1987 - the year of which animal on the horoscope


Read the article on who is born in 1987 and what animal on the Eastern Horoscope corresponds to. I disassemble the characters of both men and women so that you can figure it out better.

general characteristics

In 1987, people who belong to the sign of the fire rabbit on the eastern horoscope appeared. This affected the peculiarities of their character and behavior.

1987 Any animal on the horoscope

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Everybody loves them - they are inborn psychologists and diplomats who are able to negotiate with anyone. Surrounded by fans and easily start friends. But in communicating with people, first of all is looking for benefits.

Very disciplined, endowed with tremendous effort, which allows them to achieve success where everyone else is torn and pronounce. Very ambitious and ambitious, want to achieve a lot in life. They will not satisfy a quiet calm life with an apartment in a mortgage.

Cheerful, cheerful, bright, with fiery passionate temperament, they are incredibly energetic. And this quality allows you to constantly generate interesting ideas that they bring them a good income.


He is from those who are called a "real" man. He leads from childhood, seeks to be the center of attention and conquers authority everywhere, wherever it is. It is important for him to be a significant, respected man, to whom they come for advice and listen.

1987 what animal

What other character traits are peculiar to:

  1. He seeks power, but it remains invisible to others. People perceive him as a person quite soft, brought up. He is considered pleasant and good, and no one is away to join a friendly relationship with him.
  2. It can easily find a common language with any person. But only units can guess how many ambitions and ambition in it are laid. He uses all his people around him in personal interests, hiding behind a friendship mask.
  3. Often becomes a manager or creates a successful business. It is able to successfully manage a large number of people. It sets itself global goals, it is interesting for him to achieve something on a large scale, and the minor achievements are boring him.
  4. With money, he usually has no problems. It is worth wishing a certain level of income, as the possibilities needed to achieve this income.
  5. It rarely faces difficulties, so it is not always able to act adequately due to lack of practice. If there are problems, it can become very hot-tempered and intolerable, it becomes difficult to communicate with it and interact.
  6. Women like it to madness. You can even say that he has crowds of fans who are just waiting until he pays his attention to them. In relations, he manifests itself a very passionate and temperamental man, beautifully cares and intrigues.
  7. It is important for him that the woman with whom he will eventually go through life, shared his hobbies and interests, otherwise he quickly comes up and will think about treason. But if you fall in love with a real, then, despite the reputation of the heart, will become a very exemplary family man and a faithful husband.
  8. Always take care of the well-being of your family. Wife and children will never need. He surrounds their maximum comfort and will take care of the end of his life.


She is beautiful and confident. Her appearance in society always looks spectacular. It instantly turns out to be in the spotlight, attracting admiring views of the surrounding people.


What else can you say about a woman born a year of the fire rabbit:

  1. She seems to people very cute, charming and feminine girl. And only the closest know how much the person is the person, how many ambitions, perseverance and hard work in it.
  2. She has a perfectly developed sense of humor, and people love those with whom you can find a reason for laughter in any situation. In her circle of communication, a variety of personality - it does not pay attention to any social status, nor on the skin color, no interest. The main thing, ease and comfort in communication.
  3. It has a unique ability to see in any person something useful for himself. She is able to benefit even from the most useless, at first glance, a friend. And rarely friendly "just so", without the desire to get anything in return.
  4. At work, usually in a good account. Colleagues are home to her, and leaders appreciate and strive to keep. She is a good diplomat, it is often sent to communicate with problematic customers or partners to settle some conflict.
  5. It is able to negotiate so tactfully and gently that negotiations will seem just a pleasant friendly conversation.
  6. She clearly knows what to do to achieve success. Able to choose useful acquaintances, the faithful sphere of activity and the case that will bring her big money.
  7. Sometimes can lose faith in success, but only when an unfavorable period happens in life with many failures. Then she is capable of lowering hands.
  8. In love, manifests itself from the best side. It becomes very wise, patient and devoted wife, the husband of which will always be enough attention, caress and care. At the same time she does not forget about himself.
  9. Prefers to lead in relations, although he will present everything so that the man will be sure of: the main one. Acts as a gray cardinal.
  10. It becomes a beautiful mistress. It has always cozy at home, clean, warm, delicious food is cooked. Children raises obedient and smart.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Men and women born in 1987 are incredibly attractive personality. They are always in the center of attention, they look impurious and surrounded by crowders of the waters. At the same time, creating a family, stop love adventures and keep loyal to the partner.
  • They have a lot of ambitions, although those surrounding this and do not suspect. His ambition is hiding behind the mask of good and charming nature. They become with the time of the leaders of large companies or create their own business.
  • In communication with people, they are always interested in their own benefit. To be friends and help simply will never be.

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