What is the Pentacle Solomon - how it affects the human life


There is a huge number of different talismans: some are called to protect a person from negative energy, others - help him find their soul mate, others improve health, fourths - favorably affect the material sphere of life. The latter category includes the Talisman Pentacle Solomon.

Pentacle Solomon

Historical certificate of Solomon Pentacle

The word "Pentacle" (in Greek Pentaculum) in translation indicates a "small drawing". In appearance, the pentacle is a geometrically faithful pentagon, on each side of which an anoscele triangle is located (all triangles have the same height). In fact, he acts as an ordinary five-pointed star.

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Today it is difficult to definitely talk about the symbolism of this sign. Each culture perceives him in his own way:

  1. For example, residents of the ancient Babylon believed that the symbol distributes the power of the king in the four directions of light.
  2. The Jewish people the Pentacle associates with five books that God gave the Prophet Moses.
  3. In ancient Greece, such a figure is known as Pentalfa, which means "5 Liter Alpha" in translated.
  4. In Christianity, the pentacle compares with five wounds of Jesus Christ.
  5. Alchemists with Pythagoreans believed that the five endings of the symbol are associated with five first elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether.

Whatever it was, whatever the pentagram does not mean, she has attracted attention from ancient times at the expense of his huge strength, whose mastering that everything was eager. The mysterious symbol arose at a very long time. It is said that the first person who received a sign is David, who came with the father of King Solomon. True, David failed to open the mystical power of Talisman, he kept him, believing that she was getting protection from the sign.

In the future, David transmits the artifact to his son, and he is already learning the use of the pentacle. As it happened, it is reliably unknown. According to Solomon's records, an angelic essence was to him, which opened the secrets of applying an amulet.

Talisman characteristic

The mystical pentagram has tremendous significance for people practicing occult knowledge. With its help, they establish contact with spirits, and also receive information about the past and upcoming. She also helps in comprehending all the secrets of the Universe, and also increases mystical power. If you apply a sign on some subject, other mystics will not be able to use it.

As for ordinary people, for them the value of the symbol is somewhat different, namely:

  • Solomon Pentacle protects from evil alien energy (Schalz, damage, curse, spell). It creates a powerful energy wall, through which evil spells do not penetrate. And any negative promise "bounces" returning back to the sender.
  • Assists in the fight against disastrous addictions . Therefore, he is advised to apply everyone who dreams to get rid of their thrust to alcohol, drugs.
  • Attracts material benefits . Taking advantage of the talisman, really get rid of money problems. You can return all debts and achieve financial independence, plus your new sources of income. And it is believed that the Solomon Pentacle does not just help improve the financial situation, but it is capable of making a poor man very rich.
  • Fills human vital energy allowing you to easier to cope with any problems.
  • Helps to realize their true purpose. And it will not allow the person to go wrong dear.
  • Provides a trust and respectful attitude. Having enlisted the support of the talisman, you can find power over people. The surrounding will listen to the opinion of the Solomon pentacle.
  • Favorably affects well-being, prevents the development of any diseases, provides a long and healthy life.
  • Improve memory and exposure.

The legend claims that it is thanks to the strength of a mystical pentacle, King Solomon was able to get all his inconspicuous wealth.

The symbol brought the Solomon of a huge wealth?

Creating a sacred symbol

Esoterics advise, wanting to create a talisman independently, to ask for help to mystics. Make it personally also really, but then you need to be 100% confident in your abilities. After all, the creation of the magic charm is a difficult task.

And the pentacle of Solomon - the amulet is very individual. You will have to think through everything to the smallest little things. It is important not just the performance of high-quality talisman, but also the right choice of material for it. In this process, the sixth sense helps in many ways, so you trust what the heart says.

And, of course, it is impossible to do this case, being in the poor arrangement of the Spirit. Get rid of negative from your thoughts in advance so that the brain is filled with exclusively positive emotions.

Indeed, this is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Asking assistance may be required. Various rituals designed to improve the final result are known. Perform them until you reach complete cleansing. And then you can also move to the creation of a pentacle.

