Dominacy in relations between people in terms of psychology


Dominance and submission are the two opposite states of the psyche of a person. In psychiatry, dominance is characterized as the innate need of any person. The dominance implies a dominant position in relations, psychological priority. However, in the process of social adaptation and education, this need is suppressed.

When my girlfriend was collected, we were all in bewilderment. Why such a happy couple suddenly decided to part? It turned out, two dominant personalities got married. In the article, I will talk about who dominants such, how to communicate with them and how to become the leader of the public group or in their family.


Definition of dominance

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On the principles of domination, all Human Society is arranged: relations in the family, the state and in individual social groups. A member of society from diaper is taught to follow the leader, to fulfill his orders and will. First, the kid sees the leaders in his own family, then he begins to obey caregres in kindergarten, after going to the school team and so on.

So, the dominance involves the intention and ability to hold a leading position in the social group. Only one desire to be the leader for this is not enough, the ability to become and to hold the leading position is necessary. Dominacy is the ability to dictate your will to others and influence the thoughts and actions of other people. To become a dominator in the public group, it is necessary to appreciate yourself and make others respect your life position and aspirations.

The nature of the character of the leader of the social group:

  • energetic;
  • stubbornness;
  • selfie;
  • independence;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • independence.

Among the negative characteristics of the group leader can be noted:

  • authoritarianism;
  • aggressiveness;
  • thirst for worship and admiration;
  • Uncleaning another power.

Leaders of social groups - often Buntari in the past. They achieved a leading position and power due to the overthrow of the past power and its leaders. Sometimes the leaders become frank self-directions, which make decisions in emotional gusts.

In Western culture, the dominance is considered positive quality, as it is always better to lead the leader than to obey and serve.

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Hierarchy of domination

The leaders of social groups appeared not in our century: dominance reached us from primitive times. Strict hierarchy helped our distant ancestors to survive in the harsh conditions of the primitive-communal system. Such a division of social positions is inherent in both articles, but in the modern human society, the hierarchy and leading positions are not so categorically. Nevertheless, the hierarchy is maintained, and each member of society occupies the social positions inherent in law.

Conditional division on leaders and subordinates in the society of people:

  1. alpha type;
  2. beta type;
  3. Omega-type.

Alpha type includes a group leader, dominant. Alpha is not afraid to take responsibility, compete with other alpha and win the battle. This, as a rule, selfish and wayward personality, who can quickly navigate in the changed circumstances and take the only correct decision. Agree, not everyone can cope with it! Group leaders are distinguished by aggressiveness and factories, do not tolerate objections and consider their opinions the only right.

Beta-type people do not seek a leading position, but when circumstances can lead the social group. However, in other conditions, they may occupy the position of omega-type and unquestionably obey the stronger dominant.

Omega-type people differ in passivity and do not think about dominant positions. They are not typical of the desire for competition: a quiet life is much more important than the distillations. They gladly obey the leaders and do not seek to change their social status. Omega-type people make up the majority in any society.

What does human society differ from the animal? In the world of people, the same person can occupy all three steps of hierarchy at the same time. For example, the father of the family can be dominant among households, occupy beta-type positions among their friends and be omega at work.

How to become dominant

Now consider what is needed in order to become dominant in a relationship or social group. The initiative beta-type is completely able to grow to this level, because the surrounding situation often serves as an excellent incentive to master new vertices.

Five steps to the top:

  1. a high self-evaluation;
  2. emotion management;
  3. self-sufficiency;
  4. estimated judgments;
  5. Public status.

High self-esteem is the most important point in awareness of yourself at the Alpha level. If a person does not have a high estimated judgment regarding his qualities and prospects, it will never reach the dominant level. Leaders are never complex and are not shy, which allows them to successfully manipulate others. Leaders are able to use others for their own purposes: it allows them to manage personnel. Therefore, to achieve the dominant level, it is necessary to get rid of the complexes, highly appreciate your abilities and look at other people as subordinates.

The emotional sphere is a serious obstacle to the development of personal qualities to Alpha. Or a person manages his emotions, or they take power over a person. The person prone to hysterics will not be able to become a leader of the social group. Also cannot become a dominant one who gives back to panic sentiment and fear.

Note! Leaders and dominant individuals evaluate any situation from the perspective of mind, not emotions.

Since men easier to follow the mind in life situations, the role of the leader most often goes to them. This applies to both family and public relations. But this is not a rule: it happens that the woman feels great in the position of Dominants, and the man likes the role of the slave.

