How does the information perceive a digital


All people, depending on how they perceive and process information, are conditionally divided into 3 categories: an audio, visual, kineeter. Although it is believed that the channels are only three, but in reality there is still a fourth-called inner, or digital. A person who belongs to the last type is digital, and the next article will tell more about it. But first let's talk about how we get information from the outside.

Types of information perception

Types of perception of information, their features

First of all, you need to understand why a person is in principle to know to which of the types does he belong to? What can this information be able to help him in life? In total, 4 main types of perception are distinguished:
  • visual - with the help of vision;
  • Audinal - due to hearing agen;
  • Kineette - the senses are involved here;
  • Digital - Used thinking.

Depending on which the sensory system is the most developed, the person perceives the world through the eyes, ears, tactile feelings or using logical knowledge.

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There can be no such that the remaining systems do not turn on at all, but one of them certainly prevails. She starts to launch the process of thinking, is an initial impetus that provokes other mental processes: memory, visualization, imagination.

For example, you advise you to imagine a soft fastener to the fastener:

  1. A person with a visual type of perception first is the animal itself and only then recalls what his pleasant to the touch woolen cover.
  2. The audio will reproduce the sounds that the animal publishes, and only then turn to other sensations.
  3. Flowstone instantly fits how soft fastener is touched by his skin, after which the image of a cat will appear in the head.
  4. Digital should also mentally speak the name of the object (cat), the inner speech will help him recreate its image and string into the imagination.

It turns out that we can all imagine the four-legged pets, but someone has an image immediately pops up in the head, and others will reproduce later with their prevailing system. Thanks to the starting system, the stimulus turns into an image in the brain. Accordingly, if you want to learn best understanding of your loved ones, as well as yourself and understand yourself, filed in what form information is quick and better, knowledge of the types of perception will be required.

Characteristics of information perception types

Consider in more detail all types with characteristic features for them.


Such people greatly produce their facial expressions. For example, when they try to reproduce this either another event in their memory, their eyes turn to the upper left corner. And if they look upstairs to the right, it means that the picture of future events is created in the imagination.

One of the important signs to identify visuals is the presence of a defocused look to the distance. Interestingly, it is representatives of this type of information about the perception of information easier to cut on insincerity. In this you will be helped by their eyes:

  • If you ask a specific question and see that the look immediately shifted to the right to the right, you can be sure that you are lying. The man began to think about his future and creates in the imagination what has never happened in reality.
  • And if the eyes look upstairs to the left, the interlocutor retrieves the necessary information from his memories.

Visles are most interested in the visible part of the world. Communicating with them, you need to use descriptive words. It is also allowed to speak quickly, actively gesticulate, create images in the air with hands and actively apply your facial expressions.

Visual is the strongest perceived what can see his own eyes. Therefore, he will pay more attention to the expression of the face of his interlocutor, but only then - the tone or manner of speech. It is important to look at him during a conversation so that he does not think that the conversation you are completely uninteresting.

In addition, visuals are concentrated on appearance: assess the accuracy of a person, how much it is suitable for its image, makeup, hair color and so on.

Visa will see this world

Information to people-visuals is best in the form of images. They are easy to create in their imagination various pictures of what they are told about. And to facilitate the task, it is necessary to apply the concepts characteristic of this type of thinking. These are the following words:

  • see;
  • look;
  • take a look at
  • Let's see;
  • It is worth paying attention and so on.

Also visa and himself uses similar phrases:

  • imagine yourself;
  • Take a look;
  • It is necessary to pay attention to what it looked like that;
  • I see what you say;
  • See what I mean, and others.

And if more addressed to various descriptive terms, you can not doubt who you are dealing with.


And these people receive information about the world around the world with sounds. They are dominated by rumor, and mostly they have developed communicative skills. Music brings the audiars true pleasure, they constantly listen to the radio, television, can not be long in silence.

Such personalities do not like to write anything, more trusting their own memory. At the same time, something mumbled something under his nose, they speak to a voice for better awareness and memorization. In a conversation, the audio, unlike the visual, will not look into the eyes, preferring to turn his ear to his proton.

And in communication uses the following phrases:

  • "Listen to me".
  • "Why are you talking to me?"
  • "It sounds attractive."
  • "I will tell me a lot about me."

