1949 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article to learn more about people born in 1949, and the year of which animal corresponds to them. I collected information about their character and behavior so that you could better figure out.

general characteristics

People born in the year of the bull, characterize being calculating and soberly look at life. They all do thoroughly and certainly, they seek to get the maximum result from any action and act.

1949 what animal on the horoscope

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For their own gain, they are able to go on their heads, neglecting even the interests of close people. It seems smelling and somewhat simple, but it is a deceptive impression.

Stogly, real workaholics are practical and workable, which makes beautiful performers, but there are practically no leaders' potential.

Character and behavior of a man - Earth bull

This is a man who is very serious about life. Choosing one thing, completely concentrates its attention on it. Invested all the necessary efforts to work. Responsible, balanced, always retains a sober mind towards cases.

1949 what animal

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. Straightforward, he always directly expresses his opinion, which is why it may seem rather sharp and offended by people. But only at the beginning of communication, then, with time, they understand that only honesty and reluctance to reveal for this.
  2. Wereless, only good motivations are always based on his actions. Friends appreciate him for sincerity and honesty, often refer to him for advice and help in which he never refuses.
  3. In principle and its principles always remains faithful, which often prevents him in affairs. When you need to smear or manipulate people, it will prefer to stay honest, because of what often does not benefit.
  4. It does not know how to pretend, the flexibility in its character is absent, so often does not reach the peaks of the career, preferring to remain only the responsible performer. But he does not rhat to the top, he always suits what he has.
  5. The bosses appreciate him for hard work, operational and responsibility. You can rely on it without controlling and not pitch. Therefore, it is still profitable among others, more irresponsible colleagues.
  6. He does not like women at first glance. He seems too small prey - it does not earn a lot, it does not know how to talk beautifully and carelessly, speaks directly about his intentions, does not play and does not manipulate.
  7. But it is serious about relationships, it will not be long to tighten with the proposal of the hand and the heart, it will not be flirt on the side. Therefore, he can become a reliable and faithful companion of life for not too ambitious chosen.
  8. Unfortunate and ready to give the beloved everything that has. It will not wait for a special admiration for it, rather, it will give all the care and warmth, which is capable of. Not demanding, his ordinary girl will arrange without any special claims for life.
  9. However, neglects and disrespects tolerate for a long time will not be either, so his wife should know and respect his borders, not allowing himself too much.
  10. It happens quick-tempered, but quickly departs. The main thing, at the moments of manifestation of negative emotions, give him time to cool, and not to inflate the scandal, then the case will quickly end the world.
  11. He can not give reasons for jealousy, because he can turn into an angry and violent person who will start to twist everything in its path.

Character and behavior of women - Earth bull

This is a very smart and reasonable young lady that admires her seriousness, although it is somewhat boring. She avoids any kind of dubious situations, does not like to risk and seeks to control everything that happens around her.


What is still characteristic of her:

  1. Ambolism, but for the sake of achieving its goals will never go on heads. It remains true to its principles. He does not like to be sick, does not participate in intrigues, does not gossip and does not build any goats.
  2. It seeks success, but without much enthusiasm. It is easier for her to be subordinate to be the leader and be responsible for many people. Stability is quite suitable.
  3. Hardworking and knows how to build a good relationship with colleagues, so it almost does not happen to enemies and ill-wishers.
  4. The surrounding sometimes seems weak, unable to defend their borders, but this is not so. It is easier for her to give in trifles, but she will receive their in truly important things. Knowing to sacrifice small for the achievement of large goals.
  5. It rarely comes out of itself, but if someone succeeds to bring it out of equilibrium, becomes very hot-tempered, aggressive, even cruel. At such moments it is better not to be on its way.
  6. Calm and balanced, she likes to men who entail her femininity, softness and wisdom. It seems that it is almost impossible to quarrel with it. I want to build a serious relationship with her, as it is immediately clear that this option is not for one night.
  7. Always keeps with dignity, does not interrupt the interlocutor and does not argue with him, it's nice to keep a dialogue.
  8. In marriage is true and is predicted with her husband, never deceive, will not betray and will not change, because he respects his choice. Even if her feelings are cooled, will try to save the family. It understands that it is better to try to restore the previous relationship, and not to handle everything and immediately.
  9. Does not like noisy companies and entertainment, she is a household. She is more like a quiet and cozy evenings in the family circle. She becomes an excellent hostess, excellent wife and mother. Maybe for the sake of this to quit a career and become a housewife.
  10. It is sometimes boring with her husband, but he can be completely confident in her, he appreciates high. She is able to give reasonable advice and is the very "neck", which will inspire, will support and help in everything.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Men and women born in the year of the earthy bull are people without special ambitions, but hardworking, responsible and executive. They are appreciated for professionalism and high-quality work.
  • Calm and balanced, it is difficult to remove them.
  • Reliable and loyal partners. Married, remain loyal chosen to the end of their days. Beautiful family mans, parents and spouses.

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