Power of Character: What is manifested and how to educate


What is the power and hardness of nature and how to raise these qualities? We often talk about this with a daughter who tells about the problems of their friends and girlfriends. Someone lacks character hardness to defend its point of view, and someone cannot fight with hooligans in the yard. What is the power of character and what does it depend on? How to express yourself in this world so that the surrounding began to respect and appreciate? I want to tell you about it in the article.

Power of character

Internal energy rod.

A strong character is the inner energy of a person who allows you to overcome obstacles to the goal. Character begins to form from the birth of a small child. The formation of the nature of character is influenced by the environment, the upbringing and traditions of the people. The formation of character (worldview) ends at 18 years, and after changing a person becomes almost impossible.

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What is the character formed, this invisible basis of any person? This is a complex mental education, which consists of a variety of shades, polar manifestations, features and qualities. Character manifests itself through thoughts, words and actions of a person. It is in the actions that can be obtained an idea of ​​a strong or weak character of a person.

Silent characteristic:

  • perseverance;
  • The will to win;
  • dedication;
  • subsequence;
  • independence;
  • independence;
  • persistence.

By how a person knows how to overcome obstacles and move towards the goal, judges the strength of his character. The inactive man sails downstream and does not resist obstacles in its path. He is more led than the lead, he does not seek to take a leading position and conquer the tops of life.

Note! The character of a person manifests itself through his will.

Manifestation of character force:

  • active energetic actions;
  • bringing started to the end;
  • overcoming obstacles to the goal;
  • focusing effort.

Important! Distinctive features of a strong character - innovation, initiative, enthusiasm.

A person is not afraid of difficulties, his words do not diverge with the case, and the behavior is characterized by a sequence and logicality. The inactive man shows cowardice, it is afraid of difficulties, does not hold the word and does not want to take responsibility for any order.

To determine the degree of nature, it is necessary to write in the notebook the strengths and weaknesses of their personality. This will determine the direction of movement and methods of exposure. Only you need to honestly determine all your weak and strengths to achieve a real result. Do not embellish your qualities, but do not contradict.

a strong character

How to raise power

Is it possible to raise the power of the will, to work out hardness and fearlessness before difficulties? How to get a strong character? Psychologists argue that human force can be produced throughout life. Each person has congenital features of the personality, which do not depend on his will. However, in addition to congenital qualities, you can form and acquired. For this you need:

  • self-education;
  • self-development;
  • Proper environment;
  • personal example;
  • correct worldview;
  • Methods of self-expression.

Self-education and self-development - two especially important points in the formation of volitional qualities. A person needs to work on himself, put a goal and move in its direction. Self-education begins with order in thoughts and affairs: you need to teach yourself to a certain routine of the day and not allow yourself to be lazy.

Self-development is expressed in the constant knowledge of himself and the surrounding world. It may be a hobby that expands the horizons, or volunteering. Volunteering organizes a person, is a stimulus to action and self-education.

The worldview is closely connected with self-development and self-education. A clear life position of a person, the desire for the goal is forced to actively move and develop. The incorrect worldview will pull down, take away from the set goal and will cause as a result to sail downstream and become an adaptable instead of the owner of his destiny.

Important! Character hardness is not transmitted genetically, it is formed and produced throughout life.

To show volitional features, a certain type of activity is necessary. It can be a sports section or volunteering. The dispute helps to overcome laziness and fear, and volunteering is an excellent incentive for the manifestation of volitional qualities.

However, for the correct movement in the selected direction, it is necessary to still be a condition - adequate self-esteem. You need to learn to be honest with yourself and realize how strong and volitional man you are actually. A sense of self-esteem should not be confused with a sense of its own importance - these are different qualities and characteristics. The feeling of self-esteem helps not collapse from the way and lower your hands, and the sense of own importance prevents the truth with open eyes.

Personal example is a person who can be equal to. They may have a historic person or a contemporary, worthy of respect. It is not necessary to copy the style of the behavior of this person, although sometimes it can be useful.

A very important aspect on the way of forming a strong character is to manage its emotional sphere and intentions. That is, a person should not go on his emotions and desires, but to be able to manage them.

On a note! Do not do what you like to do, but what brings benefits. So you can educate the power of will and character.

And last: no need to lose heart. Even if something does not work or did not go according to plan, you should not lower your hands and fall into the despondency. Will's power is that a person can adequately perceive failures and move on.

Note! The process of raising the power of will and character is similar to sports training: you need to constantly make efforts and repeat the same exercise many times. As muscles remember certain movements and the psyche fixes the features necessary for the development of the nature of character.

