1996 What kind of animal on the horoscope and the eastern calendar


The ancient eastern sages noticed the similarity of people with some representatives of the animal world, the eastern horoscope was created. In the calendar of 12 animals that form a repeated cycle. Today we will consider 1996: what kind of animal he personifies.

I was always interested in why some people find or do not find a common language with each other. Answer I found in the Chinese horoscope, where a psychological portrait of born in one year or another is described in detail. My sister made a choice among fans on the recommendation of the Chinese horoscope, and now they and his spouse live a soul in the soul for 6 years.

1996 what animal

Year of the Red Fire Rat

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From February 18, 1996, the year of the red fiery rat was started. People born under the auspices of this animal are distinguished by focus and hardworking. They are hardy, proud, conscientious and trustworthy. Fiery rats possess attractive appearance and are able to quickly adapt to new circumstances . The survival rate among the representatives of this year is at the highest level. The picture spoils excessive self-confidence, which often leads to conflicts with others.

These are very emotional and mobile natures, loving comfort and delicious food. They do not stop on the achieved and constantly strive to improve everything around. The fiery element endowed its wards of determination, cycling energy and energetic. However, this feature also has a side negative effect - indomitable hot temper and amarness.

On a note! Element of fire gave her wards with a large amount of vitality and energy.

Women-rats are incredibly charming personality, they are endowed with curiousness and thirst for knowing new. But there is some dependence on public opinion on their appearance, therefore rats fear criticism.

The pragmaticity of the fiery rat is expressed in communication with people equal to it by status or superior to it. It will never spend time and energy on empty communication for the sake of a mindless time: all its actions and actions are filled with meaning and benefit.

Next to accumulation - original quality of the character of a fiery rat. She constantly focuses on the future, so it warehouses things in your home and dreams of future successes and events. Together with the accumulation of fire rats, thrift is distinguished: they love to save on shopping and rejoice in supermarket discounts. The rat will always have a bonus card for which it can get a substantial discount in the next purchase.

On a note! Fire rats are beautiful wives and keepers of a homely hearth.

The fiery rat is charming, attractive and sexy. She can attract the opposite sex without applying sufficient efforts. But despite the energy, attractiveness and self-confidence, inside the fiery rat lightening irrational fear, to overcome which it is unable. It will help to cope with the native or beloved person: soothe, dispel doubts and despondency.

Male rats are very attractive and charming. They are erudite and friendly, which attracts people to them. However, a dangerous predator is hidden for external tranquility and friendliness. If you get up in a fire rat on the way or try to take something, it turns into a dangerous beast.

Rat men do not differ generosity. But if you need to spend money for self-affirmation and demonstration of your own power, they will not regret anything.

Rats do not express in love with the words: they are very impressionable and emotional, may lose their head because of passion . For your beloved, a rat is ready for any feats. His charm does not have borders, so there is no penalty in choosing a partner. But the rat marries the rat only on his beloved, which will give his heart and will reveal the soul.

The advantages of fiery rats;

  • persistence;
  • dedication;
  • hardworking;
  • endurance;
  • energy;
  • increased efficiency;
  • Communicability.

An important quality of the fiery rat is a strongly developed instinct of self-preservation. Representatives of this sign are not used to rushing to the outer with your head, you will think a hundred times before making a responsible step.

Disadvantages of fiery rats:

  • hot temper;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • stiffness;
  • pragmatism;
  • cunning;
  • sharp tongue;
  • mistrust to people.

Love for gossip and soul miracles can slightly squeeze in the life of a fiery rat.


Business qualities

Fire rats are inborn leaders and leaders, they are trying to lead even in love. They can skillfully manipulate people by seeking their own. Adjust to be in the center of attention and events, seek to self-development and spiritual growth. Rat is always looking for And even relationships with people build on the basis of its own benefit.

But there is one significant disadvantage that spoils rats a business reputation - a sharp language and love for criticism. Over time, the fiery rat understands that you need to hold the tongue language and do not succumb to the temptation to criticize in the fluff and dust of others.

On a note! Fire rats are very ambitious and do not like to obey anyone.

Professional field is a battle arena for fiery rat. She is ready for any victims to achieve take-off on the career ladder. Some are ready to go literally on the heads to achieve your own. It is very important for them to fulfill all points of the planned plan, which necessarily includes career growth and promotion on the service staircase.