Self-sufficiency is another distinctive feature of the dominant person, because a self-sufficient person does not depend on the estimated judgments of others. Independence provides freedom of thoughts and actions, and no public opinion is capable of making the leader to minimize from the intended path. Psychological dependence is that which is necessary to get rid of the future leader.

Estimated judgments - what is it? The dominant person can afford the right to praise and criticize others. And his right to evaluate judgment has no doubt. Skillfully using the whip and gingerbread, you can create a halo of a respected person whose opinion is expected.

High social situation is impossible to occupy, having low self-esteem and doubts in its own competence. First, it is necessary to appreciate yourself. Secondly, it is impossible to be content with the role of the subordinate. Thirdly, even agreeing to the compromise, you need to be able to make your own benefit from this. You need to be able to make concessions as equal to equal, and not as subordinate to the boss.

Dominacy in family relationships

Dominance in personal relationships

Consider examples of dominance between a man and a woman. The pairs very brightly show the features of domination and subordination. And if two people meet with a psychotic alpha, then the Union acquires very interesting trends in the development of relations.

Alpha ratio + alpha

At first, the relations of the two types of alpha are developing in the plane of passion, romance and dizzying success, and the couple envy others. When the first impressions of the novel pass, the struggle begins for the leading position in a pair. Moreover, the struggle is not on life, but to death. Unfortunately, the territory of love becomes a battlefield.

How long the partners hold out together, no one knows. If a financial circumstance or joint property (business, property) is not entered into the right, then the gap is inevitable. However, even financial circumstances will not be able to turn the alpha-type in beta or omega, because the tendency to the domination in humans - congenital, fixed at the gene level.

Alpha + beta relationship

This union is not doomed to break and tragic completion of relationships as the previous one. This is the Union of two strong personalities, each of which is in its place. Beta-type does not claim a leading position, but does not turn into an obedient idiot. Para is wondering together, conflict situations are extremely rare. And if a couple has a common business or joint property, the Union becomes also financially beneficial and stable. This marriage is based on mutual respect and trust.

Alpha + Omega relationship

Union of the dictator and subordinate, sometimes sadist and masochist. Such unions most often quickly disintegrate, although theoretically must exist forever. But not everything is so simple. It turns out that the alpha type is vital to the spirit of rivalry, which is completely absent from the submissive Omega. Therefore, the relationship is rolled to boring and monotonous, which categorically does not suit a bright and ambitious alpha: it needs a struggle and victory for the inner sensation of happiness.

Beta + beta relationship

This union can be called harmonious, as it is based on partnership. It was Beta + Beta's union that is doomed to love to the coffin and corresponds to the saying: "They lived for a long time and happily and died in one day." These people do not seek to dominate relations and suppress each other, they are always ready to listen to the partner's point of view and make a compromise.

The special strength of the Union provides friendly relations in which the passion and the romantic dizziness of the first meetings and dates are smoothly becoming. The spouses almost never conflict, jointly make decisions and comprehensively support each other. This is an ideal married couple, an example for everyone.

Beta + Omega relationship

Union of people who do not seek leadership or friendly parity, quite unstable. Either beta will shoot up to the leader and will take responsibility for itself, or the union will simply disintegrate. If the beta is to indulge everything, it will turn into an amorphous irresponsible and misinterpretative creature. However, the evolution in a pair can touch back not only the beta, but also Omega, if she wants to grow to the level of the beta. If this happens, the Union lasts for a long time in harmony and prosperity.

If Omega does not want to change, and the beta will grow to the level of alpha, then the union will be doomed to the gap. Because alphas with amorphous omega them are boring, and they inevitably leave such partners in search of acute sensations and bright life.

Omega relationship + omega

These are two dull loneliness, the will of the fates of fates on the way from each other. Partners are completely deprived of any initiative and simply cannot provide each other at least some kind of development. How are two amorphous creatures meet? This usually happens by the will of relatives or friends - they introduce them and introduce them. Relatives are confident that two quiet and calm partners will be good together - and marry them. Omega cannot resist the will of dominant relatives and obey.

Boredom and longing in relations between two Omareg often leads to hatred: Partners simply do not bring each other in the Spirit. However, they cannot go to break the relationship, since there are not enough character and will, and the Omega initiative can not be able to show. Relatives can come to the rescue and push one of the spouses to break the unpromising and durable relationships. Often relatives also find them other, more successful candidates for spouses.


Knowing the basic principles of dominance, you can successfully develop missing quality and get rid of unwanted. However, if a person feels comfortable in the positions of the slave, it should not be forced to redo it in the leader: it will end in deplorable.

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