Rings in the ears: detailed interpretation of signs and time


Folk sign says that ears can catch not only surrounding sounds, but also sense signals at the energy level that foreshadow about upcoming important events. They are manifested by ringing sound suddenly arising in the ear shell. I periodically arises a ringing in the ears, and I decided to check the truthfulness of the interpreters of this signa. In this article, I will tell you why it rings in the left ear or right, as well as the ladies detailed description of the interpreters of the day of the week and the time of day.

sneaking in the ears sign

Meaning Signs

Surely, many know that during the stall in the ears it is necessary to make a desire and ask a person who is near, guess which side will ring. If he guesses - the desire will come true. But few people know that in the old days there was a fortune telling on the groom or the bride. When it suddenly there was a ringing noise in the ear shell, it was necessary to make a number from 1 to 32, which would mean the sequence number of the letter of the alphabet. The name of the future chosen one or chosen will begin on this letter.

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In addition to despusts, the interpretation of the signs of the risk in the ears came to this day. With it, you can learn about the upcoming events for the next few days.

What rings in the left ear?

If rings in the left ear, the sign is considered unfavorable. This opinion was originated in the old days. It is believed that the left side of the human body is associated with the devil, so all the signs, be it ringing or itching, foreshadow something bad.

Ringing noise in the left ear shell warns about negative events and news. If this happened in the morning or day, then you should expect unpleasant news, and if in the evening or at night - to the emergence of problems and troubles. This sign has other interpretations:

  • Rings in the ear for a long time, it means that someone discusses or plans to make some kind of accuracy to harm you and your reputation.
  • If there was noise at the moment when a person thought about the performance of what action - no need to do that, because It will provoke a number of problems.
  • A short ringing sound that passed as suddenly, as it appeared, warns about danger. You need to be careful not to give others to fool yourself.

Sometimes the ringing of the left is the weather changes, namely, cooling, hurricane, blizzard or thunderstorm.

ringing in the left ear

What does it rings in the right ear?

Sketches "ringing in the right ear" is considered to be favorable, because This side is light. If noise occurred in the morning or at lunch, wait for good news or a successful coincidence. But if rings in the afternoon or in the evening, the sign will be associated with a professional or material sphere. Most likely, a person expect financial revenues, success in affairs and achieving new career heights.

Some details will help clarify the nature of the upcoming events:

  • The ringing in the ear on the right since the morning promises a favorable and productive day.
  • Long-term noise may indicate that someone admires or says something good.
  • If it climbed at the moment when you thought about some plans, then they will definitely come true, you can safely act.
  • In some cases, the ringing sound in the ear foreshadows weather improvement.

In England, I will accept interpreting otherwise. If rings in the ear, it means that parents remember you. Moreover, if the ringing sound is heard on the left - he thinks his father, and on the right - mother.

Meaning of a ring in both ears

According to esotericists, the ringing in the auricles on both sides arises from a person when he does not want to listen to the advice of loved ones. Also, this phenomenon may be observed in those personalities that are limited in something, ignore their own needs and desires or do not want to hear their own intuition. If there is a ringing noise in the ears, you need to think about what you do wrong, and as soon as you find the right answer, the ringing stops.

Another common interpretation of the stall in both ears is saying that at that moment this unpleasant noise arose, someone began to talk about you. To clarify, in which bed there is a discussion, you need to pay attention to the time of day. In the first half of the day, sign is positive, and in the second - the negative color becomes.

