Interpretation Signs Itchies Left or Right Wrist


A sudden, unprepaid itching on any part of the body from an esoteric point of view indicates that some important event will happen to a person soon. Therefore, instead of ignoring such signs, it is worth thinking about what it would mean.

Sometimes it occurs this itching in the wrist area, and without obvious to the reasons. I became interested to know what such a sign foreshadows, and, to my surprise, the prediction came true. In this article, I will tell you what the left wrist is drawn or the right and how to protect against negative events.

What will scratch the wrist

Right wrist

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The right hand is associated with positive changes in life and favorable events. Consequently, if the right wrist was combed, it means that fate disadvantaged something good for you, for example:

  • Profit, winnings or money reward for the previously done work.
  • Gratitude from others or authorities or moral satisfaction from the successful completion of some business.
  • If a person has been having some kind of idea for a long time and at the time of her thinking it was happening his wrist, it's time to start realization.
  • For a young girl who is preparing for a date, itching on the right wrist indicates that the evening will end with passionate kisses.
  • Sometimes for the girl this sign is promoting a long-awaited pregnancy.

In the old days it was believed that the right wrist is drawn from the back of a successful and happy marriage, and on the inside - to success at work and financial affairs.

To overclocate more precisely, the right wrist is cleaned, you should pay attention to what day of the week it happened:

  • Monday - to new endeavors, projects, instructions and acquaintances.
  • Tuesday is a business trip that will bring good profits.
  • Wednesday - gossip and gloomy in the team at work.
  • Thursday - beware of scammers, do not trust unfamiliar people.
  • Friday - to professional successes, increase wages or receiving a new position.
  • Saturday - current affairs are crowned with success.
  • Sunday - to trouble at work, which can be avoided, if not to be lazy and not neglected by their official duties.

Hold the right wrist

Left wrist

Negative events are predominantly connected with left hand. When the left wrist is as a rule, it is usually associated with some restrictions of man both in physical and morally. Strong itching, not stopped for a long time, can indicate even deprivation or restriction of freedom, for example, a prison opinion, a call to the army, a serious illness, due to which a person will be chained to bed. There are other interpretations of this signament:

  • long, exhausting business trip;
  • a long trip, involving stay in any transport;
  • Financial restrictions - penalty, theft, loss of money, delay or decrease in salary, deprivation of award;
  • parting for a long period or a tightening quarrel with a close person;
  • scandals, disputes, quarrels and misunderstandings with relatives, friends, colleagues or second half;
  • In rare cases, sign symbolizes married infidelity.

According to the old beliefs, it was believed that the person who had a left wrist was filled with a negative. If he does not get rid of such a grave cargo, it will attract trouble to himself, and his behavior will become aggressive. Due to the suppression of emotions, the wrist is most often drawn from the inside. When dissatisfaction and negative overwhelms a person, the back side of the wrist is usually beginning to hide.

Learn more about the upcoming events will help the interpreter of the day of the week:

  • Monday - troubles at work, including fines and removal from office.
  • Tuesday - someone will put you in a hard framework, which is why the storm of indignation will arise.
  • Wednesday - you will regret the choice done earlier and lost opportunities.
  • Thursday - family disagreements, clarifying relationships with relatives.
  • Friday - to conflicts and misunderstanding at work.
  • Saturday - to financial losses, large spending or loss.
  • Sunday - Planned rest will be restless and instead of proper relaxation will cause only anxiety and excitement.

Itchies left wrist

What will be scratching both wrists?

When scabies occur immediately on both wrists, it usually indicates the presence of strong internal experiences. Perhaps a person for a long time is not solved to realize long-standing plans or make some important step in life. You need to stop afraid and finally start doing desires.

If a person plans to move, but doubts this decision, then itching on the wrists of both hands indicates that it is necessary to safely act. Such an important change will have a positive effect on the further life of a person.

Sometimes the wrists can be hung if the fate itself grants a chance to change his life for the better, but for some reason it is afraid to use it or simply ignore him. This may be associated with professional activities, personal life, health, etc. At such moments you need to stop and think about whether you have missed something important.

In some cases, wrists will be cushed to great financial spending. It may be associated with traveling, large purchases, opening of own business, treatment and other. In order not to go bankrupt overnight, it is necessary to cut your spending, more rationally dispose of funds and save some amount on the "black day".

Both wrists are scratching

How to avoid negative consequences?

If the sign foreshadows something bad, it does not mean that nothing can be done about it. On the contrary, there are such signs as scabies on the wrist, fate gives a chance to correct the situation and prevent adverse events. First of all, you need to get rid of the accumulated negative, and you can do this in several ways:
  1. Express all your experiences out loud, and it is not necessary to preserve the interlocutor. If we speak your problems and anxiety, it will be easier for the soul, and there may also be unexpected solutions even most seemingly difficult problems.
  2. Throw emotions, resentment, anger and inexpensive for paper. Describe all your experiences, express the alarming thoughts and grave feelings. At the end of a simple ritual, a sheet of paper needs to be burned.
  3. Get rid of the accumulated negative will help classes on boxing, beating dishes, the destruction of old things with which bad events and memories are associated. And some and at all helps a loud cry, but it is better to do it in a deserted place, for example, in the forest.

After the ritual of cleansing from the negative, the person will feel relief and soulful. In such a state it will be easier for him to think about the urgent problems and find them rational solutions. To change, the positive attitude will come, which will not be able to break even the worst signs.


  • If the wrist was suddenly combed, it means that it agrees an important event.
  • The right hand often indicates favorable incidents, and the left is on negative.
  • If the wrists are scratching at both hands at once, then a person is time to change something in his life, and not stand still.
  • It is important to remember that any negative sign is not a sentence, but the reason to think about how to prevent a bad event.

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