Inert man: who he is how he behaves in life


We all possess different characteristics of their nervous system. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages. Famous Russian physiologist I.I. Pavlov, continuing the work of the hippocrates, spoke of 4 types of personality: strong unbalanced (choleric), strong balanced (Sanguines), strong balanced inert (phlegmatics), weak unbalanced (melancholic).

In this material we will talk about the inert man - what is it by nature?

Where does inertia come from?

What is inertness?

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Inertia - What does this concept indicate? Under it it is understood as the property of the nervous system of a person very slowly to delve into the essence of what is happening, pull into the workflow and also slowly leave it. As a rule, inertia complement other characteristics, such as:

  • Apathy - that is, indifferent perception and self, and others;
  • Slow Development - True, this quality does not always take place.

If we consider the types of temperaments, then phlegmatic is considered inert. Inertness is good or bad? Here, as they say, from which side to see. This state has its advantages, and disadvantages.

Benefits are as follows:

  1. An inert man shows enviable stress resistance, which most choleric envies.
  2. I know how to spend your energy with the mind, without waste it is wasted.
  3. If concentrated in one case, then it pays all his attention, which allows you to achieve impressive results. But, giving such an employee at once a few tasks, be sure to warn it about it, because he needs to properly distribute his strength.

But it does not work out without flaws:

  1. Inert man is who? This is a person from which it is impossible to wait for the initiative in any of the spheres of life. People of this type prefer to behave passively, increasingly, "sailing for the flow", not wanting to make any changes, and seek to shift the responsibility on other people's shoulders.
  2. They insulate themselves with all sorts of ways even from minor errors, the more slow down their actions.

Note! There is a big difference between depression and such a congenital feature of the nervous system as inertness. While depression is a mental disorder, inert behavior may well be the norm for a person.


Why do some people show inertness? Is such innocent quality, or was it acquired in adult life? It should be noted here that there are two categories of people:

  1. The first group is phlegmatics on temperament that are inert from birth, and this is a variant of the physiological norm for them.
  2. The second category is people, the cause of the inert behavior of which is laziness and indecision. They simply do not cope with the goals set in front of them, although there are no objective reasons for this.

It turns out that inertness has both personal and social significance.

Surely in the collective you had to meet the first category of citizens. They are so slow that they are able to introduce into the state of despondency, as a tightening shower in the summer. Alas, they do it not for evil, but simply possess such temperament.

Inert employee - big problem

From nature, they have a lack of vitality, therefore they do not show an increased interest to the surrounding world. In their eyes, the light is never lit, and inside there is no ambitions, goals and desires. But with all this, they are not in the state of depression. And their world quite satisfy them.

Perhaps it will sound a little rude, but I want to make an analogy with one African tribe of people who do not get food, and you are accustomed to eat gifts of the ocean, thrown ashore. Yes, they also collect the fruits of plants growing nearby. And the bulk of their life is in a state of sleep.

But there are those personality whose passivity is due to improper education in the family. For example, the kid showed curiosity, but his eternal questions greatly got adults. And they tried to stop these attempts by the words "backward", "silent", "how much can be chatting" and the like.

Under the influence of this upbringing, the child became inert, began to show indifference to the world. Many of the weak floor representatives who have such a character go to work, not because they dream of self-realization or money, but just not to sit at home.

How to cope with inertia

Here again it is necessary to divide the recommendations for congenital inert people and those who are simply lazy and inactive.

What to do those who are not passive, and just lazy?

  • Usually indecision is due to low self-esteem. Then it turns out that to eliminate this ailment, a constant increase in self-esteem will be required. Speak such a person that he will all come out that he is well done. In every way praise even for minimal accomplishments.
  • And if criticism is strongly required, then express it in such a way that the passive individual can look at the situation under a different angle, making faithful conclusions from it. Strictly-setting is prohibited by oppression, because how such a person will be perceived not argued criticism, unknown.

how to cope with inertia

Recommendations for "floating downstream"

If you are from nature, treat the inert type of personality, then it will not prevent to listen to further advice:

  1. Choose work in such a way that in it you can feel a real professional. When other people will constantly seek help, you will feel confident in yourself and you can raise your self-esteem.
  2. In life, there is no slightest inspiration? Not absolutely nothing can cause interest in you, to light at least some emotions? Then it is recommended to find a person just burning a certain idea, and join him in his efforts. And may you not be covered by the same passion as he, but you can get the most valuable skills from him. For example, learn how to build plans and subsequent implementation, as well as pleasure from this process.
  3. Sometimes life challenges each of us. Requires to make certain efforts, go somewhere, get out of their "sink". No need to strive to "hide your head in the sand." To begin with, try to soberly evaluate the criteria from zero to ten points, as far as it will give you difficulty. But at the same time do not forget about the enjoyment of the realization of the conceived. Many inert people tend to intentionally exaggerate the problems, the smallest joy of victory.
  4. Enter expressions in your speech with a strong positive color: "Fine", "great", "I like it very much." Psychologists say that our thoughts and words create all our lives. Therefore, at first, you will simply begin to speak positive statements, and then do not notice that life around has become brighter, rushing more interesting.

In conclusion

You can approach the logical conclusion of the topic. It turns out that inertness is not always a disease in psychology, and often it is simply one of the peculiarities of the nervous system. We are all different in your own temperament, but we are not able to change this indicator.

Of course, in this case it is not about laziness. If you suffer from your own passivity, show apathy and do not want to make any effort, you need to learn how to work on yourself, over your complexes and fears, get rid of indecision.

I also want to note that emotional support for others really is very important. Therefore, if you have such a person in a team or family, do not strive to stick it, try at least from time to time to encourage, speaking warm words.

And even more information on the topic will tell you the following video:

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