Why can not keep dieffenbachia house


I placed dieffenbachia in the kitchen. I did not notice that this flower brings bad luck. A couple of weeks ago, she learned that dieffenbachia has special power. It portends failure by keeping it with other vegetable crops. In this article I will talk about the magical properties of dieffenbachia.

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General information about the plant

Dieffenbachia - a popular houseplant. It is beautiful and unpretentious in care. It is believed that dieffenbachia has a strong energy. Whoever holds this flower at home, wondered whether it could be harmful.

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Since ancient times, people endowed with magical properties of plants. Dieffenbachia - a special room culture. botany experts say that it improves health, but it should be noted that dieffenbachia has advantages and disadvantages.

Characteristics and properties of the flower room

Let's talk about the energy properties of plants. Dieffenbach placed not only in homes but also in offices. The peculiarity of this culture lies in its originality. It attracts attention bright pattern disposed on a sheet plate.

dieffenbachia advantage in that it does not emit noxious fumes. The plant can be kept allergies. Dieffenbachia unpretentious care, for it is her love growers. But some argue that the plant impairs health, entails such problems:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness.

Dieffenbachia - energy vampire. It feeds on the energy of people, gradually depleting them. This results in:

  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • A tendency to depression.

The cause of these problems is more likely that people place dieffenbachia in close quarters. This culture should be in the light. It is recommended to place it in a large room. In this case, dieffenbachia will not have a negative impact.

The positive qualities of dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia house charges a healthy positive energy. The plant gives the household courage, self-confidence. If you want to bring good luck and prosperity, get it a houseplant, but keep it in a spacious room.

If you constantly enter conflicts, place the flower in the kitchen. Esoterics believe that it is there that the bad energy accumulates. Another feature of the Diffenbahia is that it is a female flower. If a woman strives to be beautiful and young, you need to place a diffenbach in a spacious room.

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It is very important to carefully care for the flower. Do not forget to wipe the dust leaves in time. There is also an opinion that the Diffenbachia fills a person with positive energy, contributes to mental development. Flower foreshadows successful completion.

Signs, superstition

There is a belief that Diffenbachia distinguishes men. The second name of this plant is a widow flower. If a woman wants to be happy in a relationship with his beloved, it is not necessary to place a differential in the bedroom, otherwise misunderstanding, conflicts may arise.

If a woman wants to meet, it is better to refrain from this flower. Diffenbachia is not recommended for married couples, since the separation is promulit. The harm of the plant lies in the fact that it can bring a man of infertility.

If a married couple cannot have a child, it is better not to keep a differential home. The flower can negatively affect the reproductive functions of a man. It can also be the cause of mental disorders, failures at work.

It is not recommended to keep a differential if there are animals in the house. They say the pets do not endure the power of the flower and run away. Some esotericists believe that Diffenbachia foreshadows financial difficulties.

In some cases, people containing this flower become poor. If you are experiencing problems with a dream, refuse the diffenbahia, otherwise there may be airs-of-crease, pain in the chest area.

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We found out that Diffenbahia has a special energy. But the problems we listed may arise for various reasons (not necessarily due to flower). Diffenbachia is not very good in contact with other indoor crops. Perhaps she wants all the attention to her.

If you contain other flowers in the room, determine the diffenbachy in a separate room. It is strongly recommended to rearrange it, otherwise misunderstanding in the family. A young girl should also abandon the content of this flower. He may impose trouble.

  1. If the plant gradually fade, then the households will begin to root.
  2. If the leaves of the diffenbachy have become dim, difficulties will arise in love relationships.


Diffenbachia undoubtedly requires attention. If you posted it in the south, be sure to act from direct sunlight. Some people do not believe in the signs associated with the plant, and place it in the bedroom. I believe that the best place for it is a kitchen.

In this case, the Diffenbachy "smoothes" conflicts helps to avoid quarrels, any kind of misunderstandings. So that Diffenbachia pleased with his beauty, do not forget to watered, spray it. From time to time, feed the flower with comprehensive compositions, remove the dust from the leaves. In winter, it is better to provide this plant at rest period and contain at a temperature of no more than +15 degrees.

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