What metal to choose for a talisman?

Here, keep in mind that sometimes the human body does not accept a certain metal. Someone has allergies to gold, and someone - on silver and other metals.

For the manufacture of Solomon Pentacle, you cannot take a cheap basis. And there is a number of reasons:

  1. First of all, the cheap metal does not have a mystical strength necessary to activate the amulet.
  2. Secondly, its energy is significantly lower than that of noble metals.

All metals are associated with a specific day of the week. And if you wish to strengthen the magic impact, be sure to consider this parameter:

  • On Monday and Wednesday - use silver;
  • On Tuesday - Iron;
  • on Thursday - Tin;
  • On Sunday - gold.

Of course, you need to take into account your own preferences in this matter. But do not neglect the main rules of the creatures of the Pentagram.

Who can use the symbol?

Wishing to receive protection from Pentacle to Solomon, attract luck in your life, wealth and other benefits, it is necessary to use the amulet. It is usually used as a jewelry.

At the same time, silver and gold products are considered to be the most favorable - it is their energy that the richness is most strongest. In addition, they believe that such a talisman will allow even the most courageous dreams.

You can also apply a symbol on various things of everyday use. Then the sign will protect the surrounding space from any negative energy, theft and fire.

Another option is to make a tattoo with the image of Solomon Pentacle. The tattoo has the greatest power, because it is applied directly to the human skin. In this case, the sacral sign will protect a person until the end of his days, helping in any endeavor.

Especially the talisman suits representatives of dangerous professions (police, firefighters and cascadeurs). Will protect their health and life.

Note! Not all people can use the force of the amulet, but only those who have a stable psyche. The weak identities with a sensitive nervous system will simply not cope with its powerful energy. Their mind risks to suffer.

Amulet Pentacle Solomon

How to clean and charge a sign

It doesn't matter where the amulet appeared from you - did you buy it in the store or do it yourself, it will be no more than an ornament in which there is no magical power. And in order for it to start acting, the correct activation will be required. Cleaning is sure to be performed before it. Clear Pentacle can be cleared with several ways:

  1. Put it on the window on one day so that in the afternoon it was lit by the sun's rays, and at night - the light of the moon. After 24 hours, activate the character.
  2. Hold for three minutes under jets of running water (perfect so that it was natural water - river, stream or sea). But if you do not have such a possibility, then it is permissible to use conventional water from under the tap.
  3. Put the amulet into salted water or just in salt for several hours. Salt pulls any negative energy, performing the cleansing of the amulet. When the specified time expires, the symbol must be removed, and water purple into the sewer.
  4. Place the pentacle to the ground for half an hour.
  5. Lay it with the help of incense.
  6. Put in the backying chamber on one day.

You can choose any of the cleaning options at your own discretion. And when performing it, proceed to activation of the amulet. It is done like this: the mascot takes into his hands, he is asked to protect his owner from evil energy directed from the outside. Visualize all that you would like to get. When you feel that enough "talked" with the amulet, it is possible to apply it for its intended purpose.

But you can think exclusively about good! It is unacceptable to ask the Pentakl so that he harms the harm to another person, because by the result, everything will return to you by the law of boomeranga.

In addition, plays a big role day of the week in which you made either bought a symbol:

  • Monday - Such a Pentacle will help to gain power over other people, and will further improve relations with them.
  • Tuesday is an ideal day to do or acquire an amulet if you are to medicine.
  • Wednesday - day will help develop and improve intellectual abilities.
  • Thursday is a pentacle of Solomon wealth.
  • Friday - suitable for making and buying a symbol for creative personalities.
  • Saturday - Discard the seventh day of the week from this venture, it is not suitable for it.
  • Sunday - Such a sign will help to gain power over others and will additionally provide career growth.

Solomon Pentacle is one of the most powerful amulets. So that he showed his work, be sure to clear it and activate it. Of course, an important condition is both a sincere faith in the magical effect of the talisman. After all, it is she forces to work any magic.

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