Sociotype: what it is, classification of personality sociotypes


Sociotype (referred to as socionic, type of information metabolism, Tim, psychotype) of a person is, from the position of socionics, congenital type of thinking structure. Total Science Socionics disassembles sixteen types of information metabolism.

The appearance of sociotypes in science

The most important for socionics shows the typology proposed by the Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst Karl Gustav Yung. It addresses eight psychotic, which are classified according to the following signs:

  • thinking (it is an introverted or extravel);
  • feelings (introvert or extrovert);
  • sensations (introverted or extrovert);
  • Intuitions (may be introverted or extracetic).

psychologist Karl Gustav Jung

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This is a psychological installation, according to which all people are inclined either to introversion (injecting themselves to themselves), or to the extroversion (directed more to the perception of the surrounding reality). And other mental functions presented by thinking, feelings, sensations and intuition, allow you to create the highest possible description of the psyche of a particular individual.

Socionics suggests that the information perceived and processed by the human psyche in the process of information metabolism is divided into eight aspects correlated with each of the functions. All the types of personality have their own, different from other type of perception and processing information, depending on how there is a different function.

Socionics functions are mental elements that facilitate human perception of information.

Why do you need knowing your sociotype?

For socionic type, the possibilities of a person are determined when it interacts with the outside world, especially interpersonal relationships, advantages and deficiencies of the person. Each type has its own concrete weak and strengths, behavior features, a way to think and make decisions, as well as views on life and values.

Representatives of absolutely different layers of the population can have the same type. That is, they approximately react to specific situations, possess close views on life.

Socionics says that the main psycho personality remains unchanged for life. Only the informational component of different functions and aspects varies.

16 sociotypes and their characteristics

In the process of dividing the socion for 4 Yung dichotomy (logic with ethics, intuition with sensoric, extroversion with introversion and irrationality with rationality) creates 16 socionic types of personality.

Sociotypes of man


Characterizes a peaceful, cheerful and friendly person. He does not like conflicts and unpleasant situations, in life, he is in life to everything beautiful. She strives to establish a friendly relationship with others, in which he helps delicacy and willingness to compromise.

Dumas is convinced that a person should enjoy life, and in no way otherwise! So he acts - gets joy from every little thing. Shows hospitality, creates homemade comfort, has a developed taste. This psychotip has a strong perception of the surrounding world.

Don Quixote

This socionic type is characterized by lively thinking, violent fantasy, constantly generates new and new ideas. Don Quixhots are always passionate about. And often their ideas go a much ahead of the time in which they live are often realized only after many years. It is the Don Quixhots that base various teachings and scientific directions.


He loves to receive joy from life and give it to other people. It is characterized as a driving person, seeing good everywhere and in everything. One presence is already charged by the surrounding joy, positive emotions and discharges the situation. It is not surprising that he is considered an enthusiast. Hugo shows society, mobility, easily makes new acquaintances.


This type is fighting for the truth, justice. From the children's years, Robespierre strive to mentally cover the whole world, establish a causal relationship between everything that happens. Possess pronounced analytical thinking, which makes them successful social analysts.

Robespierre knows how to confidently express his position, it is right to evaluate the events. But his thinking is more abstract character, which is why he is confused in his presentation. He acts as a rationalizer, seeking to introduce its own developments and improve them.


Hamlet has dramatic internal and external emotion. He is also evaporate - knows how to feel the emotions of others, understanding whether his companion is experiencing joy or grief. This is his hobby for a lifetime, whatever profession he chooses for himself.

A representative of this society loves to joke, having fun, ironize, encourage others. In his nature combines diverse mental experiences. Hamlet performs a very talented person, skillfully changing its "masks", often dramatizing what is happening. Such qualities allow it to become a talented director and actor.

Maksim Gorky

A person who is always and in everything strives for impeccable order. The essence of his nature - he recognizes only the presence of the world of order or disorder with the lack of median values. He considers its mission to get rid of the world from chaos and guidance in it of absolute order.


