Character accentuation: determination of the psychotype in person


The complexity of adolescence and associated problems of family relationships are known to all parents. This is the manifestation of character accentuation when one of the personal qualities of the teenager begins to dominate. With age, human behavior is becoming more and more socially adapted, and accentuations are smoothed. My good friend tormented with his son of adolescent age, until he was written to a consultation to a psychologist. It turns out that the boy had problems communicating with peers.

Character accentuation

Personal accentuation

What it is? Not everyone knows even the word "accentuation". Just psychology as a science is relatively young, and the question of accentuation began to engage only at the end of the last century. Researchers in the field of psychology distinguish between several types of personality or species of accentuation, the system of psychologist A. Pershenko is used in practice. This scientist systematized the types of character accentuation, and now we have the opportunity to determine the lead (dominant) type of accentuation from any individual according to its appearance, the features of the reaction to external pathogens and the manner of communication.

Note! Accentuation is an excessive strengthening of the individual quality of character, but without clinical consequences.

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Hypertrophied modesty or impactivity can lead to reluctance to communicate with peers or people of a certain type of personality. The accentuation of the character imposes an imprint on all spheres of human life, as well as to attitude towards himself and the world around.

This is not a pathological deviation of the psyche, although sometimes accentuations are reminded by their manifestation of individual mental disorders. The accentuation is on the verge between a healthy psyche and its painful deviation. Unfortunately, sometimes accentuations can go to the psychotic plane and cause mental pathology. But in most cases, the excessibility of the manifestation of certain character traits is smoothed and comes to the norm as an individual is cultivated.

Accentuations can take a pathological form with:

  • adverse psychological conditions of residence and communication;
  • long negative psycho-emotional effects;
  • Unhealthy psychological climate in the younger and middle classes of secondary school.

The listed conditions may contribute to the process of an accentuation of character in psychopathy, which is already refer to the pathology of the psyche. Now consider what accentuations differ from the pathological disorder of the psyche.

Distinctive features of psychopathy:

  • This state is constantly;
  • manifests itself in any social situations;
  • Upset any social contacts.

That is, psychopathy is the stationary state of the psyche, it is manifested everywhere and always, it is impossible to control the effort of will.

You can take a personal test for an accentuation of a character to know your psychotype to accurately.

Types of character accentuation

The degree of accentuation

In connection with which there is such behavioral deviation? Psychologists associate it with congenital character temperament. Why is the temperament considered to be congenital property? Because, according to the hypocratic, it is associated with the exchange of liquid media inside the human body, and this is a permanent value. Temperament cannot be changed if only a person does not get sick with severe chronic disease.

So, an individual with a choleric type of temperament is inclined to the development of accentuations on excitable type. Especially if a long psychotrarming situation has developed in life. It is not by chance that the strengthening of certain character traits occurs in children's and adolescence: children still do not know how to adequately respond to the events traumatic psyche.

So, the degrees of personality accentuation are two:

  1. obvious;
  2. Hidden.

An explicit accentuation manifests itself in human behavior, manages his actions and imposes a certain imprint on his character. This feature does not interfere with the individual to establish social ties, participate in collective events and adapt to new situations.

Hidden accentuation is not manifested in domestic and social communication, it is revealed by chance - in extreme extraordinary situations.

Types of personality accentuation

Consider the main types of character accentuation in person:

  • exteroid;
  • epileptoid;
  • schizoid;
  • labile;
  • conformal;
  • Astheno-neurotic.


This type of character is sometimes referred to as demonstrative. Basically, he manifests itself among girls of adolescence and young girls. What is hysterical and what is it connected with? The goal is extremely simple - to attract attention. All is taken by everything - manner of behavior, clothing style, self-expression feature. Hysteric people always look and differ attractive appearance. They are extremely needed by an emotional response around them:

  • sympathy;
  • empathy;
  • Delight;
  • astonishment;
  • worship.

Oddly enough, but even the wrath of others can be welcomed by hysterical, as this is also a form of attention. They can deliberately provoke a conflict for achieving their goal - to draw attention.

Why are they all this? The reason for active attraction of attention is infanttomy. In this they are similar to babies who strongly attract attention with a loud cry. But the infants are vital, and adolescents and young girls have this need to deviate from the norm.

