Modern and vintage birthday signs


Birthday is a favorite holiday of every person, because it is so nice to get congratulations and gifts from loved ones. So that the whole next year was successful and favorable, you need to correctly not only mark your holiday, but also to spend the next 12 days. In addition, there are signs for the birthday, which will be prompted which events can be expected in the near future. This year I want to celebrate his anniversary according to established traditions. In this article, I will tell you about what customs were in the old days and what signs to this day remain relevant.

Signs of birthday

Vintage signs

Tradition is widely celebrated their birthday began a lot of hundred years ago. According to the main one, the whole next year will be as cheerful and good, like the celebration itself. Many traditions are still complied with:

  1. Guest treats. For the culprit of the Celebration of the next 12 months spent in prosperity, it is necessary to cover a rich table with many diverse treats.
  2. Present. The birthday name is made to give gifts so that he does not need anything, but, according to an old one, he should also present something to his guests. In the older, the culprit of the athex of the guest gave a small souvenir, because It was believed that such a sincere gesture attracts wealth.
  3. Toasts and wishes. During the celebration, every guest should wish the perpetrator of the celebration something good, but the main thing is to do it sincerely, because only in this case the sending will be charged with positive energy.
  4. Birthday cake. At the bottom of the birth, the main treat is a cake, and what he is more, the greater wealth and success awaits a person next year. Previously, instead of a cake baked a festive cake, filled with not sweet filling, but chicken eggs and buckwheat. He was not served on the table, and at the end of the celebration attributed to the intersection to decay the spirits, who gratitude to the whole family of a birthday luck, prosperous and happiness.
  5. Playing candles. This tradition is relevant to this day. You need to make a desire and at once blend all the candles. According to accept, if it did not succeed, the desire will not come true, but our ancestors said that in this case you need to ask friends to blew the remaining candles, and then the desire will definitely come true, and with their help.
  6. Number of candles. Few people know, but in some birthdays it is impossible to put candles to the cake, namely, when it turns 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99 and 100 years.

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According to old beliefs, it is impossible to celebrate 9 and 40 years, because These dates are associated with commemoration. If you disobey these signs, you can stick to yourself trouble, health problems, lack of failure and a series of failures.

Birthday Superstition

Celebration rules

There will be a lot to take what you need to do on your birthday, so that the next 12 months have accompanied you luck, there was prosperity and harmony in the house, and that you can not do to not stick to yourself.

  1. The number of guests should be even, but if there is no opportunity to invite anyone, the birthday man still must celebrate this date even alone.
  2. So that well-being, good luck and health left the house, it is impossible to think about someone's money to your holiday or take a debt. It should be noted that this day alms should not be filed.
  3. The birthday girl must choose the outfit in advance in which he will hold all the celebration. If the outfit is blocked or broke up and I had to change clothes, then it is necessary to do this with the words: "Not to the Houdo, but to good."
  4. Celebrate before the date of the birthday is categorically prohibited, but later - allowed. According to accept, it may entail health problems, up to death.
  5. On the festive table should not be pancakes, because By tradition, this dish is served only on the carnival and commemoration.
  6. Specifications that foreshadowed death is associated with a dog, so if there is a dog in the house, for the time of the celebration it was taken to the street. During chants, pets often "sang" guests, and this can attract misfortune.
  7. If, during the feast, the dishes crashed, then her fragments should be carefully assembled and thrown into the garbage bucket, but it is possible to carry it out of the house the next day.
  8. Contain order in the house, erase and throw out the garbage needed on the eve of the birthday or the next day. The exception is washing the dishes after the guests, but only after everything will disperse.

If the birthday girl got sick on the eve of the celebration, it is bad sign. All next year it will be pursued by health problems.

what can not be done on birthday

Signals regarding gifts

To protect yourself from the negative and attract well-being in your life, you need not only to know what to do on your birthday, but also how to take gifts, but what is forbidden to give it at all.
  • The donator must pass a gift directly in the hands of the celebration of the Celebration.
  • Taking a gift from an envious person, you should speak to myself: "I take a gift, not a lining."
  • It is impossible to give presented things, even if they are not needed, because Together with them, happiness and well-being will take away from home.
  • For some gifts you need to give bumps in the form of coins. It applies to knives, dishes, flower pots, wallets and handbags. Otherwise, such a gift promises poverty and enmity.