Character hardness

Characteristics of strong and weak qualities

Let's describe in detail the strong qualities of the character you need to work out.

Pottleness - what does it mean? This is a steady desire for the goal, and not just its name. Many set themselves the target (climb the steps of the career ladder, lose weight on x kg, quit smoking), but not everyone reaches the end destination. Faced with difficulties, a man either lowers his arms, or simply begins to regret himself and makes his beloved overgrown. If you have not reached the final result, you have no willpower. Rail up. Again and again put the target and try to achieve it, gritting my teeth.

Persistence In achieving the goal helps to reach the final destination. Perseverance - does not mean stubbornness, but close to him on its emotional color. Without perseverance, purposefulness will not help, because the brought to the end to the end requires the voltage of the volitional forces. Only when the scheduled peak will be taken, it can be said that a person has achieved a certain result in raising a strong character.

Strength of will - The rod, which holds the person of man. It is expressed in overcoming themselves: Lena, apathy, reluctance to move and even move the finger. It is thanks to the power of will, a person becomes a man with a capital letter. Without it, he resembles an amorphous education that does not resist anything in his path and dies. Will's power and will to life give the right to live and fight for their existence.

Note! A strong character does not refer to the desire to go through the head for the sake of achieving the goal. A strong spirit and a volition man can empathize.

Organizations - This is an order in my head and affairs. A unorganized person will not be able to achieve any result in its activities, since Chaos thoughts reign in his head. Organizations begins with the day and plan for the current day or week / month. If a person is constantly distracting, he will not be able to focus on purpose.

Sewing your current day on the clock and try to strictly adhere to the schedule. To work out a good habit of organizing, it will take some time. Then you will unexpectedly notice that no longer needs reminders and records in notepad.

A responsibility - This is awareness of the seriousness of their intentions. An irresponsible person will not be able to resist good work, to form a family and grow children. Responsibility is absorbed with Mother's milk and trains the rest of his life.

If you develop listed qualities, you can say with confidence - you have formed a strong hard character. Water stone sharpening, and the daily workout of the will brings in a strong character.

Weak sides of the person

Now consider what you need to get rid of to become a truly strong personality.

Pessimism - This is the most dangerous enemy of a strong personality. He can kill all the good endeavors and to reduce their efforts. If an overwhelmed self-esteem can be compared with pink glasses, then pessimism is black glasses. They do not allow to see a reality in true color, but they present it only from a dark side. Pesssimism deprives a person of hope for success, you need to fight with him and defeat. Try to find in any bad situation positive parties (at least one), and you will see that there is no reason for pessimism. The world is not unionolar, and each event necessarily has a positive side.

Uncontrolled Emotionic can destroy anything. First, it prevents communication with people. Secondly, it prevents focus on achieving the goal. Emotions should learn to keep under control, otherwise they will manage man. Learn to see naked facts, and not the emotional component of any information - it will help you sober and unbiased to look at things.

Envy - One of the most negative quality of the character of a person. It can fully paralyze the will, involving a negative thinking and malice in the hummut. Often a person begins to experience an uncontrolled sense of malice towards who achieved at least some success. Envy destroys the consciousness of a person, it is necessary to fight with radical methods. Someone from wise said: "Envy is ready to change destiny." Do you need someone else's fate, full of unknown? Maybe the person you envy is awaiting a terrible disease? Therefore, do not envy anyone, be grateful to your fate.

Wastefulness - This is bodily life. A person spends money on entertainment, rampant, drunkenness or drug addiction. This ultimately leads to the most unwanted outcome, and even to premature death. Therefore, from such a habit you should get rid of as soon as possible. The same applies to visits to casino and bookmakers.

Indecision - Dangerous personality trait. You must have your own opinion and be able to make decisions. Indecisiveness is a mask of cowardice, and the coward can not be a strong personality. Follow your own opinion, most often the advice of foreign people express their subjective point of view - it is not necessary for you at all. Do not join the dispute with anyone, just do in your own way.

Low self-esteem - This is a stumbling block on the way to goal. A person does not believe in his own strength, because he considers himself unworthy of the best destiny. With low self-esteem you need to fight, it is possible for this will have to visit a psychologist. You need to look at yourself from the side and see your own problem close-up. Sometimes it is impossible to achieve without the help of a specialist.

Having got rid of unnecessary personal qualities, you can successfully develop your strengths. This process can occur at the same time: getting rid of and creation. Drive the diary, where you will celebrate positive moments and success, as well as criticism of your misses and weaknesses. After some time, you will notice that they became another person.

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