Also hysterical characterizes:

  • increased emotionality;
  • develop imagination;
  • artistry;
  • Next to exaggeration.

Hystericals are rapidly reacting to any event in life, even insignificant. They tend to exaggerate the danger, capable of making an elephant from fly and believe in their own fiction. However, the exteroidal type of personality is concerned only by its own person and is experiencing only for its own life, the fate of other people do not interest them.

They hate monotonous labor and routine, impatient and capricious, run away from any difficulties or try to shove them in the near. Hystericals often sick psychosomatic ailments, that is, diseases on the nervous soil.

Note! The exteroid type of personality is inclined to suicide.

The turbulent emotional reaction of hysteries has nothing to do with sincere feelings: they demonstrate the pain of loss, mental pain or insult in hypertrophied form. In fact, they are not prone to deep feelings. This is an artistic nature whose goal is to be the center of attention. If you observe hystericals, you can see how they quickly replace some emotions by others.

Exteroidal personalities do not tolerate when the attention of people attracts someone else, besides them.

Horseful women can be found in the manner behavior and the ability to take theatrical postures. They demonstrate arrogance and coldness to the feelings of others. Artistry is manifested in all life situations, this is an integral part of the psyche.

The danger of hysteries is that they themselves believe in their own fiction. Developed imagination draws them certain pictures and circumstances that they tend to perceive for reality. These women are easily sugranteed, believe in horoscopes and damage. The ability to exaggerate the importance of any events can play with them a fierce joke and lead to a serious disease that they will call a damage.

Are there any positive character traits from these personalities? This group of persons easily establishes contacts with others, is open to communication and exchange of experience. They are always energetic, have a clear life position, they know how to seek their own. As a rule, the exteroidal type of personality successfully implements itself in creative professions.

Character accentuation in person


This type of character has a different name - excitable. They are something similar to the exteroids, as they also seek to be in the center of attention. However, the methods of attracting their attention are different: swallowing, stuttering, complaints.

Characteristics of epileptoids:

  • irritability;
  • discontent;
  • conservatism;
  • non-compliance with morality;
  • management of common sense;
  • infractiveness;
  • The difficulty of adapting to the new one.

These people tend to see everything in dark colors and dark colors: so it is more familiar to them. They are constantly unhappy with something, the Bruckshat for any reason, tend to bring the situation to the grand scandal. They like to scroll through the negative memories in the head, strengthening them with new negative details.

Note! In family relations of epileptoids are unbearable: they are despotic, stubborn, arrange a scandal for any occasion.

Psychologists compare the mental picture of epileptoid type with a steam boiler: negative emotions are accumulated until the individual explodes the next large scandal. And even after the end of the scandal and clarifying relations, epileptoid could not calm down and scrolls the situation in thoughts all the time.

They fail can change and innovations. Getting used to the established order, follow it to the end. They also teach to the established procedure for members of their family and subordinate at work, for the implementation of the order strictly followed. When unscrupulousness is detected regarding the fulfillment of these norms, a large scandal follows. The tendency to conservatism prevents adaptation to new conditions and surroundings.

In the rustling of "righteous anger", moral norms easily break and insult others. The range of violation of social norms varies from disrespect for the elder to the brutal treatment of animals and children. The feeling of remorse of conscience in such people is not known.

Note! Epiletoids are guided by life common sense, do not trust outsiders and do not believe in magic and horoscopes.

Epiletovids are completely confident in their own rightness and do not tolerate dissent. For them, simply does not exist an alternative point of view. If their desires are not executed, they can fall into rage and twist everything around. However, when making decisions, they are exclusively common sense.

Among the representatives of this psychotip are often sexual perverts, sadists and other individuals of marginal behavior. Also among epileptoids there are persons with alcohol addiction.

Among the positive characteristics of the character, you can note the conscientious attitude towards your duties, scrupulsiness, carefulness to detail, care for your health and the ability to achieve the goal. Epiletoids in an equilibrated state of the psyche show the maximum care of their family and animals. Among them are good managers, crowns and managers.


