Rituals for the New Year for good luck and wealth


New Year's Eve is the most magical night of the year. At this time, the skies open, and the requests of people hear the universe. At this time, rituals and rites that attract good luck and wealth are traditionally carried out. On New Year's Eve, you can get rid of obstacles and misfortunes, to make a secret desire. What other rituals for the new year can be held? Consider several effective magical spells for different occasions.

Rituals for the New Year

Alerts and protection in New Year's Eve

So that the year has passed successfully, it is necessary to put magical protection against the goat unclean spirits. These rites will keep you and your family from misfortunes during the year, and the next year you need to repeat everything again. However, before performing protection and facing, it is necessary to clean the room from the energy mud.

Cleaning the room from negative

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Having completed the usual cleaning in the house, sprinkle the room with holy water. Special attention should be paid to the corners, windows and doors. Then burn the church candle and tell me:

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Complete with the candle around the perimeter of the entire apartment, ranging from the entrance doors, and read ours "Father". Then fool the room with an aromatic chopstick or put the aroma. After that, go through the rooms with the bell, call and say:

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Now you can spend rituals for the new year, attract good luck and get rid of trouble.

Whether a year

In the last minutes of the outgoing year, 12 apostles about protection are asked. To do this, it is necessary to buy an icon of the apostles and 12 church candles in the church bench, symbolizing 12 months. Try a conspiracy with a quiet voice, slowly feeling the solemnity of the moment. You are not just asking for protection, but also bless every month of next year.

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Allow the candles to burn. Rocks roll into the ball and put on the icon. Next year, the wax ball must be betrayed. If there is a lot of snow, just buy the earth for flowers and put the ball there. Take the land under the fruit tree.

Also read the New Year charm three times with candles:

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If you accompany the leap year, instead of the first guard, read this 12 times:

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No trouble will affect your family, and the trouble leaps in the past.

Neighborhood and rituals for the new year

Washer from trouble

To this ritual must be prepared in advance. You need to collect the following magic items:

  • pine cones and needles;
  • thread of pure wool without synthetic a length of 30 cm;
  • branches dry wormwood with flowers;
  • copper coin or any item from copper;
  • white coin or silver;
  • a piece of silk fabric;
  • Dry lilac flowers;
  • Dry rose rose petals;
  • seven oat grains;
  • Sea shell or stone with a hole;
  • three dry leafs from oak;
  • Wax from candle.

You must have 12 different items symbolizing 12 months of the year. Now take the cut of the red fabric without a picture and cut out a circle out of it. The new needle and the thread of the red color walk along the edge of the stitch "Lish" and fix the knot at the end.

Put objects on the circle and tighten the threads. Before tie the bag with a knot, jump inside the items and tell me:

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So you need to do three times: pour and say conspiracy. After tighten the bag and make sure. When the chimes start to beat 12 times, hold the bag for the thread with your left hand and swing it. The charm should describe 12 circles with your hand. Keep it in your own things: the charm will protect from troubles and witchcraft. After a year, throw it into the ground, make a new charm. Metal things can be removed, rinse under running water and put in a new coasting bag.

For beauty and good health

In order not to hurt next year and always look beautiful, make the next rite during the last hour of the outgoing year. For the rite you need to buy three candles of red and a spoon of liquid honey.

Stand in front of the mirror, break the hair, burn in front of the candle mirror and keep a spoon with honey in your right hand. When everyone prepare, read the conspiracy words three times:

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You need to read a conspiracy by heart, looking into my eyes all the time. Eat honey and write tea. Let the candles do to the end. Sparks roll into the ball and put in a white cloth for storage. It will be your talisman for a year.

Mutual love rite

In order for the beloved person to respond to reciprocity, you need to hold a simple New Year's ritual with a red apple. During the celebration, ask a man to give you an apple from the vase and imperceptibly hide it under the Christmas tree.

In the morning, carefully remove the core from the apple, and instead, put the folded sheet of paper with the initial men's written tube. Tie the apple with a red satin ribbon and put in a warm place. At the same time nothing needs to say.

If the apple does not rot, but dry, a loved one falls in love with you. If the fruit begins to rot, get rid of it - it means that it is not destiny.