In America, ringing sounds immediately in two ears foreshadow about the death of a loved one or relative. And in ancient Russia it was believed that such a sign indicates a natural disaster - a hurricane, flood, a tornado or an earthquake.

ringing in both ears sign


To learn more about the upcoming event, it is recommended to look into the interpreter by day of the week:
  1. Monday. Rings in the right ear - to a quarrel with a friend or friend. The ringing on the left indicates that someone from loved ones is discussed.
  2. Tuesday. Hearing noise on the right side, make a desire, and it will surely come true, but if on the left - be alert, you will be hazardous on the road.
  3. Wednesday. Slipped in the right ear - to the Wests from a close friend, and if in the left - to a fun event.
  4. Thursday. The ringing noise of the left promises the improvement of relationships with a loved one, and on the right - warns that guests will soon look at you.
  5. Friday. If it rings in the right ear, then at work to be faced with troubles or conflicts, and if in the left - hear gossip about yourself or about the second half.
  6. Saturday. Sudden ringing on the left side - to successful purchases, and with the right to financial income. For girls, a ringing noise on the right can fill the receipt of the offer from the beloved guy.
  7. Sunday. When concerns the ringing to the left, get ready for clarifying relationships with the second half, and on the right - to a meeting with a former passion.

Interpretation by the clock

Depending on the time of day, the ringing in the left ear or in the right can foreshadow completely different events. An interpreter will help to find out the details:

  • 00-01 - Red-haired feature nourishes love feelings to you, but does not know how to say about them.
  • 01-02 - learn bad news about a long-time acquaintance, which is why you will spend all day in the depressed mood.
  • 02-03 - Getting a remuneration for the previously done work.
  • 03-04 - To tears because of a trifling.
  • 04-05 - Pleasant meeting with old friend or girlfriend and fun pastime.
  • 05-06 - troubles at work or conflict situations that will occur by your fault.
  • 06-07 - you will have to fight an annoying fan, but it will not get rid of it.
  • 07-08 - Do not trust unfamiliar people, you want to fool.
  • 08-09 - Your feelings are mutual, wait for an invitation to a date.
  • 09-10 - A close friend will help the gaze to solve all your problems.
  • 10-11 - there is a risk of health problems, so you should care.
  • 11-12 - To sad or unpleasant news.
  • 12-13 - to a strong quarrel or even parting with a loved one.
  • 13-14 - an unexpected meeting with a fan, whose feelings you did not even guess.
  • 14-15 - The outlined cases will not go according to plan, but you will like the end result.
  • 15-16 - you will regret the perfect act.
  • 16-17 - Randomly face a person with whom it has long ceased to communicate, and it will become sad for you.
  • 17-18 - A secret fan will send a letter with confessions in love.
  • 18-19 - Look at the acquaintances, one of them has long hints at your feelings, and shows unequivocal signs.
  • 19-20 - learn unpleasant gossip about yourself, but do not be upset, the best will always discuss.
  • 20-21 - someone from the close surroundings soon will substitute you.
  • 21-22 - an unpleasant meeting with a long-time unfriendly.
  • 22-23 - to unexpected guests for which you really missed.
  • 23-24 - the secret fan of the other day is recognized in his feelings.

Rings in the ears of the day of the week

Neutralization of negative

In the old days, the ringing in the ears was considered unfavorable, so to prevent negative events, people did the following:
  • Felling a little finger. The ringing noise in the left ear shell indicated that at the moment someone gossipped about a person. Therefore, so that the unfriendly player is silent, you need to bite your little finger and hold it between your teeth until the ringing stops.
  • Repent of sins. In ancient Russia, believed that the ears would ring when a person had committed some sin. To avoid punishment from the Most High, you need to sincerely repent, pray and turn it around three times.
  • Go to the courtyard. In the opinion of the ancestors, the ringing in the ear occurs in the event that due to the fault of the unclean forces, something bad will happen. To prevent this, it was necessary to go to the temple on the service and listen to the ringing of bells. If after that noise in the ears does not stop, you need to perform the described actions again.


  • The ringing in the right ear is always associated with good events and news, and in the left - with negative and trouble.
  • If there is a ringing in the first half of the day - it is to news.
  • In some cases, the ringing noise promises weather changes.
  • NEGATIVE VALUE SIGNS WILL NOVEELATION, having completed simple actions.

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