1968 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar


The eastern horoscope is very popular, because truthfully describes the characters of people. What animal symbolizes in 1968? At the end of January, the year of the yellow earthy monkey began. Astrologers believe that Balovni fate was born under the auspices of this sign.

My brother does not add up family relationships, and my mother and I could not understand the reason. It turns out that men monkeys are familiar with family life and routine, so they seek to escape and hide from longing to be away. They perfectly develop a career, but in personal relationships a lot of misunderstandings. Who are people born in the year of the yellow earth monkey, what are their distinctive features? I'll tell you about this in the article.

1968 what animal

Characteristic of the year

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The monkey is different from other signs overestimated self-esteem. However, along with this, monkeys are very friendly, open to communication, wise and proud. These character qualities allow monkeys to achieve high career growth and well-being, because they are still hardly in moderation.

Astrologers believe that monkeys have an excellent character, in all strive for equilibrium and harmony, carefulness and not very selfish. Inquisitive encourages them to strive for the knowledge of new, learning and mastering new professions. At the same time, monkeys characterize some phlegmology, which is reflected in the careful study of every detail and attentive analysis of the situation.

The very pleasant quality of the yellow earthen monkey is compassion and the desire to stretch the hand to help with all disadvantaged and in need. With age, the monkey is gaining experience and becomes very wise.

Characteristic of an earth monkey:

  • altruism;
  • honesty;
  • attentiveness to the near;
  • reliability;
  • a responsibility;
  • readiness to help;
  • mercy;
  • generosity;
  • performance;
  • practicality.

Earthy monkeys are distinguished by a dense physique, a strong musculoskeletal system, a low voice chamber. Their goal is the accumulation of material benefits that they achieve hard work and methodical work. They have all the data in order to achieve career success: practicality, clear reason, enterprise.

Note! An earthy monkey is committed to comfort and material security.

Astrologers are confident that the main (and sometimes the only one) the goal of the earth monkey is the desire for a comfortable life. However, in contrast to some dishonest signs of the zodiac, the monkey seeks comfort to be honest and legal. People of this sign helps developed intuition: they may foresee the results of the intended activity. That is, the monkey will not take care that will not bring good dividends.

An earthy monkey does not like to impress the audience and attract attention to himself, care for her about her loved ones and relatives. For them, she is ready to sacrifice its time and forces.

Note! No ambition - a distinctive feature of an earthen monkey.

If the monkey helps the needy, then does it secretly and does not advertise his actions. Good and compassionate, they are often deceived by chairs and fraudsters. Nevertheless, they do not lose humanity and continue their noble mission of the benefactor. Bitter experience and disappointment in humans can lead to the monkey will limit the circle of its communication only with close and familiar people. But most often they just continue to do good in spite of anything.

Negative character traits:

  • carelessness;
  • superficiality;
  • Frequent mood change;
  • quickness and conflict;
  • Stubbornness and impulsiveness.

Note! Monkeys do not know how to understand people at all, so often become victims of scammers.

Nevertheless, these few naive and good-natured people are attractive to their childhood, immediacy and wit.

1968 Any animal on the horoscope

Personal life

Monkeys differ in love in love, often fond of new partners. However, they are quickly disappointed in their choice and again rush into an active search. Looking for your half a monkey can up to deep old age by samples and errors, but often so dying alone. Early marriages are usually ending with divorces.

Despite the fact that the representatives of this sign are different in love, it is still not a guarantee of a happy relationship. However, some monkeys still have mercantile relationships and marry on the calculation. In this case, young girls can marry an elderly parquet if they see in this material benefit.

However, for no matter what basis the monkey did not create a family (for love or calculation), it will always demand attention. Representatives of this sign always require unquestioned subordination from their second half, as well as admiration for their person. Even the most good-natured monkey can not live without compliments.

Work and career

Representatives of the Year of the Yellow Earth Monkey can organize a successful business. They are admored, mobile, inquisitive, organized and know how to work from dawn to dawn. In addition, monkeys are very well developed intuition, which allows you to predict the result of any activity. Special success of a monkey can achieve in the field of production, construction, real estate, trade. All types of activities related to material values ​​and finance are subject to them.

Characteristic of a man

These people are able to find the most promising jobs, where you can safely make up well-being. This is possible only thanks to intuitive alarm. Communicability and personal charm attract the monkey of people who seek to communicate with a wise man: they know how to impress good professionals. Also, the influential people who themselves offer their patronage are also stretching towards them.

Despite some naivety and children's viability, the monkey does not reveal his soul to the first oncoming. This quality helps to avoid many unpleasant moments. Also, monkeys know how to keep other people's secrets, which increases their value as comrades in the eyes of other people.

Note! A monkey man does not burden himself with clarifying relationships, and immediately parting with a partner forever.

However, in the personal life of a man of this sign, no particular initiative and expect a woman to guess all their desires. The routine of household life is oppressed by a monkey, and the man begins to seek places for a fun time. The functions of the family of the family lead a monkey in despondency, and she tries to escape from longing in more fun places. At the same time, justifies his desire for rest and entertainment a good earnings.

If you meet a man in the permanent search for a female ideal, this is probably a representative of the year of the monkey. The problem is that the criteria for the female ideal of monkeys are constantly changing. Many of the representatives of this sign remain unbelievable until the oldest, unable to choose a partner to the soul.

1968 What kind of animal on the Eastern calendar

Characteristic of a woman

The woman of this year is the birth of charismatic and charming, read and formed. Good upbringing and inner modesty do not allow the monkey to scandal, make stinging remarks and say sprues. This is a very pleasant interlocutor, a born diplomat. The monkey will better leave his opinion with him, which will be expressed out loud. Especially if this refers to criticism. Therefore, they have many friends of both sexes, because with monkeys so nice and safely communicate.

However, women monkeys never spend their time for meaningless communication, they know how to benefit from each acquaintance. The monkey is able to communicate without deepening in the problem of the interlocutor, she never takes someone else's life to heart. But the coldness and indifference are not perceived by the interlocutors negatively, because the monkey can let dust in the eyes.

Surface attitude towards other people's problems leads to the fact that monkeys have no real friends - only familiar and pleasures. They try not to offend people, help as far as possible - they receive credibility credit. These people specifically pursue material interests, so they try to acquire high-ranking patrons and the necessary people. Monkeys are able to find profitable positions and jobs, which allows them to have a stable high income.

On a note! Women monkeys can seek considerable heights in life and make a brilliant career.

In the personal life of a monkey woman seeks independence, so in no hurry to associate itself with marriage. She tends to often change partners, is not tied to anyone and cold in feelings. If the monkey walked early, then the marriage quickly decays. If she succeeds in finding a partner who will agree to the role of a subordinate, then the marriage union will continue. The main thing for the monkey is personal freedom. She does not like any restrictions and controls.

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