Effective rituals on a growing moon


In this article we will tell you what powerful rituals on a growing moon can be carried out. The Earth's satellite was considered a faithful assistant in magical rituals. The energy of the growing moon contributes to all positive endeavors and performs all the innermost desires and dreams. She will attract wealth and prosperity to your home, will help in heart matters and career. It is safe to say that this is the period of execution of desires and updates.

Rituals on a growing moon

Powerful ritual attracting money
  • 7 strong ritual to attract money
  • Features of the moon in the growth phase

    The satellite of the Earth has no own light, but reflects the light solar. Depending on how the moon is located in relation to the Earth and the Sun, its appearance changes, which we can observe. The phases of the moon arise with a length of twenty-nine and a half days, each of which favors the conduct of certain magical rites.

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    In the period when the moon entered the update phase, it comes the time to attract a new energy stream into a person. Part of the Ecumenical Energy Field, which is activated in this phase on Earth, can be aimed at love, creation and universal harmony. Therefore, during this period, magical rituals are carried out on material well-being, health promotion, happiness in love and career success. These conspiracies and rites are necessarily configured to create and positive changes in human life.

    If you decide to address the help of magical forces during the growing moon, be sure to consider some rules for conducting such rituals.

    When conducting magical rites, the moon phase is always taken into account. Take into account some nuances of conspiracies: if you turn to the growing moon, you need to perform during the young month. If - to a decreasing moon, then decaying.

    The rite time is to coordinate with the lunar calendar, as, visually determining the phase of the moon, you can make a mistake. Then the rite will be ineffective or even affects the opposite.

    Beginner magicians are recommended to come into contact with the Moon, looking at her. Only professionals in the magic sphere are capable of testing the inner sensation of the moon.

    Do not experiment with the words of conspiracies, because if you are not a magician, you can make mistakes.

    If you still want to turn to the Moon in your own words, take it to her with respect and respectfulness. The disrespectful and familiar appeal to the night luminaries will lead to an undesirable result.

    Do not be selfish, because universal energy flows are designed for everyone. Request love, wealth, health for all residents. In this case, the likelihood that the highest forces will give you help, increases many times.

    Strong protective conspiracy on the growing moon

    During the New Moon, a strong ritual for protecting itself and close to various negative impacts and energy attacks is carried out. It is necessary to conduct it on the first day of the New Moon, with each subsequent day the power of impact decreases. Beginners it is recommended to update protection every month, because if you can constantly have energy or magic influences, it may not withstand. The protection force weakens not from a specific time, but on the intensity of negative impacts on you. If you are damaged to death with a strong magician, then surely such protection will not work.

    Looking at the young month, say:

    Conspiracy for protection

    Love rituals with a growing moon

    The young month is the most favorable time for various love rituals. This is no accident, because the first phase of the moon is a symbol of the origin of love relationships or the beginning of a new stage in existing ones. There are many rituals and rituals during this period. But keep in mind that if you found a love ritual for a decreasing moon, it is better not to use it. Most likely, his result will not be what you wish.

    Love ritual

    Ritual upon returning a beloved woman

    Perform on a growing moon on Saturday night. Take three church candles, a mirror, a key with a castle and a photo of your beloved. At 12 o'clock at night, place a mirror on the table and burn three candles with a complete darkness and put a photo. Take the key with your right hand, and the castle is left and say:

    Ritual Return a loved one

    Read the plot three times, quit after each reading one candle for another. Having put the last, insert the key into the lock and close it. Then go to bed, and the next morning you need to endure all the objects of the ritual to the place where people do not go, bury them and not return there.

    Strong cash rituals on a growing moon

    The growing moon has a powerful impact on the attraction of material values ​​into human life. Therefore, during this period, various cash rituals and rites are carried out. But in no case are not attempting to get rich at the expense of other people - in this case, the highest strength will not help you.

    Powerful ritual attracting money

    It will definitely help if you urgently need money for something very important. Perform it on Sunday with a growing moon. It is necessary to prepare an astrological candle, 2 candles of green, one candle of brown and yellow, jasmine oil, wand with cinnamon aroma and brown paper sheet.

    Initially, ignite a candle of green, which is greater in size, and a chopper with cinnamon aroma. Brown candle should be smeared from top to bottom with jasmine oil and scratch some sign that is associated with your money. Enter the exact amount of money that you need, on a paper sheet. The rite will not have the strength if you write the amount of the one that you really need.

    Brown candle install in the center. The remaining candles also need to grasp jasmine oil from above DONAZU. Put in that order: astrological for brown, to the left of it - green, and on the right - yellow. Now the candles need to be lit and read the words of conspiracy 2, 4, 6 or 8 times:

    Ritual for money

    With the help of a brown candle, you need to burn a sheet of paper and dispel ashes.

    Strong ritual to attract money

    It must be performed within three nights during the growing moon. Cook on the table a candle of green, orange butter, bergamot and cedar, a wand with one of these aromas, a candlestick, a thin candle of white color, a pen with paper and a bowl. Posing these items on the table, think about what money starts coming to you.

    Ritual enrichment

    Before conducting a ritual, it is recommended to take a cleaning bath with herbs. Draw a circle and burn the wand. Sit into the center of the circle and draw in your imagination glowing a green ball, inside which you and the objects of the ritual. Holding a candle with both hands, charge it with its energy. After that, install it in the candlestick. On the leaves you need to write all your desires regarding wealth and ideas, how you can achieve prosperity. Put the paper sheet under the candlestick so that the words were on top.

    Tell me these words:

    Conspiracy for enrichment

    Light the candle and say:

    Claim for enrichment

    Looking at the candle flame, paint the picture in the imagination that you have achieved all the goals and became a wealthy person, got a new position at work and forgot about all financial difficulties. The candle must be repayable when it decreases by a third, speaking:

    attract wealth to your life

    Spend the ritual and for the next two nights. On the latter you need to remove the note, burn with the help of a candle and the ashes throw in the bowl. By collecting the wax of the candle, which was completely densely, and ash of a piece of paper, groan the remnants under the wall of their house. During the ritual, imagine yourself inside the glowing green sphere.

    In this article we introduced you to some powerful rituals, which are held with a growing moon. But do not forget that the ritual will help you only if you yourself will make efforts to achieve our goals. The essence of magic is that you see new opportunities for fulfilling your desires and took advantage of them. But just lying on the sofa, hardly in the morning you will find under the pillow pack of banknotes.

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