Scandinavian Symbols - Ancient Wiking Alers


I always treat work responsibly. When in our tattoo salon, there was a cooking fashion for hieroglyphs, I started familiarizing with a graduate student of the Department of Foreign Languages, which translated everything that customers brought. Thanks to this, I managed to save many of the inscriptions like "warm up in the microwave" or "erase with colored things." Now in the fashion runes and wiking charms. And again, people make them on themselves mindlessly, and meanwhile the signs are very strong, and if you choose the image is incorrect, it will not protect, but hurts your media.

Where did these wubbles come from?

Scandinavians are called modern Norwegians, Swedes, Germans and Danes. Although our ancestors, Rusichi (descendants of which are Belarusians, Ukrainians, as well as Western Russians), also worked closely with this people. Remember at least the well-known trading path of "Varyag in Greeks", which took place through Kiev! Varyagi (people from the Scandinavian countries) massively lived in ancient Russia, even served in the princely squad. So in Russia, too, used similar symbols.

Scandinavians believed that Their charms were created by the ancient gods..

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Interestingly, not only Scandinavian, but also Icelandic motives are combined in these oversets.

Horror helmet (Agishyalm)

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He was invented by the torus together with his father Odin.

it Warrior mascot (less likely a strong magician). He helps to strengthen the courage, the strength of the Spirit, the determination of his carrier, weaken his enemies.

In ordinary life, it can be worn by strong personality, confidently reaching their goal. He will help:

  • convince people in your rightness;
  • defend into disputes;
  • Clean the aura from someone else's negative, keep your own energy from different "vampires".

Hammer Torah

Thor is one of the sons of the Supreme God Odin. Do not confuse this personality with the Character of the Universe Marvel. Tor traveled around the sky on a bronze chariot, there were two gods with the hillocks, and the whistles of copper teapots were evident about the approach of God, who decorated the chariot. With his hammer, the Tor not only broke the enemies, but also resurrected animals, made a fertile dry land, blessed marriages, defended the poor.

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Vikings decorated with the image of the hammer of their dragkars, believing that the mascot will help to arrive home faster. Also, the hammer was carried in the form of a culon on the shoelace, cut out on the shield or handle of the sword. In general, it is - Source of courage and power.


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In this amulte, 9 vertices are intertwined (by the number of worlds, which pierces the Scandinavian Tree Igdrasil). Walp helps to know them all, that is, it is - The symbol of wisdom, as well as the source of energy of different worlds.

Created this symbol himself alone after 9 days spent on a sacred tree, dealing with itself, as well as the essence of being.

Walcut consists of 8 pointed algiz (protective copies). Often they conclude into circles. Than they are more, the stronger the protective function of the amulet.

Black Sun

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The gods created this mascot for people as Protection and support.

He helps:

  • survive with a bitterness;
  • We defeat your enemies, successfully defending your house, and if you are a peaceful person, then not to suffer;
  • Continue your genus.

And the Slavs believed that the Black Sun was also a connection with the ancestors. Dead relatives were considered powerful and wise, they were treated in difficult situations. The man who wore such an amulet had the most strong connection with the ancestors.

By the way! Images of these talismans can be combined in one amulte . So you will get to strengthen its action. For example, what does a double amulet look like - Thor hammer in the Black Sun:

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Other talismans

  • Cross Torah, or Wolf Cross . Cross with wolf head, protection sign on the road. Full-scale truckers, driver, sailor, travel, tourist.
  • Double ax . Leader, lord, winner. Gives unshakable determination, increases strength (both inner and physical).
  • Throne Odin . Sign of large income, high position in society, power.
  • Wheel of the Sun. . Symbol of a family man. Attracts comfort, wealth, well-being in the family.

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  • Snake Ring (Oroboro). Helps in solving complex tasks, in easy relief from problems.
  • Eyes Odin . Teach to feel the future, getting knowledge, easy to separate important from the secondary.
  • Iggratrasil (Tree of Life). Protection for the soul. Scandinavians believed that the person who wears such an amulet would be very happy in the next life.
  • Freir . Male start sign. Helps to create a family man, to conceive healthy children, earn a lot.

Ancient runes, their use

The runes used from 1 to 8th a century of our era.

