Why not give knives as a gift


Before the awareness, I sent all the guests a list of things that I would like to get in the form of a gift (I learned that I was doing in the West - very practical, I tell you). And then the sister calls and excitedly reports that the set of knives on a magnetic rail, which I have long dreamed of, buying will not be able to not attach trouble to my house! It turned out, knives should not be made at all. But I wanted this set so much, and after repair myself I could not buy it. Therefore, it began to call the oldest family members, learning all the subtaidal annoying superstition ...

Why is the knife is considered one of the worst gifts?

Why not give knives as a gift 4117_1

  • If the knife gives a friend, you will soon dislarge Or lose your loved ones in a different way. It is believed that this sharp item attracts into relationships (even ancient, stretching almost from the kindergarten). The cost and brandness of such a knife is not important - you can embroil you as a penny knife for bread from the market and decorated with gold, custom-made blade.
  • In no case don't give the knives for the wedding Otherwise, this family will fall apart. And if, taking such a gift, the bride or bride cuts the hand, knowledgeable people believe that the family (or someone from the newlyweds) will soon be tragically die.
  • Since in the old days (and today sometimes too) the knife becomes an important attribute of black magic rituals, many are afraid that Together with the blade in their house will fall an evil curse . In the house there may begin scandals, diseases, launiens, treason. In rare cases, the curse causes even the death of his victim.
  • Many believe that in knives (even peaceful, kitchen) Dormlet spirit of war and murder . Surprisingly, even the practice-stists agree with this superstition: they argue that 60% of the murders are committed with a home knife. In this regard, some people are confident: giving a knife to man, they can cause hidden aggression in his soul. And if a person has been prone to violence before that, the case will end the trouble ...

And it doesn't matter how such a gift is bought - for birthday, housewarming or February 23. It is impossible, and that's it! It also does not matter who you are collecting to give - a man or a woman.

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By the way! Superstitious people believe that the knife donated for new year will bring in the house of unfortunately at the 12th month.

But what if you really want to hand it?

The reasons can be a lot - say, your friend is an avid collector of weapons, the spouse has long dreamed of a set of knives of some brand, or you just have already bought an expensive model ...

You can give! But only turn the ritual of donation into the usual deal. Replace the knife to require a fee - a small, symbolic (coin or two). So it turns out that you have bought a knife, and buying any negative will bring.

Or (as an option) Buy a certificate of a large shopping store, the amount of which will be not lower than the cost of the knife / dial, or give just an envelope with money. If a person buys a knife for these means, the bad superstitions will not be distributed on such a gift.

By the way! If your birthday man is a deeply believer man, do not be afraid to scare it with a "wrong" gift. Because The church does not approve of superstition , Orthodox (not surrounded "for the tick", and really constantly attending the temple of God) believe that the knife is just a knife, but only the devil can harm the person, and then - if you let it in your soul.

That's what the signs and superstitions are talking:

Handmade knives - a delicate matter ...

Never handle knives customized for a certain person . The knife gets used to him like a faithful dog. Once in the hands of a stranger, he will not "rebuild", and will not just not obey the new owner, but can begin to interfere with him. That is, due to the fault of such a widespread blade, the new owner can even be seriously injected.

Why not give knives as a gift 4117_2

Also, according to superstitions, bad buy antique, vintage knives . They store the energy of the former (the very first) owner, and if the person was cruel, the new owner is not uncompaired. To the old knives of the time of the first or second world, selected on the battlefield, this applies to the greatest extent. It would be more, because such a martial weapon could get drunk blood, depriving people's lives. Even if the blade rushes and twisted, he will not become "kinder".

Superstition and traditions of different countries

Where else (except Russia and the CIS countries) can not be presented with a knife?

  • England . Not only a knife, but also any other acute subject, are afraid. For all the piercing-cutting here, it is customary to pay, handing sex penny, a small coin.
  • China, Mongolia . Asians believe that this present can seriously embroider people, so refrain to give knives, and other sharp objects.
  • Latin America . Testing superstitions say: if a person gives you a knife, cooperation or friendship "cuts" between you. That is, just so here the knives do not give - only with a hint of the end of any relationship.

And where, on the contrary, this gift will only get ready?

Caucasus . Here the attitude towards cold weapons is special. His first knife guy took another birth from his father. Ground, he studied to contact him. By the way, this tradition cannot be called dead - still, having learned about the appearance of a son, a man can even hand out beautiful blades.

Why not give knives as a gift 4117_3

And if you go to the Caucasus and there you will give you a knife or partners with a knife, it means that you are highly appreciated and respected. Refusing a gift, you can offend the donor. Even if you are superstitious, just give the person a coin, explaining that you have so accepted. It may be a small coin of your country, and not scary if that person will throw it in a minute. The main thing is that the "deal" took place.

Japan and other countries of Central Asia . It also values ​​cold weapons, especially custom-made. The Japanese believe that there will never be harm from a good blade - on the contrary, he will quickly dissect all the existing "misunderstandings", and will also save his new owner from problems, becoming faithful talisman.

Finland . Interesting custom was here in the old days: the guys inserted their knives into the girl's sheath. If she took it, it meant that she was ready to marry a young man.

By the way! In the same Russian Empire There was a special attitude to the knife, if we were talking about weapons. Remember at least army premium cortiks! Get such a privilege and honor.


Why not give knives as a gift 4117_4

  • In our country, it is believed that the knife is a bad gift, after the presentation of which people can seriously dissect, or in the house of the person who received such a gift will happen misfortune.
  • Worst of all, if the knives are given to the wedding, - in this case, or it will end with a rapid divorce, or someone from the pair is width.
  • If you want to give a knife to a person, but not harm it mentally, turn the gift to the purchase. Please accept the smallest coin - this is enough to cancel an evil omen.

But not only the knife can not be made and take a gift. I propose to get acquainted with anti-top gifts that will not bring anything but problems:

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