Fortune telling on the maps narrowed - the three most truthful fortune telling


I wondered my whole life - I liked it from my very childhood, and how a little bit down, I realized that I would not only like to guess, but it turns out - the predictions came true, I knew a lot about people. Initially, I wondered, like all the children, - for some traditional rituals, for coffee, on colors ... a little grave and began to study this question under a different angle - I studied to guess on the maps and tried to master this craft deeper.

It began to get so good that I stopped guessing familiar in the kitchen in my free time and began to guess for money. Now the queue to me is occupied in a few weeks - services are in demand. But, of course, not everyone is ready here to go to the fortuneteller - I know how girls love to guess at home, on the bachensites. Therefore, I will tell you simple layouts on maps that can help repay on a narrowed or love.

The most simple lips

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The fortune telling is an ancient teaching, common worldwide. There are thousands of ways and methods of gadas, but one of the most popular, and even what to hide, simple is ordinary playing cards. You can guess for them anyone, and the cards themselves are sold in any kiosk - it is quite convenient.

Fortune telling on the maps narrowed - the three most truthful fortune telling 4083_1

Solitaire in the name

  • A simple alignment that allows you to seek about learning how the relationship of a particular pair will develop in the near future. Need for this is the most common deck of cards on 36 pictures. The division method is very simple, but rather effective and fast, they often use gypsies.
  • So, the essence is next. We use only the so-called "older" cards - that is, from the aces to the valets. Numeric cards, from six to ten, just remove to the side. Girl should mix the remaining cards thoroughly - they will be sixteen. All this time you need to repeat the name of the chosen and think about it. Try to present his image, voice - Tune in the most.
  • From left to right, lay out the cards into several rows. The number of columns must correspond to the number of letters in the full name of the beloved. Then we take that card that matches the last letter of the name and lay a stack in some sequence, but from left to right. Thus, you should remain only two columns. We take the card from the second, shift the first stack on top. You will have such a deck - it is necessary to decompose in pairs of drawings up, if there are a couple of the same dignity - they need to be removed aside.
  • These couples are the characteristic of the relationship of the pair. If there are aces, wait for hot sex, but without love. If the currencies are the same, but much weaker - the man is simply not averse to sleep, it is hardly possible for a long relationship. If the ladies fell out, this is a very good sign. It was not just fascinated by a girl, he is interested in her inner world - it is possible to develop a serious relationship. The best result is a couple of kings. This speaks of deep love and the serious probability of the future wedding.

Advanced layout

More complex, but also a more accurate alignment - makes it possible to learn more about the identity of the chosen. First of all, you need to choose yourself - a lady map that will symbolize you. Then start thoroughly interfere with the deck.

Call each third card from the deer and postpone into a separate stack. If the twilight lady turned out to be on the first time in the stack, you can start. If not, then you should try again until the lady falls out.

Selected image divide to four equal stacks, each will turn out three cards:

  • The first pile will describe the girl itself - what she feels, whether this person loves how deep her feelings.
  • The second stack is responsible for the development of relationships - what the near future will be a pair.
  • The third describes these problems that interfere with the development of relations. It can be small, and serious obstacles.
  • And the last stack will tell you how to act a pair and how to deal with your happiness.

Fortune telling on the maps narrowed - the three most truthful fortune telling 4083_2

Fortune telling

An incredibly simple way, but gives very little information - a simple alignment of strings. The principle is similar to the previous one - the girl thoroughly hangs a deck and pulls each third card. And then just looks at what suit in the deck turned out more.
  • If the Bubnov means it is necessary to think about the financial side of the issue. This may say about Mesallians in a relationship, and maybe it's about what to pay attention to the earnings.
  • Worms are a good sign that talks about love in deep, sincere feelings.
  • Peaks, contrary to all stereotypes, also do not mean anything bad - they say that fans around you are a lot and that you can choose among them the best.
  • Trephs are the most negative suit. It describes problems and troubles, both in the present and in the future.

Rules of divination

  • Take only those cards you are always guessing. If there are no, then those you played a lot. It is important that cards belong only to you. If these are not and you just learn to guess, buy a new, clean deck and pre-support it in your hands or ponce with you closer to the body.
  • Categorically do not fit the cards that other people were played or even more so, - the answers can be very shot down.
  • Any fortune telling is, of course, a kind of ritual. It is better to make it in a relaxed atmosphere, in silence or with light music. Ideally, that this happened in the evening and with candles. If you need to guess the day, close the curtains, the sacrament does not like light.
  • Always pay attention not only to the card itself, which fell, but also to the neighboring - in the bundle they can say much more.
  • Do not forget to analyze images that pop up in your head in those moments when you are guessing. They can tell a lot of interesting and important.

Fortune telling on the maps narrowed - the three most truthful fortune telling 4083_3

Briefly about the main thing

  • Divination is an ancient teaching that has thousands of ways. One of the most common is fortune-telling on the maps.
  • You can guess on playing cards any girl, but it is important that the deck belongs to her and was used earlier for fortune telling. If there is no such, then you need a new deck, but in no case is not someone else.
  • The fortune telling should be held in a relaxed atmosphere, in a twilight or darkness. If you are guessing the day, close the slope, reduce the amount of light in the room.
  • Pay attention to the combination of cards, and not just on the drop-down cards themselves. In conjunction, they often give much more information.
  • Pay attention not only to the cards, but also on those thoughts that you have during divination - often they have the most direct relationship to what is happening.

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