Scandinavians believed that they were alone from his Creator. In order not to forget them, the Supreme God cut off the sacred symbols on the trunk of Igdrasil. True, he had to pay for it, giving the left eye. But he was able to share the runes with other gods, and they passed the alphabet to people - seats and oracles.

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By the way! Translated from the ancient Germanic language, the word "Rune" means "mystery".

Runes were Alphabet With the help of which the ancient Scandinavians recorded valuable information. Shamans used them in magic , predicting the future and questioning the gods.

Important! Futark (rune alphabet) consists of 24 characters. Mages use another symbol - empty plate. It means "Clean fate." This sign is not the most ancient - it appeared in medieval times.

Nowadays, the runes (individual or their combinations) embroider on clothes are applied to the body or weapons, they decorate jewelry. Beads with runes are in great demand - they make necklaces or bracelets.


  • Protect the house from thieves and evil people;
  • help in trading and other affairs;
  • help get rich;
  • make their support a long-liver, help to protect themselves from diseases;
  • Protect travelers or travel.

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ROKODOD CAUSES Two species : Riceakripte - "Word" composed of these signs; Runic Vyazy - 4 runes shown so that a certain picture is turned out.

All Rounic Talismans need to be placed "in the case": protection on the road - in the car, the shield from the thieves - at the entrance to the house, help with the disease - on the body.

Basic protective signs

  • Algiz (friendship). Protects from the evil sorcerer and the evil eye.
  • Dagaz . Rune from thieves, protection at home.
  • Otal (order). Helps owners of large or valuable property. Let's say it will be relevant if you buy / sell a house.
  • Uruz. (human defense). Mental shield for biofield and nervous system. Showing the alarming, minting people.
  • Ridid . Rune travelers.
  • Fehu. . Helps in earnings. It is also suitable for farmers.

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Activators of certain actions

Lockless runes to help solve a specific question (or somewhat immediately).
  • Berkana (mother). Helps create and strengthen relationships, make a child.
  • Laguz . On the one hand, it helps in relations with the opposite sex, on the other, strengthens intuition.
  • Nautiz . Helps find love, gives strength and endurance.
  • Tayivaz (courage). Removes fear, helps to move towards your own goal.
  • Vehicle (joy). Success, Rune Good luck.

Important! If you wear a rune charm and suddenly you see that he came into disrepair (went cracked, the thread broke, swear heavily), you can throw it away and replacing new things - this talisman accepted the negative, that is, I did my job and now mentally "empty" . You can also interpret the loss of amulet.

Will the vikings tattooed?

The heroes of the popular TV series "Vikings" were knocked out on the skin of the body, and even face patterns, so many modern people believe that it was so in the old days. However, historians are not quite confident in this. There is information that this people decorated their bodies with some symbols, but it is not known, they stuck them or just played.

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Nowadays, fans of the Scandinavian paganism (they call themselves asatru) often make a tattoo. They choose or excerpt from EDD under their lives (character), or runes, or a face of one of the gods.

The most popular characters are considered:

  • Odin's face (defender of warriors, sailors and merchants);
  • Fryigg (wife Odin, a symbol of fertility, family and love);
  • Wolf (power, wisdom, nobility, but sometimes - and the end of the world);
  • Stallion with 8 legs (slave, horse one, wisdom symbol);
  • Two crow (another symbol of wisdom of one);
  • runes, inscribed in the compass (search for the right direction in life);

Important! If you are a Christian or Muslim, make such tattoos forbids religion, condemning paganism. It is also not worth choosing symbols just on beauty. If the sign comes in contradiction with your character, he will only hurt!


  • The most popular Scandinavian symbols are the horror helmet (the choice of strong personalities and warriors), the hammer of the Torah (attaches strength), platform (the source of wisdom and knowledge), the Black Sun (protection against different problems).
  • Also, Scandinavians were runes that used both alphabet and to communicate with the gods. A certain combination of these signs can attract a wealth, love, strength, protection to a person.
  • How to wear such talismans? You can order / buy pendant, make a tattoo. The only thing: Scandinavian symbols are pagan, so they will not suit the believers of Muslims or Christians.

By the way! Although our ancestors of Rusichi and respected Scandinavian charges (and therefore we also treat them with such respects), they had their own, Slavic symbols . About the most popular tells this video:

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