What dream of a child is a girl


To understand what the child dream is a girl, read the interpretation of dream books that I prepared for you in this article. And then you will be warned about the coming events in order to have time and correctly react to them.

Dream of the XXI century

See yourself surrounded by a huge number of little girls - a good sign. Such a dream says that soon you will receive an invitation to some very important event with a lot of guests. A pleasant and exciting time to spend time, and also acquire useful dating.

What dreams little baby girl

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Still interpretation:

  1. If the child is dressed in white clothes, then very soon your life will change for the better. A certain event will happen that will turn everything from the legs on the head and makes you change the worldview, which will be the reason for the happy future.
  2. See yourself a little girl - get wonder, because in the near future, destiny will give you some kind of surprise. Here, however, it will not be pleasant, and you will experience a feeling of a big annoyance.
  3. To see an unfamiliar little girl - no most favorable period will come in life. You will be with you and the case to happen to trouble, small, but insanely annoying. Take patience and try to keep calm, then it will quickly pass.
  4. And if in a dream you watched the girl runs on the door of your home, then in real life you can expect unplanned guests that are welcomed on you, as if snow on your head. You will have to depict joy and show hospitality, although you do not really want to do it.
  5. Chat with a child in a dream - a very good sign that sulies the dream success, glory, wealth and prosperity in all spheres of his life. It remains very little to wait, and all these benefits will certainly appear.

Large dream book

If the mother dreams of one's own daughter in poor condition - patient, dirty, exhausted, then in reality, the child will differ on rarity strong health. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry and upset.

what dream baby girl dreams

Still interpretation:

  1. If a young woman dreams of a child, then in the near future she has very high chances to conceive the baby. If pregnancy in her plans is not yet included, it is better to refrain from sex at all, because contraception can bring.
  2. To see a little girl in the water - something new will appear in your life. It can be both relationships and more promising work, hobbies, hobbies or friends. Think of what the area of ​​your life is especially lacking development, it is in it that will come.
  3. To see in the dream of a very sad child with crying eyes - your misconduct will cause disappointment from your environment. You will seriously spoil your own reputation, and you have to work hard to restore the lost trust.
  4. To see a newborn, a very tiny baby in a dream - you need a privacy and are tired of people, even if you are not aware of this. The unconscious practically screams that you need to be alone with you, relax and relax.
  5. To see the baby with a puppet, very beautiful and unusual appearance - real wonders will occur in your life. Get ready to wonder because it will seem that it is some kind of magic.
  6. A teenage girl dreams of a material well-being. You will get a chance to show your talents and earn several times more than usual. This is the period when you will be able to realize your potential to the maximum, so proceed to active actions.
  7. Consider a child in a sweet Sweet - a joyful event will occur, which will seem to you truly magical. A series of events will eventually result in the result that you do not dare about. But this is not magic, but only a totality of favorable circumstances for you.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

If you have seen your own daughter a little - rejoice. In your life, a happy period of well-being and happiness will come soon. It will only be rejected and take all sorts of gifts of fate.

Dream interpretation baby girl

Still interpretation:

  1. To see a dirty, patient, an exhausted baby - in real life you will give birth to a strong and healthy child. If children are already there, they will also be excellent health, and doctors you will visit only for planned inspections.
  2. The thoracic child dreams of unfulfilled promises. You hope for some person, but it will bring you out and gets trouble on your head. Therefore, try to count only on yourself if you want to avoid big problems.
  3. Play with the girl in a dream - make a rash act, the consequences of which will still have a very long time to regret. Try to make decisions weigly, if you do not want to make a grand error in your life.
  4. Carrying a child in their arms - after an unsuccessful strip in life, a period of absolute happiness and harmony will come. You can enjoy the real, forget about experiences in the past and thoughts about the future.
  5. See how the girl falls and gets bruised - to some obstacles in your business. You will receive the result not as fast as I would like, because the pretty time share will go to solve problems and the fight against adverse circumstances.
  6. To see the dream of a dead child - feel anxiety and disappointment. These emotions will take your time completely, and it will be difficult to do the usual affairs. Some time will live in a state of stress.
  7. To punish a child - such a dream is usually dreaming to people who are not sufficiently confident. This dream warns: you need to fight complexes, until they finally spoiled your life.

Check the video on the topic:


  • In dreams Little girl is a symbol of something amazing, beautiful, joyful. Therefore, in most cases interpretation is favorable for a dream.
  • Remember how the child behaved: rejoiced or cried, played with you or angry? This will depend on the nature of the predictions.
  • If the sleep value is unfavorable, try not to be upset, and think that you can do to change the situation in your favor.

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