Circle: Slavic Zodiac and its characteristics


Welding a circle is a special system used by the ancient Slavs. It acts an analogue of a modern zodiacal system, which means that the topic of astrology concerns. In the navigation circle, the celestial canvas is divided into 16 pieces (constellation). Alternately the sun turns out to be in each of them. Constellation data are known as parses.

Each title has its own patron saint, a sacred plant, he also affects the man's temper, born during this period, contributes to the manifestation of those or other characteristics (abilities, temperament, talents) in it.

Magnify circle

Structural features of the navigar circle

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The distribution circle is a very deep, multifaceted system. It was actively used by the wise men and other sages when it was necessary to solve important questions. But the understanding of the circle is not given to everyone. To do this, you need to have a special warehouse of the mind.

You can talk with all the confidence that the Circle is filled with many knowledge about being in general, about our universe. If you manage to figure it out, a person will be able to fully understand himself, and he will also discover the meaning of life. He will be able to achieve inner harmony among himself and the world around him.

Previously, it was already designated that the circle is formed by 16 panels. And each of the tests is divided into 9 of the following halls:

  • Home ownership - Helps to receive information about household, construction, teaches various professions.
  • Service and military honor - teaches military skills to fight for good.
  • Creative - Those who relate to Him have pronounced creative inclinations, know how to create a new one for the benefit of others.
  • Mercy - People of this room can affect their body. They have a tendency to the gift of the healing of others (if desired).
  • Irinition - Representatives of the hall have high sensitivity, empathia, always come to the aid when it is necessary.
  • Wisdom and death - His representatives have paranormal abilities, can see and feel more than others.
  • Tips of Fate - People of the hall have power over natural forces.
  • Fate - a grievous heavy room. Its representatives are prepared by various life tests.
  • Wisdom either - Those who relate to him, constantly want to receive new information, replenish their knowledge luggage.

Ultimately, the circle of weld consists of 144 parts (16 in terms of 9 halls). For each part, a defined rune was used. However, this does not end: in each hall 9 tables, everyone has 2 benches. On one bench sends 72 women, and on the other - the same number of men.

From this place they (rather, their souls) pass along the navigation circle, falling on the ground (becoming a physical body). And at the same time the soul is filled with the power of the light of the or other panel.

It happens that the child appears on the boundary between the two panels or halls. Then he acquires the characteristics and the first, and the second, but they are expressed in varying degrees.

Why do you need to know your density?

The draws act with the energy influences of the celestial bodies, shining and the galaxies of our universe. They give people special energy and information programs that affect the character and all life in general.

Each person has both positive and negative qualities. Thanks to them, he moves forward or learns to cope with the life lessons set in front of him. It is to identify these qualities, the strengthening of the necessary and the ability to cope with those that destroy the personality, and you need to know about your panels.

The drawers of the navigation circle by date of birth

Nowadays, many are awakened from oblivion, and in this they help the Vedic knowledge of our great-grandparents. If you are also of them of their number and want to know what kind of drawback, refer to the following table:

The drawers of the navigation circle by date of birth

Please note that dates can change, in some sources they differ from the table declared. Doubting - read the description of the tags or use the special calculator calculators.

Characteristic Tribery

Baby Crane

His God-patron - Kolyada. The sacred plant is larch. Representatives of the pacologist are distinguished by wisdom, curiosity, lovingness. The mystic attracts them, they are active, alone, hardly forgive others.

Their main lesson : Learning for a forgiveness, and not to be offended, perceive the world is more realistic.

Breath of Medveda

His God is Svarog. Sacred trees: raspberry and beech. Those who relate to the Bear Tie, inherent benevolence, they are open, they know how to keep family values, love their children, are excellent leaders.

Their lesson: Learning the adoption of reality is what it is, as well as more flexible interaction with the world.

Besla drawer (stork)

His God is a genus, creating the whole world. Sacred tree is Eve. The people of the pacologist are able to create comfort around themselves, loyal, reliable, good-natured, quickly let offensive, are more interested in spiritual than material. Dream of a happy family.

Their lesson: Must learn confidence to others, do not overload themselves with other people's challenges, look for a faithful way out of different situations.

Tie Wolf.

God is Veles. Sacred plant - poplar. Wolves on their nature are warlikely, alerts, responsible and purposeful. Speakers with real solids, which are well alone with them, closed. Love everything uncharted as well as travel.