These people have their own idea of ​​the world and life, so often their behavior is unpredictable and seems strange to others. Schizoid type belongs, as a rule, introverts. These are people "not from the world of this", they can be distinguished on non-accurate or non-accuracy clothes. They differ from the exteroids lack of imaging or a specific image.

Schizoids gives an absent look at nowhere, when talking with the interlocutor, they do not look into the eyes. These people differ in intellectual development, awareness and education. However, communicating with other people them does not bring joy, as they relate to an introvered psychotic.

Note! For a schizoid type of personality, a combination of incompatible is characteristic: a smile on the face with compressed fists, dirty clothes after the soul, etc.

In the behavior of schizoid type, tactlessness with shyness, indifference with painful sensitivity and compliance with persistent stubbornness can be combined. This combination of incompatible distinguishes schizoid type from all other psychotypes.

The schizoid type of people is distinguished by varying and disappliability. During contact with them, there is no need to allow sharp evaluation judgments and critics. However, in contrast to the exteroids, people with schizoid type of psyche are not modest and indifferent.

Schizoids may have a passion for peeping on other people either thrust for exhibitionism. To overcome excessive shyness when communicating, they can take light drugs or alcohol.


The labile accentuation is characterized by sudden changes in the mood. For example, the labile type of personality can botherly respond if someone Cosos looks in his direction.

Distinctive features:

  • high sensitivity threshold for criticism and praise;
  • sociability, sociability;
  • Sudden mood swings.

The labile psychotype differs from other types not just a change in moods, but a deep experience for any occasion. For example, despair can change the stormy joy in front of the source. They depend on the mood and attitude towards peace and herself. So, with an adequacy of the Spirit, the future is drawn in the dark colors (everything was gone, we are doomed), and with a good mood, they are full of positive and future see in bright colors.

Criticism and praise for these people play a decisive role: all their activities depends on this. For example, after criticizing schizoid can completely abandon its activities. Hot praise, on the contrary, is a stimulus to promote ahead. That is, schizoids are not self-sufficient personality, but dependent on the opinions of others.

Note! Persons of schizoid psychotype do not possess stress resistance and are not ready for the struggle for their ideals. They are easier to refuse goal than overcome obstacles.

Schizoid personalities are very attainable and suffer from breaking relationships. For them, separation is comparable to the brushing of the universe.

The positive features of the individual can be attributed to loyalty, immediacy and sincerity. Schizoid psychopaths will never be.

Test personal


The adventure of conformal is distinguished by the opinion of the majority opinion. Conformists do not have the ability to think critically, they blindly trust the opinion of the group. It does not matter, followed by members of the group morally stacked or trample them. The desire to comply with the standards and rules of the Group plays a decisive role in the worldview of the conformist. They never seek to take a leading position, they are simply merged with the bulk and find joy in this.

Distinctive features:

  • submission to the opinion of the majority;
  • the desire to "be like everyone else";
  • attachment to the group.

The expulsion of the conformist from the group or simply separation from it can end it very tragically. The attachment of the individual to the group is so strong that replaces family and personal attachments. Conformists are completely devoid of initiatives, blindly execute team leaders and do not reflect on the consequences. For example, can be addicted to drugs and alcohol, if the leader of the group will require. They are disliked to representatives of other groups (religious, national).

To the positive moments include achieving great success in the presence of a positive and correct environment. Conformism rarely develops into mental disorders.


This psychotype distinguishes the tendency to the hypochondria - fictional diseases. Hypochondricks are constantly visited by medical care rooms, looking for various diseases. Suspusage in the presence of an illness is caused by chronic fatigue and fast fatigue: they do not tolerate psycho-emotional and physical exertion.

Distinctive features of character:

  • irritability;
  • a tendency to the hypochondria;
  • fast fatiguability.

Hypochondricks get tired of noisy companies, do not visit parties and mass events: active rest is not for them. They try to avoid any load associated with overvoltage. Against the background of constant fatigue appears irritability, outbreaks of anger, poor appetite and insomnia.

Hypochondricks love to visit doctors very much, carefully hold the beddown and listen to the inner sensations. However, against the background of constant irritation, neurosis and neurosis may develop, and rapid fatigue reduces the productivity of labor and study.

The positive traits include kindness, affection for loved ones and conscientiousness.

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