It is strongly not recommended to give a birthday, pearls, a handkerchief, a souvenirs, a mirror, souvenirs and paintings with the image of birds for a birthday. If you are presented a bouquet as a gift, then it must be intense the amount of colors. If the bouquet was a clear number of colors, then one of them should be thrown out.

After planning days

A birthday party can change his life for the better if it will notice not only what to do for a birthday to attract success, wealth, happiness and good luck, but also if you spend the next 12 days. After planning days symbolize 12 months, and each of them is responsible for a certain sphere of life, which can be improved if you follow the old traditions.

  • The 1st day personifies the identity of the birthday man, so it needs to be devoted to himself. It is recommended to engage in self-analysis, summarize the past, disassemble the mistakes perfect and think about the future plans.
  • The 2nd day is associated with material benefits. To achieve financial success next year, on this day it is necessary to plan your budget, to think about additional income, make a list of necessary spending. In addition, the next 12 months to be full and in the house reigned prosperity, the ancestors arranged the "Holiday of the abdomen" on this day, but they eased exclusively useful and high-quality foods.
  • The 3rd day is responsible for business and friendly connections. This time must be devoted to communicating with friends and colleagues, analyze their surroundings and, perhaps, say goodbye to those who prevent your development. Also on this day, you can begin new projects, open your business and proceed to the study of something.
  • The 4th day is associated with the family and the house, so it first is to be devoted to communicating with relatives. Also on this day you need to visit the cemetery and remember the deceased close people. This period is favorable for making transactions with real estate or conducting magical rites.
    After planning days
  • The 5th day is devoted to entertainment and rest, therefore, it should be held in a pleasant company and a relaxing atmosphere. No need to think about work and homely troubles, it is better to go for a walk with loved ones.
  • The 6th day personifies health. You can begin treatment, diet, play sports. Positive impact on psychological health will be communicated with animals, so it is recommended to visit the zoo.
  • 7th - marriage and relationship. On this day, it is impossible to quarrel with your loved one, in the house there must be harmony and peace. If the trial was scheduled for this day, then it is better to transfer it, otherwise it will end in disadvantaged, and his echoes will pursue you the entire next year.
  • The 8th day is associated with the magic and the secrets of the universe. At this time, you can spend various rites, engage in meditation and master spiritual practices. You should pay attention to dreams - they will definitely come true. In order for the next 12 months in calm, this day is recommended to spend alone and do not go to people.
  • The 9th day is devoted to spiritual and moral development. It is recommended to study something new to expand your skills and horizons. On this day you need to be tuned to positive and not pay attention to negative aspects.
  • 10th - success. This day must be devoted to those cases that will have a positive effect on personal life, career, health, reputation, etc. It is also suitable for resolving conflicts and establish communication with others.
  • The 11th day is associated with the involvement of something new and useful. Any change will be favorably - moving, marriage, opening a business, the change of image, entry into an educational institution. In addition, this day should say goodbye to those things that negatively affect your life - bad habits, ill-wishers, unloved work, old things and other things.
  • The 12th day is responsible for restrictions and enemies. It needs to be held with a positive attitude, but at the same time will have to do those cases that do not bring pleasure. For example, it would be nice to figure it out on this day with accumulated problems and accounts or to make up with the enemy.

Simple signs and tradition will tell you what to do for a birthday, so that the next year has passed in a positive line. But if something goes wrong with this holiday, do not be upset and prepare for something bad.


  • Birthday should be celebrated even if there is no one to invite.
  • In order for gifts to carry an exceptionally positive promise, you need to know how to take them correctly.
  • For some gifts it is necessary to give biting coins.
  • It is important not only to correctly celebrate the name day, but also to spend the next 12 days.

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