Rite and rituals for luck, good luck and attracting money


Good luck plays a very large role in human life. Often, thanks to her one people with ease, it is possible to do what other spend whole years or even decades of their lives.

The rite of luck and good luck has always been high in demand for those who believed in magical forces. In this material we will present to your attention effective rites for good luck and financial well-being.

Bird of happiness tomorrow

Rites to attract money and good luck

Rite for good luck with tarot cards

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For him you need to prepare:

  • the deck of tarot cards;
  • Candles of orange and black colors;
  • Fabric bags - orange and black.

The deck is taken into hand, you think about something, from what to get rid of. You need to choose the 3 most negative habits (or character traits) that you dream to eliminate.

Then the 3 Arcana is selected from the deck (they personify your vicious sides).

For example, when a lack of finance take a five of the pentacles (Arkan Nushchenism), suffer from vulgar husband - prepare the hanged card, often quarrel - go back to the top three swords and so on, based on the symbolism of each arcana.

Then all cards are redrawn or copied, because afterwards you will destroy them.

The deck of cards again takes into hand, now think about what you would like to achieve, and then choose three arcans denoting it.

For example, for financial well-being, take the Arkan emperor, to attract new love - Knight of the Cups, buying a car - the Hermes chariot and so on.

Spread out 3 photocopies of bad arcanes and fabric blacks of black color. Also the black candle is also lit. Cards alternately take into hand, visualize that you get rid of what it means each of them. When all 3 arcans are in a cockpit, it will need to be tied with words:

Tarot Mattures Rite

After these words, three arcans laid their innermost wishes (there is no need to photocopy them) and the orange bag. The candle is litboard of the same color. Maps are taken in turns in turn, at the same time imagine how much your desire to achieve the desired, and put the arcan in the bag. It is necessary to read the conspiracy:

Ritual with Tarot

Then with the bag you come to the entrance door of your housing and imagine that everything is starting to enter it. Then the bag is molded near the candle of orange, do not extinguish it - let the knocker alone.

At the end of the culleys hide and persist as a talisman for a whole year.

A black candle is also stealing and together with a black bag is made from the dwelling. When you throw it away, visualize that so you eliminate all the troubles and bad luck from your life.

Ritual for luck

If you wish to overcome any obstacles, win a conflict dispute, we recommend that you resort to the next rite. For it, we get two new long knives and stand up so that the face looks north.

Start knocking down the blades of one knife on the second, uttering such a text:

"A sharp sharp rip, a bad flaw, everything against me will return to the enemy, I will not turn to me. The power in my hand, I have the power in my hands forever eternal and at all times. "

When complete, the knives should be hidden in a secluded place and never extend them to directly intended.

Conspiracy to have a profit

It is necessary to assemble into a small basket on one bishke from twelve different pines. The easiest way to do it with a big stick.

Pine cones

It is necessary to spend the ritual in the summer, during the day when the moon is in the growth phase. Before shooting down the cones, go to the tree, hug it and ask for help with such words:

Conspiracy on the bumps

When you get all twelve cones, it is necessary to cross the Lukoshko and say:

"My full-full-full, arrogant to me, the servant of God (his name), nearby. You, arrogance, take away in Lukoshko, stay with me. Till the end of time. Amen".

Then the basket in which the bumps lie, put in the red corner of your home, it cannot be touched for a whole year. Red angle is an honorable place in the home, where icons are usually worth. But you can also place a basket also in the kitchen in a prominent place.

Spring on the sand

To spend this plot, you will need to prepare a pine, birch or oak twig or twig. But under the strict ban is aspen!

Return in a secluded place. The best time for holding a rite - earlier morning, not yet disturbed reservoirs.

You need to get up on the shore, close to water, and draw your name. When you write, pronounce an appeal to the aquatic element:

Appeal to water

Wait for the water washed off written, after which you need to leave, despite the back. A twig or twig is closer with me and for three days is kept under the pillow. Then throw it out - it has already performed its function.

Ritual to engage with luck

This rite has a very powerful effect, it can be applied to anyone who wishes to become more successful.

The execution time is the first three days when the moon joins the growth phase. At this time, you need to present your perfect, incredibly lucky and happy life. Visualize how all your dreams are easily implemented.

Obtaining with luck

On the fourth day with the help of a wire, you need to measure the distance equal to the coverage of your nameless finger, and a little more to connect the ends. Also prepare glass beads in advance.

It should be riveted on the measured wire of the biserini, each of which is coordinated by such words:

Clamping text

At the end, make a mug from the beads and wear on the nameless finger on the right hand.

Ritual for good luck with candles

To spend this ritual, you need to prepare your photos, also 5 candles, of which 4 are green and 1 - white. In addition, stock incense, 10 laurel leaves, 2 green rocks with florites, coins and a bowl.

The rite itself is performed as follows:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.
  2. Make out green candles on the floor large square. A white candle is installed in its central part.
  3. The left of it is located incense.
  4. Fill the bowl of laurel leaves, stones and coins and put it on the right side of the candle.
  5. Photographs put under the candle.
  6. Then the floor should be drawn in such a way that it connects green candles, become in its central part.
  7. From the candle of white, incense is littered, and then a couple of wax drops dripped in the photo.
  8. Take the bowl with your hands and spend such a phrase three times:

"Good luck comes to me quickly, the prosperity flows to me - let it be so."

  1. After that, put off the candles, the first thing is stealing.
  2. Wait for a complete exercise of incense, and his rest screames in the ground.

Conspiracy to attract luck and finance

The time of holding is any day of the week when the moon is in the growth phase.

A coin or bill is taken, the denomination of which is important, and it is screwed by such words:

Conspiracy for finance

The spoken money is molded in the right corner of your room and is stored there for seven days. After that is spent. To get the desired effect, repeat the manipulation described above three times.

Thanks to magic, you will be able to attract Ms. Loss to your side and achieve its location in different spheres of his life. You will need to maintain faith in performed ritual actions, as well as adherence to all ritual conditions.

We offer you to watch a video in which the secrets of luckiness are revealed:

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