Good luck's talisman: what options, creating methods


Good luck plays a very big role in the life of each of us. It often happens that a person seems to not be able to get certain benefits, but he was just lucky. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in issues: "How to become more lucky? How to attract Mrs. Fortune, arrange it to yourself? ". Then the good luck would come to the rescue.

Talismans Good luck and luck

Talisman varieties of luck

All amulets for good luck are divided into two main categories: animated and inanimate. The first group includes many plants:

  • For example, it is believed that good luck brings Clover True, only the one that has four sheets (as a rule, this flower consists of three twigs, and the likelihood of meeting an exception 1: 10,000. Therefore, it is not surprising that the four hundred call is a happy talisman).
  • Another natural amulet, attracting happiness - Pine tree . In magic, the plants cone are especially valued. Esoterics are recommended to plant pines in their plot (if you live in a private house) or have their mini version (bansay) in the apartment. Pine bumps personify fertility, abundance, secureness. And here, not only mystics put forward their opinion, but also scientists who speak about the benefits of essential oils present in the needles. The last beneficially affects well-being, improve the mood.
  • The Chinese as a natural amulete of good luck and finance apply Corn cobs . Typically, the plant is not grown at home, but simply take 9 chicks corn, sew them into the pupa of the rags or are used to create beads. Corn in China symbolizes abundance. The way the whole Kochan grows from one small grain, is associated with powerful vital energy, fertility. The yellow color of the grains is the solar force, the power of life and happiness.

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The second category is inanimate talismans:

  • Some of them used to relate to the animal world. For example, since the Middle Ages, the amulet, providing good luck and material benefits, - Rabbit pap . It was originally used by the ancient Celts, which noticed that the hare is always born blind, but the rabbit from birth can see this world. Therefore, it began to believe that the animal notes all that was hidden from the human field of view. In addition, the rabbit lives alternately, in which his connection with the entities of the lower worlds. Those who wears a rabbit leg (as a key chain or suspension) are asking for help from ancestors.
  • Sailboat Performs another sacred symbol. Previously, the main mass of the sailboats - it was trading ships. Their return home meant that the sailors brought a lot of gold, Silk and other important products. The arrival was expected with great impatience and rejoiced when the ship went into the harbor. Today you can purchase a model of an old ship (most importantly, only with pockets). In this case, you will always be accompanied by only passing winds.
  • Also a rather popular whaling for good luck - Personally selected Stone talisman . Here you should not "poke your finger into the sky," and much more correct to appeal for help to astrology - in this science, certain minerals are suitable for specific constellations, bringing happiness. But other signs of the zodiac, on the contrary, may not be that not useful, but even harmful. Therefore, do not risk, but learn information on this account or contact a specialist for help.
  • Horseshoe - Is it possible to forget about this famous good luck talisman? Our ancestors endowed it with powerful positive energy. Why? Because the fire in the forge, where horseshoes were created, associated with victory over evil forces. In addition, Horseshova was an attribute of a horse - an animal, which rightly served people. Therefore, they began to attach horseshoe to the symbols attracting the fortune.

Feng Shui: ship wealth

Where to get a protective charm?

Of course, today there are many esoteric stores that offer sacred products for every taste and color. You can also order the manufacture of personal amulet at the magician engaged in similar services.

Indeed, all the listed ways are correct, but it is best to make a mascot personally. The fact is that, making it with your own hands, you put the particles of your energy that many times enhances the action.

How to make an amulet for good luck: methods

Method 1. Talisman with a candle and thread

This is perhaps the easiest option. To create it, you will need to stock:
  • scarlet ribbon;
  • needle, in which the green thread is extended;
  • Candle.

Ideal time for work - Midnight when the moon is in the full moon phase (so you will enhance the magic action even more).

You need to light the candle, sit next to the window and flash the ribbon from one edge to the second, uttering mystical words:

"The ribbon Aluu I, I, I, I LOVE, LOST AND LOW TO SEE. As now on the ribbon, the thread will be, so on me luck and the luck will be! "

Repeat this saying all the time until you sew. In complete, it is necessary to tie a ribbon by saying the phrase:

"May it be so!"

Everything, your guard is ready, from now on we always wear it with you, but do not demonstrate anyone.

Method 2. Magic wax

Here you will need only one candle. Moreover, its color and form do not play any role - orient to your personal wishes.

When you chose a candle, wait until the moon logs in the growth phase, then you can start acting. I'm clearly mounted at midnight the candle, and then we quietly temper on it all, what you are passionate about what you would like to get. You need to say exactly so much until the candle burns completely.

The remaining wax will become your mystical amulet, as it is filled with the energy of your thoughts and desires, will attract what she asked about. It is important not to touch the wax until it freezes, since otherwise you can spoil the fortune pattern on it. Then place it in a beautiful bag and keep in a reliable place.

Method 3. Stone charm for the fulfillment of desires

Natural material will be the best assistant in attracting good luck. Therefore, if suddenly for a walk on the sea coast or in another place of nature (near the water) you noticed a nice pebble, lift it up and use as an amulet.

It is necessary to draw on it desired in any form: in the form of words, pictures, symbols. And then make three circles around the reservoir against the movement of the clockwise, think about your dream. Finally, the pebbles are thrown into the spring, and you go home, sincerely believing that the desired will soon become real.

Method 4. Fortune in the bag

To make this charm, it will be necessary to stock with a piece of red fabric and a beam of dried herbs (fragrant pepper, mint, clove, a laurel sheet or others that feel sympathy).

Fortune metoos with herbs

Create a fabric bag (perfectly do it in the new moon) at night, and in the morning fill it with the grass and read the prayer "our Father". Then say these words:

"I put grass on God's rally, for good luck and luck! May it be so!"

Subsequent 3 full moon pouch must be put next to the window. With the right actions, you will receive a conspiracy mascot, which will begin to attract luck to you in different spheres of life and will work for more than one year.

Method 5. Talisman with conspired delivery

For this chaff, you will need to give small money. Start saving coins to the new moon, collect for 6 days, and at 7 - buy some object on them. The main thing is that the trinket you really liked, then it will work stronger.

The money that will remain with the purchase are thrown out on the crossroads over the shoulder with the words:

"Completed, for everything in full sworn! May it be so!"

Then go home, in no case on the road, without turning around and do not have any conversations.


It's a little about how to make a talisman for good luck, you need to correctly charge it. After all, the most important thing here is the energy invested in the subject. The stronger than your desires, emotions, thoughts and aspirations, the more powerful the talisman will act.

There is not even such great importance, whether you bought an amulet or done with your own hands. Although, of course, the last option is still more efficient.

And to enhance its actions you need to perform one uncomplicated rite. A crystal bowl is taken on the night of the new moon, filled with water, the talisman is lowered into it. Then the fingers are folded in the form of a triangle above the bowl, and you should contact the moon with a request to give a symbol of its strength.

Let luck always accompany you in life!

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