Their lesson: They should learn how to show openness to the world, the trust of others, as well as not to repeat old mistakes.

Blossie foxes

Goddess - Maren. The sacred plant is currant and robbic. Representatives of the priest have a difficult share: they are inclined to make a mistake, go wrong. Different with rationality, cunning, energetic, dodgy, picky, but wisdom, reasonable.

Their lesson: Must open their abilities, data over, and also learn to plan their actions, decisiveness, more loyal attitude to others.

Hang Tour

God is a roof. Tree - aspen. The tour is distinguished by enviable hardworking, always perform its work very high quality. Speakers good friends, give smart tips, since since the birth of wise. Change even difficult life tasks, can become excellent leaders.

Their lesson: Increase faith in yourself, learn responsibility and not be afraid of difficult situations.

Blossie Losia.

His deity is Lada Mother. Sacred tree - birch. The moose is also very efficient, sociable, have a speaker gift, can become leaders in the masses. But at the same time, often with carefree existence, loneliness. They are hard to trust others, they are getting used to people for a long time. They have a solid character, great physical and spiritual strength, as well as high principle and incredible independence.

Their lesson: Should not be afraid of responsibility, to study the trust.

Blind of Finista

God is to send. The sacred plant is cherry. The finists are very active, their energy is inexhaustible, are unrealistic working. It is often endowed with extrasensory abilities, which allows them to become the magicians. But they are distinguished by windiness, often at the same time be taken for several cases, none of which is not adjusted to the end.

Their lesson: We must learn wisdom, calm, loyal attitude to others.

Amulets for all tags

Tie horse

God - Kupala. Plant - Elm and Fern. The character of the horse is sunny, he, like a flame, inspires others, often he gets the role of the leader. Also acts as an idealist, a maximalist, not tolerating deception, betrayal. Routine and orders to endure. Often suffer from internal doubts, do not complete the started.

Their lesson: Show care to what is happening, be careful, think over your actions in advance, correctly distribute energy.

Baby of Eagle

Divine - Perun. Sacred tree - oak. Representatives of the Bar of Eagle are very decisive, strong, militant, but also dreamy, friendly. They are strongly developed responsible, they love to patronize other people. It is very easy to study, but suffer from our own laziness.

Their lesson: Learn compliance with honor, as well as cope with laziness.

Drawer Race (Leopard)

Deity - Dazhbog. The sacred tree is ash. Such personalities are very inquisitive, active, love life in all its manifestations. At the same time behave impulsively, may be excessively emotional and reckless. True, you can switch from entertainment to work.

Their lesson: Learn self-control, excerpt and tranquility.

Blossom of virgin

Deity - Jiva. Sacred plant - apple tree. Virgin by nature is independent, stubborn, love to seek unreal purposes, become true leaders, have organizational talents, they do not carry pressure, incredibly independent. Easy to study, copier with large information volumes.

Their lesson: Learn to accept and respect for someone else's opinion, as well as reckon with the interests of others. Plus to use your energy correctly.

Baby Vepry.

Deity - Rakhat. Sacred plant - Pear. Wear a very curious, self-confident, timely, decisive, able-bodied. In disputes always wins, it has enviable perseverance, rational thinking, emphasizes everything in the life of the shelves.

Their lesson: Learn the adoption of new, respect for someone else's opinion, life flexibility.

Pike drawing

Goddess - Gignhaw. Sacred tree - plum. Such personalities are sociable, calm, easily adapt to a new one, dream of a measured life. They are extremely difficult to make important decisions, they prefer to shift them on other people, cunning.

Their lesson: Concentrations should be led to the goals and independent decision-making.

Tie swan

Goddess - Makosh. The Sacred Plant - Pine. Representatives of the progressive swan progressive, selfish, differ in windiness, to their own way. Calm, calcined, tend to control their emotions. Have the ability to analyze what is happening. Even very inquisitive, love to learn, magic attracts them, everything is more interesting.

Their lesson: To be able to find your way in life, and also always think of your head, not someone else's.

Tie snake

God is SEMARGL Flab. Sacred tree - Lipa. Snakes are selfish, do not tolerate critics, active, possess a cold mind and a chain of business grip. It's easy to fall in love, love is in the first place in life, terribly afraid to be alone. Without activity begin to stick. Any life difficulties are able to solve.

Their lesson: They need to be able to concentrate on their own spiritual improvement, work out their drawbacks.

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