He is studying new theories. Located to the idealization of a particular character, it is gaining in his image and copies his behavior to the manner. It is in dire need of ideology, and if it is destroyed, the search will be asked for a new one. Yesenin feels perfectly how events will develop, which will change in society, humans. Feels the beginning of positive changes.


This psychotype seeks to lead, be the leader. Always promptly assesses the situation, understanding what role he plays in it. Prefers to deal with a wide profile, thinking over the ability to expand. Zhukov does not give a slack, ready to work out of the last forces, just to get the desired result.

He also understands that he will help him achieve the desired. Initially, such a person can be an ordinary employee, but due to its activity and perseverance seeks stunning results. As a rule, it is impossible not to notice Zhukov in the crowd. He makes a brilliant career.


People belonging to this sociotype have a developed will and a large stock of vitality. Napoleon is a born leader, the head, is usually in high positions. If it sets itself, it will confidently move towards it, in the way exciting other people.

Such an individual shows empathy: his insightful gaze is noticed, in which sentiment there are interlocutors, you can trust or not. Excellent motivating less decisive people who do not believe in their own strength. But to subordinate him to someone else's will - the task is almost impossible, especially if a person is weaker than him.


He performs attentive observer of life. Often shows seriousness, discontent, sadness. It is distinguished by patience, independence, independence. It is wonderful oriented over time. It is able to observe contradictions in what is happening, predicts the further development of the situation.

Balzac always and everything has its own opinion. Does not like to hurry, because in a hurry afraid to make mistakes, in connection with which, often perceived by other people as a passive person. He does not like harsh changes, because they all require energy investments. By their nature he introvert.

Features of the separation of sociotypes

Jack London

Constantly engaged in finding ways to improve technologies known for today, and therefore also called the experimenter. Jack is confident that production should be organized in such a way that the application of minimal effort makes it possible to achieve maximum results.

Representatives of such a sociotype are rationally to work, preferring the most effective ways. Quickly react to what is happening, understand the feasibility of each of the actions. Jack becomes an excellent leader, achieves high indicators, often makes a million state.


A person who is remarkable in relations around others. Itself with great care makes new acquaintances, for a long time withstands the distance before it decides to get closer. Therefore, other people perceive it as a closed and noncommunicable man. As a rule, has a small circle of buddies.


Very talented, it is easily achieved of success, it contributes to his innate tireless livelihoods. He quickly finds faithful solutions to any situations, does not represent his life without difficulty.

He acts as an excellent administrator who can become the leader of the Big Team. Skill controls the workflow, shows a demand for discipline. It is capable of providing stability, stability, get rid of everything that interferes with productive activities.


He strives to file the surrounding example due to his personal ethical behavior. Shows attentiveness, unobtrusion, calm. Dostoevsky managed to find "points of contact" even with the most conflict personalities.

In an unknown situation, pay great attention to intonation, gestures, peculiarities of behavior of other people. Dostoevsky perfectly disassembled in human nature, feels the energy of his environment.


Another subtle psychologist, unmistakably capturing someone else's strength and weakness. Finding the solution even in the most difficult position, it displays the necessary information and it applies well. Known as "scout." Huxley is perfectly focused on the motivation of other people's actions. And at the expense of the developed imagination, see how promising or unpromising developing relationships.


He serves the sophisticated connoisseur of the beautiful. It has its own opinion about what can be considered beautiful and harmonious. Also perfectly disassembled in its own and other people's material and aesthetic needs.

Suitable area of ​​life - art. Shows increased sensitivity to touch. It has the same developed taste, hearing and smell. Gaben will always notice the shortcomings in any activity, appearance and so on.

I would like to note that the socionic type is not able to completely reveal the personality of man. After all, we are all unique from nature, and data 16 types do not give a full description of all personal parameters. And besides, none of the types are in its pure form - one of them prevails, but all others also have, just to a lesser extent. Often people combine the qualities of direct opposite types.

Review your dominant sociotype allow special tests, questionnaires, experiments.

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