Analytical mind that endowed born under this sign allows them to use them both in good and to harm. Among representatives of fire rats were criminal authorities.

The passion of fiery rats to everything new makes invent various technologies of improvement, innovation and innovations. This can significantly increase productivity.

Professions of fiery rats:

  • broker;
  • advocate;
  • entrepreneur.

Also, rats can show well in law enforcement.

1996 A year

Family and love

Fiery rats are very impressionable and may lose their head because of love. Lovers of this year of birth lose their ability to think adequately and become hostages of romantic feelings. But healthy egoism inherent in nature from nature saves them from the abyss of emotions. Rat drove into the angle turns into a dangerous and merciless enemy.

On a note! A fiery rat is constantly needed new emotions to feel comfortable in relationships.

Rats in love do not hide their emotions and are completely given passion. The coldness of the object of passion or its indifference is strongly wounds the feelings of the rat, which can take a strong offense. The absence of passion and cooling of the partner is a reason for the complete and final breaking of relationships. The rat does not forgive indifference to his own person.

In the family of the rat, it will definitely start a strict routine and every household will determine the scope of responsibilities. Rats are perfect spouses and parents who bring up children with their own example. Congenital insight allows the rat to perfectly understand the emotions and the aspirations of their children, so it will always come to the rescue and support Chado in a difficult moment.

Compatible with other signs

Rat . Tandem with his own sign is ambiguous. If one of the partners refuses the thirst of lead, then the union has every chance of success. Otherwise, it will be a constant struggle for the championship, conflicts and intra-wars.

Bull . This pair has every chance of creating strong family bonds. The natural sense of humor helps rats to level the factor of the bull, turning attacks into the game. If other zodiac signs are frightened by the bull's aggressiveness, then the rat is very cleverly translates aggression to humor.

Tiger . This is an unsuccessful union that will bring a lot of problems with a pair. Both partners will try to capture the palm of the championship, applying all possible and impossible methods for this. Compromise is possible only if the tiger is a man. Both partners fully satisfy each other in bed.

Rabbit . This union has no prospects. The rabbit will constantly perform attempts to suppress the rat, which is absolutely not like it. Data data relations in extreme cases are married, and only when the rabbit stops psychologically pressing on the rat.

The Dragon . This is an excellent Union of two partners who complement each other. Freedom-loving dragon for the sake of a charming rat is ready to become an exemplary family man. It will be with love and tenderness to provide a rat with everything necessary than it will cause a response desire for fire beautiful.

Snake . Tandem contradictory and is simply as planning. The snake does not know how to store loyalty and constantly climbs the intrigues on the side, than heavily wounds the gullible and devoted rat. Astrologers believe that these relationships are deprived of meaning.

Horse . The beginning of the novel between the horse and the rat can be taken as a scenario for a love film. However, afterwards, when the fire of passion begins to fade, the partners detect the unsightly sides of each other's character. The endless clarification of relations, quarrels and confrontation begins. All this inevitably leads to a rupture of relationships. Astrologers believe that only sex can be long-term in a pair.

Goat . The union is possible in the presence of material support from the rat. If the rat is rich, then the goat of the soul in it will not land. However, the rat is not at all like the wizard and the capriciousness of the lazy goat. The union disintegrates when it ends patience to the outcomes of the horned.

A monkey . The union between signs is possible if the partners infiltrate each other confidence. In bed, they have perfect compatibility.

Rooster . Harmony is impossible. The rooster is very wounded by the caustic comments of the rat in his address, it is simply unbearable for his predominant. However, if the rat will nourish a strong attachment to the rooster and experience sincere feelings, the union is quite likely. Quarrels may arise due to finances, which rooster got used to sort. An approach to money is inconspicuous to the money and lean rat.

Dog . Relations between partners are quite possible. The dog impresses the material stability that the rat can be provided. Rat likes the devotion of the dog. A marriage will be especially favorable, where the head of the family is a man-rat.

Pig . Very harmonious and promising union. Both partners are able to earn money, intellectually developed and interesting to each other. The pig from nature has a compliant and light character, which should be taken into account by the rat when you meet: you need to restrain aggressiveness so as not to scare the pig.

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