Conspiracies for wealth and money

Buy a ceramic pot with a lid in the early days of the new year, and put the delivery from buying inside. Only the pot must be your first purchase this year! If you buy products or something else, put in the pot to pass it from the first purchase in the new year.

All days before the full moon you need to replenish the pot in the trifle, saying the following words:

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At 14 lunar day, hide the pot into a secluded place to do not find her home and did not take a trifle. If you do everything right, good luck and well-being will not leave your home all year.

New Year's money bath

Cash rituals for the new year can be carried out until January 14: every day of the beginning of the year is filled with magical power. In order to swim in money in the coming year, you need to make a monetary bath 1 number.

As soon as he wakes up after the meeting of the New Year, throw a handful of coins in the bath, which will be found in the wallet, and fill it with warm water. Lower in the bath and imagine that you bathe in money and wealth. After 10-12 minutes, collect a trifle in the package, and release the water. This little thing will be the talisman of the current year, it is impossible to spend it.

Next year, repeat the ritual with the same coins. You can store them in a box or fabric bag. Important note: you can not spend a ritual in a drunk!

Ritual from launching

On the morning of January 1, you can talk myself from lack of money and failures when washing. Pour water into the container and tell the words of the conspiracy 12 times. It is important that breathing concerned the surface of the water:

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Now smear water, and let the face will dry in air. Wipe your arms and face. American magicians come easier: they "wash" the face with dollars instead of water. It is believed that the whole year the money will stick to the person.

Make a desire for the new year

Rites for the New Year to desire

Scroll of desires

What new year is without gadas and rituals at desire? Those who annually practice rites to fulfill desires say that everything is fulfilled literally. Only to this ritual should be considered responsibly and the desire to make really fulfilled. It is impossible to demand from the Universe Impossible, still will not come true.

So, you need to prepare:

  • white paper sheet;
  • Ribrush black bread;
  • Rose red;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • red handle or flavored;
  • A candle of white and aluminum ribbon.

What desires can you make a New Year's Eve? It may be dreams associated with well-being, love and money. Every person has their dreams, and the universe responds to the wishes of the heart. The rite needs to start a week before the New Year's Eve.

Light a candle. Write down the three cherished desires on the sheet and put the magic wig "so it will be so." Pack all objects to the sheet, keep a few minutes in your hands and focus on your desires.

Then tie the bundle tape and secure wax from the candle - Searate. Put the package for the mattress, you should sleep with a convolution every night: 7 days before the new year and 7 days after it. Then remove the package from the mattress and put it on the highest place in the house on your photo. First put the photo, and on top of it - a bundle. During the year, all dreams are implemented!

Desire in champagne

What else are New Year's rituals and rites at a desire? Popularity acquired a cheerful collective ritual with champagne: it can be done along with guests at the festive table. Previously, you need to prepare napkins, boxes of matches and handles by the number of man at the table.

When the chimes start their battle, you need to quickly record a secret desire on the napkin, set fire, throw in a glass with champagne and drink. All actions need to have time to do to the last strike of the chimes. If it turns out, the desire will come true!

Three pouches of fate

For this ritual, you need to draw on three sheets of paper A4 three bag of different colors: black, blue and red. Next, do the following:
  1. on a sheet with a red bag write a list of desires;
  2. On a sheet with a black bag, write what you want to get rid of;
  3. On a sheet with a blue bag, list the good events of last year.

After the battle of the chimes, I need to burn a sheet with a black bag and dispel the ashes in the wind (blown from the balcony). This is what should get away from you in the new year. Together with the destruction of the sheet you need to get rid of the handle with black paste - break it. Two other sheets need to be hidden and forget about them until the next New Year's Eve. After the holidays you can re-read the records and note that it came true throughout the year. This ritual can be carried out constantly.

New Year's fortune telling

This fortune telling needs to be held in a circle of guests. Prepare the shells from walnuts by the number of those present and place a symbol of desire in each half of the shell:

  • love - heart;
  • Money - dollar symbol;
  • Machine - wheel from the car;
  • etc.

Pour water into the basin and lower the shell. Now you need to get up around the basin and blow: what a tape will approach the "your shore", then desire and turn!

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