope

Family and relations

These charming personals always attract attention, so the absence of fans and fans do not suffer. However, to keep the resulting relationships for dragons is much harder than starting them: they can not tolerate restrictions. Dragon It is important to feel free and not crammed by any restrictions, otherwise it loses the taste of life.

On a note! If you want to keep the earth dragon near yourself, do not interfere with it to express my own personality and do not limit his personal space before the size of the walnut nut.

However, dragons dependent partners also do not tolerate: it is not necessary to become their shadow. These freedom-loving personalities are interesting as independent and creative partners.

Dragons do not like the rapid clarification of relations, tend to approach the communication is reasonably and thorough. Romantic gusts are not their element. The Woman Dragon will never meet with a frivolous and unreliable man, because he made her a compliment and admired the beauty of her eyes.

Despite its iron character and unsinkable will, the dragon remains wounded and an impressionable person. It is easy to offend and hurt, but it's better not to do.

From the dragons, caring and attentive parents are obtained, ready to give everything to their chad. In his own family, they keep peace and peace, do not show their despotic qualities. Dragons love to walk with children in the fresh air and prefer an active leisure to passive. Dragon's pope pays for quite a lot of time, love to talk about life and share their own experience. Dragon will do everything in order to create your family maximum comfort and amenities.

Family life refers to calmly, does not expect romance and diversity from the life. Therefore, marriage with the dragon is a dream of those who seek to create strong family relations and always warm homemade hearth.

Work and money

Men of this sign make a successful career, become executives and superiors. They always know what they want, and everything is done in accordance with a pre-thought out plan. In addition, dragons are trying to foresee possible surprises or unpleasant surprises and bypass them. Yellow Earth Dragon is one personality that knows how to make money and control financial flows.

On a note! The yellow earth dragon can negotiate and successfully negotiate with people.

Woman dragon is a very friendly and cute person, which always strives for mutual understanding between people and hates quarrels. In a senior position, it demonstrates objective severity. If the Dragon woman chooses the sphere of psychology and raising children, then demonstrates restraint, patience and hard work.

Earth dragon is distinguished by a balanced character, so it will never make his subordinates with impracticable demands and demonstrate the Samoram of the Chief. These are objective and adequate people with whom you can easily get along. However, to sit on the neck of the dragon will not allow anyone.

Earth dragons are characterized as successful people. They can only achieve independently, as they are accustomed to work and have a powerful internal energy reserve. But despite this, they are all ready to help and offer their services.



Rat . The union is very successful, especially for the rat. She feels protected and in demand. However, the windy nature of the dragon can afford a new love passion, and then he will forget about the rat, which will make her unhappy.

Bull . Relationships in a pair are very complex, as partners have a different worldview and rhythm of life. Bull loves stability, and the dragon is distinguished by a creative approach to life. For a while, the dragon will be able to be in a quiet relaxing atmosphere with a bull, but soon she will get bored.

Tiger . Partners have a lot in common, they perfectly complement each other. However, these relationships are deprived of stability and a solid foundation.

Rabbit . Relationships are ambiguous. The rabbit loves silence and comfort, and the flareness and impulsivity of the dragon annoys it. When the patience of the rabbit is the end, the union will fall. More chances for a long-term union, if the rabbit is a man.

The Dragon . These two can instantly charm each other, but not long. When the first impressions are held, the dragons will begin the struggle for power and leadership in relations. On the household level it will be expressed in mutual reproaches and claims. How much such an alliance will last, it is not known to anyone.

Snake . Astrologers consider this union reliable and solid. The snake will never claim leadership, as it perfectly owns the art of the backstage management. Relationships are complicated only if a woman is a dragon.

Horse . The union can be based on mutual love for the struggle for justice. However, relationships can be complicated if a woman is a dragon: it requires increased attention. The horse does not have enough time and effort to constantly admire the dragon, because of this, intrameable conflicts can begin. A wives of a woman with a male dragon will be more successful.

Goat . The union could be perfect if the goat had learned to admire the dragon: he begins to stick without compliments. However, if the dragon is paired, the Union has a chance of prosperity.

A monkey . Astrologers consider this union ideal, as there is no rivalry between the signs. The monkey knows how to create a type of admiration for a dragon, intuitively feeling this need in the partner. However, the admiration of the monkey is quite sincere. Both partners can philosophize for hours enjoying communication. However, relations still lack depth.

Rooster . Both partners love to be clogged in public, only the dragon is obtained naturally. Petukhu has to make an effort to impress. Initially, the rooster will brag and be proud that the location of the charming dragon won, but over time, the relationship will be embarrassed to quarrels and conflicts.

Dog . Astrologers do not even advise even starting these relationships, as the Union is considered one of the most unsuccessful. Partners absolutely lack mutual understanding, a significant difference in worldview and spiritual values. Dragon needed admiration for his person, but the dog can not admire anyone, and the tenderness is no different.

Pig . Union is ambiguous. However, for a pig, a partnership with a dragon will bring a lot of positive: it will become more confident in itself and energetic. For the dragon, these relationships will be successful if the pig will give him compliments and admire.

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