Learn your mistake - Slavic analogue of a traditional horoscope


The pag of Slavs acts as an ancient horoscope, used by our ancestors long before the traditional astrology arose. The pane is a direct analogue of the zodiac sign. Only in Slavic astrology, the separation takes place on 12 parts, as in classical, and on 16. Each of the tests is patronized by his deity.

Drawings of Slavs by date of birth

Where did the word "paternal" come from?

Wanting to get an answer to the question: "What is a packer?", It should be paid attention not only to the explanatory dictionary, but also on folk tales. The palace is a highlighted hall in the Palace of Prince or in the house of a well-to-man. After conducting an analogy, we get that the heavenly draws protrude their kind of chambers for various constellations. It should be noted that it was Slavic ideas that influence the zodiac astrological system, which constellations were combined with Arab interpretations.

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Slavic knowledge is the most ancient in the world. Today, many scientists suggest that they have appeared before the notorious Maya tribes with their famous calendar. What to say here is even the word "calendar" possesses Slavic origin. His decoding of the "Village of the gift" - it is believed that the God of the Kolyada presented our great-grandpace the method of counting years.

To better understand what the draws of the Slavs are, it is necessary to own some knowledge regarding the churches of the Gods. For example, in initially a week was 9 days, not 7, and in the bottom - 16 hours. The year consisted of 9 months, each duration was equal to 40 or 41 days, and every 16 years consisted of 369 days and was known as the "sacred summer".

Ancient Slavs did not use the word "year", instead of speaking "Summer".

The origins of this tradition

Slavica began to share all people in heavenly panels for a long time - in the distant preachristian time. It is noteworthy that Slavic astrology is much more accurate and reliable than a modern Western tradition.

There is an official document, which confirms the presence of the Slavic calendar and the tags - that is, an ancient horoscope. It is called a "circuit number". In this edition you will find information on the use of the Slavic system not only in the ancient world, but also relatively recently - in the late 19th century.

What features are Slavic draws? It should be noted that our rapids carefully followed the change in the time of the year, as well as the cyclicality of various processes in nature. Fortunately, they had plenty of observation time. Help them in the study of the sky, constellations and stars of the observatory, the remains of which are sometimes encountered by archaeologists.

Why did the Slavs generally need a horoscope with the panels? They knew that every person coming into this world was endowed with unique abilities, skills that it is important to identify and start developing. Therefore, astrology served as a practical tool, allowing to solve important everyday problems and as a result to improving their entire lives.

Features that have Slavic draws

You ask the question: "How to find out your drawing?". It is not difficult to do it - you just need to get acquainted with the table below, in which the dates of transitions of all the tags are painted:

how to find out your packer by date

Pay attention also to the fact that the ancient Slavs have several other concepts about the day and night than we. For example, they started the beginning of the new day at no time at 12 o'clock in the morning, and at the time of the sunset on the day of the equinox - that is, approximately half of 8 pm. Be sure to consider this indicator in the process of calculations.

The total number of heavenly tags - sixteen pieces. Everyone has its own sacred plant, his patron god and is dedicated to one of the animals who played an important role from our great-grandparents.

The beginning of the year in Slavic culture fell out a day after the autumn equinox and hence the draws are counted. The draws relaxed close to each other allow them to be perfectly found a common language. Also, if a person appeared on the light on the border of two tags, he can imagine the characteristics of both of them. To calculate the horoscope in this case in this case, the Slavic astrologer will be able to. And then let's talk about the characteristics of each of the signs.

Drawings of Slavs by date of birth: Characteristics

By duration, each of the tags varies from 20 to 22 days. Ancient Slavs put a lot of effort and time for observing people born in different periods, which helped to identify a number of features and differences. The characteristics of the signs were transmitted from generation to generation, which allowed her to preserve to this day. Now let's turn to the dentals of the navigation circle (as they are also called).

Wear (from September 20 to October 12)

God-patron of the pacologist - Rakhat, who is responsible for life light and justice. It is better to produce your amulet from the sacred tree - pears.

Vepryamim managed to be surprisingly easy to solve urgent vital problems. They have a pronounced inclination to physical activity. And if the activity is low, there is a decrease in their performance. Such personalities are distinguished by self-confidence, determination, however, sometimes the apathetic is shown, it is striking that it does not allow them to fully show all their abilities.

Pike (from October 12 to November 3)

The sign is patronized by the Glazhana, which is the goddess of the family coziness, material well-being. The talisman is best made from a plum tree.

What pikes are strong - this is in its adaptation. It is easily able to adapt to the new setting, as well as find a common language with new people. On the other hand, this dignity often interferes with a person, as it is rather adapting to the problem, and not dealing with it.

Swan (from November 3 to November 24)

The patronage of swans is the mock - the deity of a good harvest. Their sacred plant is a pine tree.

Do not notice such an individual in the crowd is very difficult, since he is proud of pride, harmfulness, has a proud landing of the head and solid gait. It greatly prevents swans in life, because others are annoying their arrogance, arrogance. Therefore, they are experiencing difficulties that at work, that in personal life.

