Parvati: who she is multi-faceted wife of Lord Shiva


Hindu pantheon of deities is very extensive - thousands of gods in him. Among them is very popular Parvati - virtuous goddess has many names (and it is called Loka-Mata, and the Brahma Vidya-Shivahnanoy in another way).

Goddess Parvati - who is she?

It is noteworthy that all the nicknames divine Parvati is very different: on the one hand, it is revered as a fine, light-skinned, Zolotolitsey-giving grace, desire is realized, Grateful Mother, and on the other - is a dark, cruel, spoil the dreams and love.

goddess Parvati

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In this connection, theologians and philosophers say about the connection to the two women began to Parvati: constructive and destructive. If at first glance it appears loving wife, mother, then the second - represents Amazon exhibiting hatred to the male.

Legend of Parvati

This tradition has been written in the Puranas (Hindu sacred text) and is called Mahesvara Kanda. It tells about the fact that Lord Shiva was married to Satie, and the girl's father has expressed his dislike for him. Sati was ashamed of such behavior of his father, so one day lit the fire and left his physical form.

Brahma, who plays the supreme god of the universe, ordered to decapitate Sachi parent who violates the law of perfection and forced his daughter to reincarnate before they are due.

Lord Shiva was alone. He went into the mountains, where he engaged in meditation. Not far from the place lived the king and queen, who soon came to light a daughter. The girl was given the name of Parvati. In her soul, I will dwell Sati, which in their present life has chosen such a father, which could be proud of.

Parvati baby was growing and increasingly flourished its natural beauty. Already it was time to get married, but their parents could not find a decent man. Once to visit them went sage Narayana, it was he who predicted that Parvati should become the wife of the powerful Shiva. God had suffered after the death of his wife Sati, I do not pay any attention to other women.

Parvati's father - Himavati sent his daughter to serve Shiva, which she did with great joy. She and her friends went to the mountains and was accepted Shiva as a maid. She was collecting flowers, prepare a place for meditation, it gave food to animals and cleaned, washed, cooked food, making it all very diligently.

For sacred rites Parvati was looking for and picking the most beautiful grass, and if God became stuffy - create cool via webs. And when she got tired, she turned her gaze to the moon on the forehead of Shiva, and her heart was filled with love for him.

Once I came to God Brahma, Indra with other deities. Sons Krishna spoke about the intention Taraka (the evil demon Asura) to arrange a war and conquer the world. He won over the world, oppressed all life, and no amount of persuasion and gifts did not influence the tyrant. His anger and violence is only increasing with each passing day. The gods asked Brahma to chose a leader and sent him to fight with the demon.

However, Lord Krishna said that Tarak can not be destroyed as it has blessed the Most High. And it is able to kill the only son who will be born from the union of Shiva and Parvati.

Then Indra went to Kama (god of love) and requested to organize this sacred union. Kama complied with the request, and when Parvati tried to put a garland on the neck of Shiva, he suddenly came out of the trance state, and drew attention to how the girl is beautiful. However, God is still able to control their emotions. And then he looked around and saw who was hiding Kama.

Wrath of Shiva was terrible - he destroyed Kama with a single glance, and then, without even looking toward Parvati left. Himavati took his daughter home from the abandoned monastery god. However, Parvati decided to go back to the end of his days in solitude to pray to Shiva.

A girl dressed in simple clothes, refused to jewelry. But soon, God appeared before her as a hermit, began to ask different questions. He was able to awaken in their hearts the love of Parvati and made her his wife. Kama was raised, and the great Shiva gave his seed deities. From it emerged shestiliky Kartikeya, who won Taraki. God Indra was able to return to their own world, and the universe calm has.

Myths about Shiva alliance with Parvati

Ancient legends tell that once Siva expressed dissatisfaction with too dark a shade behalf of his wife. Parvati greatly offended, left the marriage bed, and went to live in the forest, where austerity indulged. Lord Brahma saw her suffer and Parvati asked him to make her face pale. God did as he was asked, and here comes the name of the goddess - Zolotolitsey.

Divine Parvati and Shiva

Divine Parvati loved Shiva very much, she gladly accepted six of his children. He concluded them in strong arms, and so much that they were connected and became one person having six heads. And when the goddess looked at him, he felt the strongest maternal love, and her breast was filled with milk.

In addition, Parvati helped Siva to develop the third eye, seeing a person from the inside, who knows about his thoughts and secret desires. Legend says that one day the spouse came to God from behind and wanted to play with him - covered his eyes with her hands. In the world, the world has come full darkness in the world, all the world disappeared, and people terribly frightened. But Shiva on the forehead unexpectedly opened the third eye, returning the light into the world.

