What itchies belly depending on the place and day of the week


From the point of view of esoteric, the stomach is an energy center, which concentrated vitality. It is believed that various sensations in the abdomen occur at certain reasons, especially itching. In this article we will look at what the belly of girls and guys itch and what events should be prepared.

What itchies belly

What is the stomach itch?

Itching in the abdomen primarily indicates its energy fullness. Most often, this feeling occurs in the event that a person is upset by something, is in a state of stress, it is experiencing about the unrealizations of desires or inhibits emotions. In the energy plan, the entire negative concentrates in the abdomen - anxiety, fear, uncertainty and so on. It is believed that the amount and massiveness of the accumulated negative also depends on the size of the abdomen.

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If suddenly wondered the belly, it may indicate important events in life, which is about to happen, or that it's time to overcome the problems. To understand what the belly is drawn by the girl, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. If a young girl was broken, she should prepare for a difficult life period. In the near future, she will have to survive frustration or longing. Those who have a couple, fate foreshadows long-term separation or parting. But it should be noted that in rare cases, this sign prompts young girls to an ambulance or marriage.
  2. For married ladies, scabies in the abdomen - a negative sign. He points to the deterioration of the relationship with his spouse, and if you do not take steps to strengthen them, then it can go to a divorce.
  3. An elderly woman itching on the stomach foreshadows loneliness. She will have to face the difficulties that will have to cope on their own.
  4. Pregnant girls scabies in the abdomen are connected with physiological reasons, namely, stretching the skin. But if it feels a strong itch, which for a long time does not stop, perhaps she will have to face troubles. Also, according to ancient belief, this sign indicates the bad character of the child, it will be a capricious and naughty.

Sketches itching stomach

When the belly itchs in a man, it usually foreshadows the following events:

  • quarrel or misunderstanding with the beloved;
  • Strong itching - to financial losses or worsening of the material situation;
  • Scabies in the field of navel - to profits, promotion of the career ladder and other successes.

If the strong itching arose in a man of old age, then it usually indicates that he feels lonely or intentionally closes from society. You can correct the situation with only contact with loved ones or familiar people.

Localization itch

For more detailed interpretation, the signs need to pay attention to where it is localized itching.

  • In the field of navel. This sign indicates a high chance to get pregnant in the near future. Young girl This sign throws a long separation with lover and longing. For men, scabies in the Navel area usually marks success in career and affairs.
  • Underbelly. This sign indicates the approach of trouble, which are often associated with relatives or close people. Need to show vigilance, because Someone will try to deceive you.
  • The upper part of the abdomen. Itching in this zone foreshadows the arrival of guests or a chic feast. It is also necessary to pay attention to your nutrition, prevent overeating and minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages, because Health problems may arise.
  • Mess stomach. If all the stomach is drawn, it may say that a person will soon expect troubles and unpleasant events. Possible deception or betrayal from loved ones. If itching occurred at night, then you will have to face an unpleasant surprise or hear bad news.

Most often, the belly itchs from those people who all take to heart and worry about any occasion.

Scab's abdomen


To find out which changes in life await you soon and what they will lead to, you should pay attention to what the stomach was performed on what day of the week.
  1. Monday - to an important meeting or long trip.
  2. Tuesday - to bad news, troubles or misunderstanding with loved ones.
  3. Wednesday - to an interesting acquaintance or the beginning of new romantic relationships.
  4. Thursday - for a fun pastime in the company of friends.
  5. Friday - to success in affairs and the realization of conceived plans.
  6. Saturday - have to face difficulties that will be able to quickly overcome if you make a maximum effort.
  7. Sunday - to a pleasant surprise, a gift or money profit.


  • Belly is an energy center, so any sensations in this area may indicate the important events and the state of a person as a whole.
  • In most cases, the sign indicates problems and troubles, with whom they will soon have to face.
  • Sometimes abdominal scabies foreshadowed girls a quick pregnancy.
  • The feeling of itching near the navel, as a rule, indicates success or profit.

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