2009 - the year of which animal on the Eastern calendar


Read the article to learn more about 2009 - what is the animal, to what elementality is and what features the nature of people born during this period.

general characteristics

Byk, which is patronized by the element of the Earth, is a very sober and calculating personality. He only deals with what he benefits. At the same time, the responsibilities perform perfectly, it is not important for him to work, but effectively.

2009 What animal on the horoscope

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He tells the truth, looking into the eyes and do not hesitate in expressions. It is easier for him to openly express an opinion than to select words, trying not to offend a person. It is usually listened to his opinion, because they know: he never says anything empty.

Having hardly, it is capable of a long time without signs of fatigue to engage in monotonous work. Therefore, he often trust the routine at work - only he is able to make boring things flawlessly.

His key values ​​are stability and sense of security. It is important for him to have accumulations, to be confident in tomorrow and not depend on anyone. Therefore, he will work hard, postpone, multiply and invest money. Be sure to win financial literacy so as not to be mistaken in these cases.


A man who is born in the year of the Earth Bull is a very serious person. He is always concentrated, deliver, constantly busy something and does not like to be distracted. Because of this, it may seem somewhat fusey, but it is little concerned about someone else's opinion, it is concentrated for its purposes and tasks.

2009 what kind of animal

Features of its character, temperament and behavior:

  1. He loves to work and does it well, fulfilling his duties responsibly. But often forgets to defend its borders, because of what he gets a bunch of tasks that should not do. But it works fine.
  2. Not inclined to flash emotions. Behaves, as a rule, restrained. Carefully controls each of its word and action. At the same time honest and not trying to deceive anyone. It's just easier for him to live, without pouring on the surrounding all his personal experiences.
  3. Straight and always says what he thinks. Skinny does not know how. But he is never offended by him, understanding that he does this from good motives, and not from the desire of a person to hurt.
  4. In principle and rarely changes its views. There is no flexibility in its character, so it is difficult for him to live when the external circumstances begin to sharply and unexpectedly change.
  5. Women rarely find it attractive. He is very quiet, modest, shy, so the girl has to constantly take the initiative in his hands, and this is not like many.
  6. He doesn't know how to care for women, and he does not burn with desire to learn. It is easier for him to tell him about his intentions, get an answer and continue to live on without love tray and endless expectations.
  7. With the wedding, it will not be tightened, because family is focused and serious relationship. If you understand that the chosen is also looking at life in the same way, it will very quickly lead it to the registry office.
  8. It becomes a devotee and faithful husband, uncanyten and does not require anything from his wife, does not expect. Surrounds it with a huge number of love and care, not asking anything in return. But if a woman becomes negligible and disrespectful to him, he will be able to quickly put it in place.


A girl with an earthy bull in a horoscope - the person is quite reasonable and intelligent, so it will never impress the frivolous young lady. They live in harmony with their mind and will not be involved in dubious adventures.

2009 Someone

More about her:

  1. She firmly stands on her legs and lives reality. Does not feed illusions, does not dream and does not fantasize, but acts, persistently reacting to any external circumstances and changes. Flexible, knows how to adapt, so it achieves success.
  2. Ambolism and full of ambitions. Stable life "like everyone else" it is unlikely to arrange. It will set themselves high goals and be sure to reach them. But at the same time will not go on heads, making harm to other people for personal interests.
  3. Among colleagues is beneficial to stand out by its hardworking. At the authorities in a good account. But at the same time, it is good in the team to her, no one envies and does not gloat to her successes.
  4. It may be deceptive to seem weak, rag, mummy, man who can not defend their borders. But this impression does not correspond to reality. When it is necessary, she will do everything to achieve his own.
  5. Men like she, because attractive and feminine. In the relationship behaves soft enough, but at the same time wisely. Crab treat it almost impossible, it knows how to negotiate and find compromises. It can become a practically perfect wife and mother.
  6. Keeps in society with dignity. It can be immediately noticed on the royal posture and highly raised chin.
  7. Very correctly behaves in communicating with people. Beautiful interlocutor: can listen, never interrupts, restrained and attentive. Spear with her is a pleasure. Does not hang out too much.
  8. In the family becomes a faithful wife, never change, will not deceive and will not betray. Prefers a calm and measured life without noisy entertainment and fun in large friendly companies.
  9. Always come to the rescue and make it disinterestedly, nothing awaiting anything in return.

Check the video on the topic:


  • 2009 is under the auspices of a yellow earth bull. Therefore, the element of the Earth and the East Sign of the Bull affect the nature and behavior of a person in this time.
  • These are very sober and calculating people. Really look at the world, practical, responsible, rational. Prefer to act where others argue. Love to work and will not be idle time.
  • Straight, harsh statements can hurt a person, but he will not be angry for a long time. Because at first glance, it is clear - these earthy bulls are simply dull, sincere and unlobs.

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