Why not keep monster at home


I find a monster in the south, in the hot season I contacted it with curtains. Honestly, I do not believe in the signs associated with this flower, appreciate it for decorativeness and unpretentiousness in care. It is believed that Monster has magical properties. It brings good luck to one people, the detachment in family relationships.

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General information about the plant, its properties

It is believed that Monster is harmful to health. Some people fear it, others - with joy, contain at home. Monster has high decorative qualities. Outwardly, she resembles palm tree.

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The average largest indoor plant has a lot of air roots, the leaves are leathery with characteristic holes. Thanks to its leaves, Monster looks very attractive.

The second name of this flower - Plaks. They say he foreshadows rain. When drops appear on the surface of the leaves, Monster makes it clear that there will be precipitation soon. Monster appeared in Europe 300 years ago. It was then that rumors about the danger of the plant arose.

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Monster absorbs a large amount of oxygen and highlights carbon dioxide. Because of this, many refuse to keep her homes. It is believed that the flower can cause a suffocation. Those who are not solved to start Monster at home, they also say that it is a poisonous.

Plant juice contains toxins that irritate the skin and mucous membranes. If there is a tendency to allergies, it is better to refrain from the breeding of this flower. Hazardous properties of the Monster are justified. Of course, an adult will not taste the plant. But if children or pets live in the house, it is worth abandoning the Monster.

Some people have fear. Repel dissected leaves. Air roots also look not very attractive, it may seem that they look like a tentacle. If Mrster causes fear, a person is experiencing stress, being close to her. However, the fans of the Monster do not feel any discomfort.

Signs associated with Monster

We have already found out that this plant has a powerful energy. If you keep it in the bedroom, a person will become prone to depression. Most likely, weakness will arise, making up. Monster has a detrimental effect on people who are sensitive from nature.

Those who have health problems should abandon the content of this flower. But if the house has a negative atmosphere, esoterica recommend to start Monster. In this case, the flower improves the spiritual well-being of households. If a favorable atmosphere is reigned in the house, you should not start Monster.

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Monster is popular in the East. Its contains in the courtyards, there are a sick-relaxed man near the beds. Residents of Eastern countries believe that the flower contributes to recovery. They also have a guard.

Room Flower Use

Monster's fans believe that it improves mental activity, develops thinking and memory. Monster not only absorbs oxygen, it satures the air by ions. If the air indoors is too dry, it is recommended to contain this plant (of course, if you do not believe in bad signs).

Monster absorbs dust, which makes it even more useful. Large empty leaves purify air, suppress microbes. Monster has excellent decorative qualities, it is an interior decoration. The plant absorbs formaldehydes available as part of paints for furniture and building materials.

It neutralizes the effects of electromagnetic radiation, so you can place it near the TV. If we talk about the positive qualities of the Monster, it strengthens the nervous system, develops mental abilities, foreshadows successful completion of cases. Energy plant is enhanced when it starts blooming.

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Asians use Monster as an overlaughter that brings well-being. They believe that the plant drives bad energy and promises wealth. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question, is it possible to keep a monster at home. Decide of course to you! Most people appreciate the decorative qualities of this plant.

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If you believe the teachings of Fenzui, Monster combines the energy of Yin and Yang. It has a soothing impact, benefits those who want to achieve harmony in life. Feng Specialists recommend keeping this room flower:

  • on the kitchen;
  • in the corridor;
  • In the guest room.

It is impossible to keep a monster in the bedroom, because it can contribute to the breakdown in family relationships. The flower is useful to students, researchers, they can place Monster in the office or office.

Features of content

So that Monster felt well at home, it is necessary to contain it under bright, scattered light. It is recommended to place a flower in the east or west. If you contain it on the south side, be sure to provide curtains. The lack of sunlight is manifested in dim color leaves, despite the fact that air roots are lagging behind in development. Follow the elementary rules.
  1. Do not rearrange the monster if it does not need it.
  2. In winter, this culture has a rest period. The air temperature must be kept within + 14 degrees. Provide the Monster the appropriate conditions.
  3. Do not allow Monster to be on drafts.
  4. In the spring and summer, water it abundantly, make a clean dilated water.
  5. In winter, water the flower. The soil should not be overdocated or excessively wet.

With frequent abundant irrigation, the leaves become spotted. It is recommended to wipe the leaflets from dust and spray the monster from time to time. In the spring 2 times a month, comprehensive means should be made. The plant positively perceives the organic, mineral compositions. But if Monster is still very young, do not feed it!


We met a unique flower called Monster and learned about his magic properties. The plant does not make high demands on the conditions of content, but should be regularly taking care of it.


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