Lipophrenation: why arises and what it is dangerous


Lipophrenation - What does this mysterious word mean? I thought so so thought and decided to deal with this question, as I love to recognize different psychological terms and their meaning. I propose to clarify this issue in the next article.

Lipophrenation - Dusty longing

What is Lipophrenia

Lipophrenation is a feeling of unfortunate sadness, sadness, longing. This concept can not be called new, although it has arisen relatively recently, but it has already time to firmly entrenched in the arsenal of psychologists, as well as on social networks.

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Of course, all of us from time to time happens the bad location of the Spirit. But, as a rule, there are specific reasons for this. And a person can tell that or who spoiled him the mood. And the lipophrenic is not able to argue its dreary state.

It is believed that the name of the term "lipophrenia" is formed by the ancient Greek words "fat" and the "state of mind". Therefore, some experts interpret lipophrenia as "with fat crazy" or "the brain swims with fat." Of course, such an approach is unacceptable! It is necessary to deal with the root causes of the problem and solve it, and not ignore.

But what is the fat here? I propose to remember what happens with water drops if there is a fracture film? True, they will drain from the surface, but do not absorb it. If you extend, it turns out that fat interferes with the penetration of a drop where she was heading.

Why was this information needed? Because it is an analogy with a person suffering from lipophrenia: he does not absorb positive information, he is not able to perceive it adequately. And literally remains alone with his bad thoughts, feeling no one who needs anyone.

Causes of this state

Although at first glance, it may seem that there is no objective causes of lipophrenia, in fact they are, of course. The problem is that they are simply not aware of the patient because of its changed state. Of the main provocateurs inexplicable sadness, psychologists allocate the following:

  • A long lack of positive in life when a person does not give joy and does not make him feel happy;
  • An occupation of monotonous work (some psychologists believe that the implementation of monotonous, repetitive actions more often provokes attacks of unreasonable longing);
  • lack of activity;
  • Long-term sitting at home without the possibility of working (often from attacks of lipophrenia, mammies are suffering, sitting on male with baby, which are deprived of social life and self-realization);
  • from nature increased anxiety;
  • Criticism to yourself, their mistakes;
  • conflict at work at work or at home;
  • serious disappointments in the love sphere of life (treason, loss of trust, etc.);
  • the presence of an understated self-esteem (which is enhanced by an excess weight or flaws of the appearance);
  • maintaining the wrong time and night mode;
  • irrational nutrition (when a person sits on the exhausting organism of hard diets, regularly misses the nutrients, limits the sweet);
  • Food disorders (bulimia and anorexia also lead to an depressed moral state);
  • severe pathology;
  • The need for a forced bed regime.

Also, according to some psychologists, people whose work takes place under the ground or in premises, devoid of sunlight, are more often faced with lipophrenia.

Dark rooms provoke lipophrenia

As an example, you can consider the famous Artyomovsky Factory of Champagne Wine (Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine). It has special gypsum gallery used to store and produce classic sparkling wines. At the initial stages of production, it was noticed that the factory workers often observed emotional depression and unfortunate sadness after the workers shifts. When the survey was conducted, no one could adequately explain the cause of such a state.

True, complaints received from the side of all the staff to the fact that the overall decor was very inhibited by morally. After all, the truth, the gypsum in its color is dirty gray, depressive. To solve this problem, the management of the plant repainted the working area by portraying there many funny multi-colored pictures. And very soon complaints about unfortunate longing gradually went on no.

In addition, it is impossible to forget that modern people spend too much time on the Internet. Gradually, real communication is increasingly replaced by virtual contacts. In this case, it is not surprising if the lipophrenation occurs on the basis of awareness of a person, which, although he has several thousand "friends" in instagramme or facebook, there is not a single person in life.

You can also distinguish several additional factors offered by experts of various profiles:

  • Thus, parapsychologists suggest that lipophrenia is the inability to exchange energy with other people, a kind of energy stagnation;
  • Psychologists do not get tired to constantly affect the dangers of virtual reality and frequent deception with which users of the world cobweb are confronted;
  • Experts of physiology nominate their vision of the problem: a person is too long in the wrong positions, plus suffers from strong information overload. In confirmation of this version, it is argued that most often the lipophrenia arises against the background of physical exhaustion;
  • Well, the last opinion on this issue - the pathological state provokes post-traumatic stress disorder. For example, the driver who knocked down a pedestrian, failed to cope with his experiences, as was done.

Suppose he was made an acquittal sentence, it would be necessary to find that "everything remained in the past", but at the same time, it is experiencing a strong internal tension in similar situations. To the state of psychological discomfort and longing can cause trifles, preserved in the subconscious: the same hour of the day or night, the same time of the year, a similar place, etc.

It turns out that it is impossible to call the female floor more susceptible to the status of lipophrenia, referring to emotional experiences, hormonal changes - in fact, this is not true. Women more often men discuss their experiences, but it does not mean at all that they are absent from their spouses. Yes, and it is just necessary to remember the ever-sad Piero from the fairy tale about Pinocchio to understand that the guys can also be lipophrenic.

What is the duration of lipophrenia? Here everything is purely individually, and the pathological longing can pass by a couple of hours, and can stretch for many days. If sadness is in no hurry to let you go, and its attacks are becoming more and more frequent, it's time to beat the alarm and go for help to a psychologist!

How to cope with lipophrenia

What is lipophrenation, we have already found out, dealt with its reasons, now it's time to search for methods for solving the problem. It is unacceptable to ignore incomprehensible longing, because with time it risks to become a full depression, to get rid of which will be even harder.

What should I do?

  1. First of all, forget about the virtual world and return to reality. Right now dial on the phone number friend (girlfriend) and assign a meeting! Positive emotions from a single conversation in life is much stronger than tens of hours of empty correspondence in social networks devoid of the same meaning.
  2. Also try as often as possible in the fresh air when the weather allows. And do it not only when you need to go to a supermarket either a pharmacy, but just relaxingly walking without any purpose. Such a walk will quickly drive Handra away.
  3. But if the weather outside the window does not please at all, then find a funny comedy, a series or a movie and look at it. It can be limited to even fun videos. Laughter, as you know, is the best natural antidepressant.
  4. Keep track of your sleep mode. In a dream, we get rid of not only from physical stress, but also from mental, fill life energy.
  5. And psychologists advise themselves to change their globility: less concentrated on unpleasant trifles, making focus on positive events.

But from what exactly it is worth refuse is from self-appointment of serious drugs like antidepressants and tranquilizers. They will not help solve your problem, just take time and can harm health!

Change minus on plus

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • Lipophrenation is a state of inexplicable longing and sadness. It may be short-term, and can delay and become a real depression.
  • There is a number of reasons, starting with a lack of live communication and ending with unsolved psychological injuries.
  • Credit with pathology will help the correct mode of sleep and nutrition, sufficient communication in life, positive emotions.
  • It is impossible to ignore lipophrenation, as it can delay, and this is already dangerous.

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