The amulet of the priest swan

Snake (from November 24 to December 17)

Divine patron of the parshotos - Semargl, guarding young crops. The sacred tree is lime.

Snakes by nature - the Egoist, that, on the other hand, helps him to give himself just until the last droplets of the chosen lesson. If they are seriously interested in something seriously, they will show the short grip. But at the same time, at all, they do not know how to perceive himself and adequately to react.

Crow (from December 17 to January 8)

Voraces patronize a light deity that protects farmers, - a stride. To create a personal talisman, it is best to stay on the larch tree.

Raven is distinguished by high curiosity. Since childhood, she already has sufficient vital wisdom. At the same time, there is an increased lovingness: it easily tying new novels, however, feelings are as easy and leaving her heart. For this reason, in his youth, the raven cannot be called reliable satellites of life. Over the years, usually settle down.

Bear (from January 8 to February 1)

Bear patronizes God Svarog, guarding the sacred fire and engaged in blacksmith. And the sacral trees are beech and raspberry.

Those who relate to the Bear Tie are real custodians of a homely hearth. They are inherent in a calm, peaceful temper, they also have excellent organizational talents. They have a high intelligence that allows you to find a solution even in difficult situations. But often bears too slow.

Busla (from February 1 to February 25)

Busla is different known as a stork. The God himself is patronized by him - the creator of all existing on earth. Representatives of this title should make protective amulets from Wood Woods for themselves.

Busla is the same as the Bear, a man calm and very open. He is incredibly lung on the rise, does not like to get involved in conflict situations. Shows generosity towards his close surrounding. Busles are wonderful friends and spouses.

Wolf (from February 25 to March 22)

The patron saint of a wolf is a deity of household and cattle veles. To create a talismans worth choosing a poplar tree.

The wolf has a strong "inner rod". His purposefulness simply does not know the limits, as well as responsibility, as well as moral endurance. Another wolf acts as a real idealist. Of the negative properties of the personality, it is worth noting excessive alertness and rigidity.

Lisa (from March 22 to April 15)

The goddess-patronage of the drawing of the fox - the mistress of the Merinal Merbal Kingdom. To create an effective amulet, a currant tree and ram is recommended.

Foxes from nature are very disturbing, even minor items, very cunning, allowing them to achieve life success. There are no financial difficulties for them. They also easily manage to find "points of contact" with other people. But Lisa often suffers from his innate curiosity, which makes her nose to poke her nose where it should not.

Tour (from April 15 to May 7)

The defender of the tour is God the lier, bringing joy and pleasure. And the sacred wood is aspen.

The tour in life is unrealistic and hardy. Exhibits enviable hardworking, and the presence of a business warehouse of the mind allows you to achieve success in the business sector of life. The purposefulness and discipline of the tour helps him in implementing any ideas.

Elk (from May 7 to May 30)

Else patronizes Lada - the Deity of Beauty and Love. In order for such a person to create an effective guard, it is better to stay on the tree of Birch.

The representative of this pacologist is characterized by activity, a cheerful temper and high sociability, which contributes to light contacts with other people. The main difficulty of the moose lies in his gulling, which makes it easy prey for deceivers.

Amulet of the drawing of Losia.

Foreign person (from May 30 to June 21)

The finists protects the Highway, controlling the immense expanses of the Universe and providing spiritual growth. Coast tree - Cherry.

It is the finists in the bulk of their mass become the discoverers in different areas of life. In this, their natural causing and curiosity helps them. And the prudence makes them with excellent scientists and innovators. Foreign person - a very stubborn person. If he began to do something, then it will surely bring it to the end. And he will not be afraid of any difficulties on the way.

Horse (from June 21 to July 13)

The horse is patronized by God Kupala, associated with the energy of life and in the summer. Their coastal plant - Elm with a fern.

Those who are lucky to be born in the specified period, inherent stunning optimism. Whatever happens, the horse will certainly find in this advantage. He also seeks to discover new, prone to philosophy. Sometimes, however, it happens too hasty, sharp and inattentive, which leads to problems.

Eagle (from July 13 to August 4)

Orlov protects the God of Lightning and Thunder - Perun. And to create a protective amulet, they should choose oak.

Eagle is strong. It is persistent, hardy, has a large margin of vital energy. It is determined and militia - in his appearance there is some calm severity. At the same time, prone to fantasies, dreaminess, which makes him a very interesting person.

Race (from August 4 to August 28)

Race is a leopard. He patronizes the deity of sunlight and a good harvest - Dazhbog. The best material for the creation of the overag is ash.

Such individuals are characterized by a high concentration of attention and equilibrium. They have a good temper, always readily provide their help in need, not expecting anything in return. Possess well-developed time perception. More races intuitively feel the surrounding situation, understanding how to behave today.

Virgo (from August 28 to September 20)

Vagins protects the goddess of life and adolescence - alive. An ideal basis for their amulets will be an apple tree.

That the Virgin put in their first place in their lives - their own independence. It is extremely important for them to show freedom and independence, so they tolerate cannot help, even if it is really difficult for themselves. The bulk of the virgins has high goals, to implement any techniques.

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