According to another myth, Shiva came to the rage of parvati and threw her down from the mountains. She was born like a daughter fisherman and was as beautiful as the previous incarnations. Over time, God missed and went to search for his eternal wife. And when I found it in a new face, I again experienced universal love and returned to myself.

As you depict the goddess

Shiva from parvati is traditionally depicted as one body - simultaneously manifesting both men's and female energy. Like the Siamese twins, they harmoniously complement each other.

As for the statues of Parvati, it acts as an ordinary woman with two hands, eyes, legs, beautiful dark skin (sometimes light). Holds lotus flower. Also often Parvati without her divine husband are depicted with four hands.

The Divine is constantly inhabited by his own meaning, intentionally inferior to his spouse. She silently devoted to him, eager to please Shiva. Does not like expensive outfits, jewelry, does not seek to a high public situation, but at the same time shows great wisdom.

What parvati helps people?

Hindu has all married women to pray to the Divine Parvati. She is asked about wisdom and patience. And also seek help to returned the left spouse.

Everyone who worships the Divine should stick to the Great Post (Hartalik Tige), then they may hope for a good spouse. During worship, it is necessary to do something good for others, not to discuss others, as well as not to complain about your life. Hinduses are convinced that asceticism and dedication helps to start a happy relationship.

At the same time, every morning is allowed to be washed in river water. They believe that, if you lower the body into water at a specific time, you can achieve spiritual cleansing, to get faithful information about the world around, comprehend many universal secrets.

Parvati offices use floral petals, as well as spices and herbs.

Fasting, the believing female representatives should not drink even water. They imitate the goddess, which for long years has not triggered either to food or to the water, because all this was replaced for her shiva. And at the end of the post, a herbal bath should be taken, which symbolically connects them with the deity in a grove, where she meets his spouse.

The duration of the post is 2 days, then the holiday of parvati follows.

Solemn day of the goddess

Hindu has a special holiday in honor of Parvati and Shiva, which is called Tige. The date of its holding falls on September in the northern and western parts of the country. At the holiday on the streets, there are a huge number of swings decorated with colors. The city is transformed, becomes similar. And girls and women are clothed in robes of green color.

Also during the Tija, various processions are conducted, dancing. The statue of parvati put on the cart and carry through the streets of the city. Female Paul in these solemn days looks particularly beautiful: they put on decorations with precious stones, paint their body patterns, henna.

They believe that on the festival really to meet their soul mate.

The dressed up girls sow religious songs, and also swinging on a swing. Their ringing laughter fascinates men, makes them stop and pay attention to what it comes from. It is not surprising that there are many dating on the festival. The same couples that are already preparing for the wedding should have for 3 days of the holiday to be together, playing, singing songs and deify their feelings. Solemn Tige will remain in their memory for many years.

Eight men waters a statue of parvati with natural gilding to the Palantines and carry it in the city, and then return to the temple in which the sacred rites perform. After the procession on the road, the scattered offions remain - they can be selected by children who follow. There are so many people on the holiday that the goddess is not always possible to see the face of the goddess. Therefore, it is necessary to climb on the trees or admire the ceremony with roofs of houses.

Tige Holiday in India

Also, on the holiday, Tigend is allowed to be washed, lay out floral petals and pour special fluids to the statue of parvati. In the dwelling of the deities, coins are put, tapes are tapes and bags on trees having different contents. The rite depends on what they want to ask.

They believe that if the girl takes part in the holiday, fate will surely give her a good spouse. And married women want prayers to provide health to their husbands. But not only the female floor can take part in Tyje: Men are also celebrating, dressed in red clothes, playing on musical instruments, dancing. They strive to improve relationships in their relationship.

In general, the meaning of the Tija is to reunite Parvati with her beloved spouse Shviva. The goddess manage to extinguish the hot anger of his faithful, she is on guard of his calm and does not allow him to break it. And Shiva gives himself due to his wise spouse that the best of all raises his children.

Hindus dream about the birth of a boy than girls, because it is believed that the power of husbands will continue. The girl is laid out to leave the father's house and leave the parents of the spouse. She should now read them until his death.

The goddess of Parvati patronizes and male and female sex. This is the Great Mother, which Hindus is very honored. She is the power of Shiva aimed at creating a new and managing worlds. Due to its enormous wisdom and personal life example, it contributes to the preservation of high moral principles, which are recorded for thousands of years. She himself managed to know love in the highest understanding of this word. She dwells in the very center of the consciousness of Shiva, sparing with her and body, and soul, but at the same time retains his self-sufficiency.

To this day in India, the ritual of Sati self-incorporation has been preserved, which indicates a serious attitude to marriage and liabilities of a woman as a wife.

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