That is, refers to the tone, sound and timbre of speech.

Wanting to bring an audio to clean water, you need to ask him a question, and then monitor the reaction. Remembering something, it is not concentrated on the image, but on the sound component, applying such expressions:

  • "How did I say that?"
  • "I heard that ..."
  • "It was interesting to hear his opinion" and the like.

Audials hear the world

By supporting communication with a person who perceives the lion's share of information through sounds, you need to use audio words. Also pay attention to the timbre of your voice, intonation, the speed of pronunciation of words. Remember that the audience does not think so much about the subject of the conversation, how much about how you say.

He perceives speech without concentrating on the fairytale. He has enough words and facts, but in detail absolutely no need.


This category of people is most guided by sensitive experience, supported by emotions. In memory, they are best preserved sensations, movements, aroma, and they also pay attention to feelings.

Accordingly, communicating, they will use phrases relating to heat / cold, gravity / ease. For example, you can hear something similar from the kinestric:

  • "I was so promoted that my head became heavy, and goosebumps went on the skin."
  • "It was so frightened that cold sweat spoke on the body."
  • "It made me tremble."

Kneenthetics is important to be able to touch what they are talking about. They also need physical proximity to the interlocutor. When communicating, it is necessary to suit you as close as possible and will not miss the opportunity to touch. Stand in one place and listen carefully - for such a person almost impossible task.

If you want a kineetetic to understand you better, take advantage of the words that express feelings and emotions. And do not expect an instant solution from it, it will take time. It is determined by the fact that the kinestics in the literal sense of the word "feel the zuc" whether they act in the right direction.

The kinestics feel the world

If you know that you interact with the kinestrate, then allow him to be trembled to you - so he will be faster in contact. Some psychologists also believe that the temperature of the surrounding space is strongly affected by such people. Therefore, it is necessary to take care in advance so that the room is not too hot or cold.

Having understood with those who such a visual, an audience, a kineette, remains to refer to the last category - Digitals.


Digital is a person for whom the logical, schematic thinking is characteristic. Information is perceived by them according to the principle: it is logical or not. The Word itself comes from the English language, in which "digital" is "digital".

A representative of this type is always trying to establish the existence of logic that he is told about. He is also interested and trying to figure out the process of the device, why it works so, and not otherwise, why is it necessary.

The main mass of people-dihydal is representatives of a strong sex. The surrounding reality is perceived by them by causal relationships, schemes, formulas and functionality.

Interestingly, the person who has this type of information perception has not received it from birth, but developed in himself, being adult. It happens that the digital channel is activated after transferring psychological shocks that happened in childhood or in adulthood.

Some psychologists express the opinion that Digitals see, hear and feel something at the same time, with which their psyche is not able to cope. And the brain for the purpose of self-defense comes into a special mode, when all the sounds, images and sensations are modified to the schemes that are not able to cause fear or anxiety.

How to understand what you communicate with digital? You get the impression that it is cold, deprived of the emotion person, a kind of computer-computer, whose head is clogged with knowledge. And all the information he diligently lays out "on the shelves" in his brain. But in fact it is nothing more than an outer shell, but actually digital is a rather sensitive and wounded person.

In communications with others, it constantly uses these words:

  • logical;
  • I know;
  • I believe;
  • Carefully and the like.

Digital man stands as a wonderful strategist, which is easily given to the planning and application of facts. It achieves success in solving difficult tasks. The information is remembered and processed by it in stages, logically, without a rush and bustle.

Such a serious process requires a certain time. Accordingly, Digital cannot simultaneously perceive many new ideas, situations, and it will be hard for him to immediately get acquainted with a lot of people.

In order for such an employee's activities to be effective, it needs a clearly drawn plan, agreed periods, and the ability to diligently prepare. He will definitely not like it if someone tries to get into his personal space, suddenly change the action plan, will ask the question to which immediately will be answered. Strongly tired of the rush.

It is noteworthy that the term "digitals" was introduced relatively recently, approximately 15-20 years ago. Prior to that, all people were divided only on 3 types of information perception.

It is interesting to know what type do you feel about? I propose to take a test in the following video:

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