Fortune telling on the shirt: for love, money, future


Two weeks in January (from 6 to 19) allow you to know your destiny and get an answer to the question of interest to everyone. After all, the famous codic fortune telling is the most truthful and accurate.

Find out the answer to the innermost question, which is preparing to us the future, people dreamed from ancient times. Many rites and rituals are associated with ducts. Consider the most effective ways to prompt what to wait in the future whether there will be changes in love and material plan.

Fortune telling on the shirt: for love, money, future 4087_1

Saty fortune telling for love

Fortune telling on the future husband

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The most reliable fortune telling for love - at night before baptism. The fortune telling on the narrowed especially worries girls who dream of getting married. Another question that is tormented by representatives of the fine sex, who will become its chosen one.

Saty fortune telling is better when Twilight on the street. A girl who wants to learn about his future husband should hold a rite alone. For this fortune telling you need to cook in advance:

  • Gold ring.
  • Candle.
  • Large capacity.
  • Clean sheets of paper.

Take one sheet of paper and wrap the ring into it. The rest of the sheets are well crumpled so that they do not differ from that in which the ring is located. Match the resulting lumps into the container and mix thoroughly. Pull the first lump and expand. If you fell a ring, wait for your hands and heart suggestions this year.

Fortune telling on love

For divination to give a truthful and accurate answer to your intimate question, it needs to be held on the night of January 14th. A girl who dreams of finding out if she will bring her year old and sincere relationships, hold a rite necessarily in his house.

For divination for love you will need:

  • Motor thread.
  • Comb.
  • Loaf of bread.
  • A piece of soap.
  • Towel.

All items must be put under the pillow on which you will sleep the night, and speak the following words:

"Dailed-rude, waiting for you in a dream.

Come, show my bread.

I will feed and wait, the calculation and will nourish,

As a native love. "

In the morning try to remember what you dreamed. Sleep decoding:

  • Dreamed a familiar young man. Carefully look at this man in life. Most likely, this is your future chosen one. Perhaps he already provides you signs of attention and manifests sympathy.
  • Dreamed unfamiliar young man. This year, try not to miss the acquaintance with a man who has prepared fate. If everything works well, your chosen one will become a reliable and faithful husband for you.
  • Dreamed by a former lover. Parting is an incorrect decision. Analyze the situation, try to jointly solve the accumulated problems and try to establish relationships. From destiny you will not leave, this is your person in life.

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Saty fortune telling for money

Every person dreams of becoming successful, happy and wealthy. Many painstaking and everyday labor achieve welfare. Others rely on good luck and wait when they will be rich without much effort.

Should I wait for the gift of fate in the form of improving the material situation? This question will help to respond to the answers. To do you need:

  • Copper coins (10 - 15 pcs.).
  • Fabric bag (preferably stitched with her own hands).
  • A piece of chalk or cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice).

On a solid smooth surface with chalk or cereals, draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Put copper coins in a tissue bag and shake them, while saying:

"I want to know today

When wealth needs to wait.

Whether now go to me in fur

Or am I in debt? "

From the bag (at a height of about 10 cm), pour cute to the center of the drawn circle. Carefully look at the result.

Deciphering values:

  • All coins lie up and got into a circle. This year you should wait for a multiple increase in income, winning the lottery or getting a huge fee. Fortune to you is favorable. It will be the money year in which you will find financial independence and prosperity.
  • Half coins eagle up, half - a wide. Your income will cover your expenses this year. Finance deficit is not foreseen.
  • Most of the caskets fell down. Smooth year financially. Without large additional income and without unplanned expenses.
  • Most coins fell up an eagle. It is worth waiting for the receipt of an unexpected cash premium or an increase in the main complaint. Possible win in the lottery.
  • All curses rolled out beyond the circle. Of meaningful financial changes, this year will not bring.
  • Half coins rolled out of the circle. Significant changes are not foreseen.
  • Most of the Mediyakov rolled out from the circle. Difficult year financially. To make a good to earn, it is worth putting a lot of effort. It is possible to change the work.
  • Most of the coins remained in a circle. Year is preparing to receive unexpected cash gifts. However, for financial independence it costs a lot and stubbornly work.
  • If even one coin fell out the edge, good luck on your side. In front of you are waiting for unforeseen income, large cash premiums or inheritance. This year, you are incredibly lucky financially.
  • All curses rolled out beyond the limits of the circle and lay down or all the digb up, or all the eagle up. Fortune to you is favorable. The money is sticking to your hands. This year you will not have any financial problems. The family will have prosperity and prosperity.

Saty fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling

Many dreams of finding out what the future they prepared fate. Conducting the rite of this divination, you will receive the charge of new forces and bright emotions. You need to prepare:

  • Water container.
  • Candle.

Wait for midnight and burn the candle over the container, after having filled it with water. Imagine how you see your future, and eat wax from a burning candle in one place. Five minutes later, you should form in water from wax.

Wait for the resulting figure cool down, and get it out of the tank. Carefully pee in the resulting mass. The outlines of the figure will tell you what to expect in the future.

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To make a reliable result, the fortune telling is important to spend at home and in personally your container. After holding a rite, the mass of the wax should be thrown away, and the water spill out to the street.

What a fate prepared you

Ploy to the future - the dream of many people. This insection will help to open the veil on the events that will occur over the next few years.

This mysterious rite should be held on the night of January 7th. To do you need:

  • Mirror (it must be definitely yours).
  • Water container.

Mirror plunge into a predetermined capacity with water and remove to the street. It should freeze well. In the morning, bring to the house and attach to the mirror the left palm for 3 seconds. Carefully look at the places that were excited.

Deciphering values ​​(what a finger warmed the frozen mirror better):

  • Big. Fate will be favorable to you. You are waiting for a happy long life. You will be independent in the material plan, and your loved one will become a reliable and faithful companion of life.
  • Pointing. You will have a big and friendly family. Obedient children will only delight you, you will be proud of their successes and achievements. Your main purpose is to create a cozy family hearth.
  • Average. Ahead promotion over the career ladder, you are waiting for dizzying successes in labor activity. You will become a real professional. If you are currently not satisfied with your work, it's time to change the direction of work. Fear of us, they will definitely go to you.
  • Nameless. Ahead of difficulties and troubles in his personal life. Be prepared for the deception on the part of the loved one. But we should remember that it will not always. Do not forgive treachery, after a while you will find a reliable person who will be your partner in life.
  • Little finger. everything goes well in his personal life. Reliable husband, beautiful children. On such a family can only dream of. But in the coming problems and difficulties. Labor activity will take a lot of effort, but did not bring the desired satisfaction. It should stop and think, instead of whether it is a sign that it is necessary to change their priorities and devote all their positive energy to the family? If you decide to change jobs, the new work activity will open before you the incredible prospects for creative growth.
  • The middle of the palm. A quiet family life. The husband will be supported for years to come. Work will bring satisfaction and a good income. Financial problems and difficulties will get your family party.

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To divination result was significant, in the rite must adhere to the following rules:

  • Guessing should begin at dusk.
  • Remove from the room where the ritual is performed, all pets.
  • Do not take fortune-telling as a joke or fun.
  • Carry out the rite should be in a relaxed atmosphere.

Divination on Christmas time is very diverse. We have presented to you the most accurate and truthful. With these rituals, you will not only learn the answers to intimate questions, but also be able to see into the future. Believe it or not in the outcome of the Yule divination - a private matter.

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