2013 What kind of animal in Eastern Astrology


2013 - what animal in Eastern astrology? What positive and negative qualities give people this sign? I propose to find answers to the questions raised in the following material.

2013 what animal

2013 year in the Chinese horoscope?

If someone from your close environment was born from February 10, 2013 to January 30, 2014 inclusive, then the sign of his eastern horoscope is a snake.

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Each animal in Eastern astrology belongs to one of 5 elements:

  • Metal;
  • Water;
  • Tree;
  • Fire;
  • Earth.

In this case, the snake was water, and in color - black.

People-snakes, what are they in nature?

Having understood the 2013 - year of which animal on the horoscope, let's find out more about representatives of this sign.

Such personalities are distinguished by deep wisdom, insight and turning. They show perseverance, endurance, patience, as well as demanding both towards themselves and to other people. Although they are very important to save, they are selfish, vain, but always express sympathy in relation to those who have worse than them.

From the very birth of a snake sacred convinced that she was born in order to fulfill a great mission. And, finding out his destination, immediately begins to move in the right direction. It comes very cleverly: it does not exchange for many small cases, and all its energy invests only in one occupation, one person or one religion. Thereby ensures a wonderful result.

The sixth sign of the Eastern Horoscope has excellent intuition. Often such individuals foreshadow the future, both approximated and more distant. And also show a high degree of empathy, as they know how to put themselves in place of other people and in advance they predict their desires and behavior.

In addition, the snake is very careful, prudent, used to achieving his goals slowly, but confidently, as it believes and its strength. It is rarely located in a prominent place, more often holds the invisible, aside. But it is here that it shows its strength, because those surrounding tend to underestimate her true possibilities.

People-snakes show confidence in others, but at the same time fully rely on their sixth feeling and mind. Their thinking is very deep, in life they tend to think for a long time before doing something. The representative of the sign acts as a real intellectual, a philosopher, looking far away.

The weak side of such a person - he does not know how to cope with his own defeats. It is very frustrated on this score, maybe even fall into depression.

Snake perfectly developed the ability to adapt under the surrounding people and circumstances. If you need, they will find workarounds, will become inconspicuous so that no one can prevent them in their ideas. They are not inclined to hurry or forced someone, preferring to act more gently, delicately, with the mind distributing its energy, restoring it in a timely manner, and without sitting on various little things.

For snake, it is important that they do not envy them and did not relate to them badly. And if suddenly someone comes to mind to show dangerous interest to them, then they will invent a thorough plan to eliminate the potential enemy and neutralizing its actions. At worst - do not score the development of an earflet destruction plan.

Sign of chinese horoscope snake

Representatives of this sign prefer to learn from their own perceptions and impressions of the world. And if it is strongly offended by such a baby, he will hide anger from which he will not be able to free himself. Small snakes are in dire need of approval, moral support from parents and accept them as they are, without want to change.

From the early years of the life of the Snakes seek to achieve well-being, as well as become leaders. Plus just adore various adventures. In adolescence, the reptile sign is endowed with a special attractiveness, charm, to resist which the opposite sex is almost impossible. But over the years begin to be guided by more sober, cold mind than hot feelings. No wonder the snake is a cold-blooded creature in nature.

Speaking of love relationships, you need to mention the great jealousness of the snake. As a rule, for a long time is in the search for its second half. And finding, seeks to take full control over it. It is determined by the fact that the family is one of the most sick places of every reptile. It can give a lot of kids or enjoy with a partner by each other's society, but with any scenario, the chosen is kept chosen in his arms.

As we already know, each sign of the Eastern Horoscope can be either sociable or closed.

  • Sociable snake - It really loves to communicate, has a certain charm and high sexuality. She managed to keep those surrounding people in his power.
  • Closed Reptile - It is distinguished by timidity, shyness. She is much more comfortable in his home mink, where she feels complete safety. Maintain the close sincere attitudes of such a person is very difficult. But if such a friend was still found, she will be faithful to him until the death.

Both categories of signs of the sign tend to demand a lot from their friends, although they are strongly tied to them. Snamas are able to become wonderful organizers who are not afraid to take over the burden of responsibility in a difficult moment of time. Their angry vision allows you to see far forward, however, Pelona pride risks eclipse the true position of things.

These individuals do not know how to notice and recognize their own misses.

Characteristic of a metal snake

Now we already know, 2013 - the year of the animal in the eastern calendar, got acquainted with his merits and disadvantages. Let's separately focus on the water element of this sign.

You can confidently call the water snake the smartest of all your relatives. He has very extensive interests, has truly encyclopedic knowledge, but never ceases to work on himself, studies all the novelties in its field of activity.

From the most suitable areas of life can be called:

  • scientific activity;
  • astronomy;
  • Economy.

People entering the water element, in their nature act as introverts. Frequently present fear and fear take responsibility may interfere with the creation of a brilliant career.

Like water penetrating through any obstacles, representatives of this sign show a strong impact on others. In this, deep insight helps them, as well as severe charisma and curiosity.

In addition, they are economical, delivered, prone to materialism, are very clever and possessing an excellent ability to concentrate on something. It is not difficult for them to protect themselves from all extra, insignificant, making a successful plan of what is the main thing. Never lose your goals out of mind and always retain a connection with the real world.

Snakes are patient, but their bites are deadly

Water reptiles show artistry, readiness and sound practicality. Excellent disassembled people with which they are managed as well as with material benefits. Create an illusory impression of calm and detachment, although in fact "evil and have good memory." Affected to the accumulation of vitality.

The patience of the snake is truly limitless, but we should not forget that at the same time its rare bites are deadly.

Love compatibility

We have already found out 2013 - the year of which animal on the Eastern calendar and got acquainted with its main characteristics. Finally, it remains only to consider compatibility in love - with what signs will be the highest?

  • With rat - A variant of a rather complex union, although the partners have a lot in common. But the problem is that the rat is often very tied to the snake than to some extent risks. In addition, there are enough constant contradictions that, however, smooth out excellent harmony in sex.
  • With bomb . The pair can be quite promising, especially if they coincide with life and family interests. The main thing is that the snake can give all power in relations in the hands of the bull. And she herself can safely fulfill his work and engage in the hobby, which in principle arranges both.
  • With tigrome . Eastern astrologers do not recommend creating unions between these signs. The reason for this is a total misunderstanding of each other. Tiger absolutely not accepting the wisdom of the snake. Yes, and in general, that the first that the second participants in relations poorly understand each other.
  • With a rabbit . A variant of a successful marriage union. Very often in this case, we can talk about the insane passion, surging unexpectedly from the very first meetings. However, there is a chance that such a spontaneous attraction will become total antipathy if the partners do not follow their feelings and emotions.
  • With dragon . It is impossible to talk about good love compatibility. Dragon strongly finds in the arms of the snake, as he does not like to obey. The dragon's man is strongly susceptible to bow out, causing that Reptile is unable to provide him because of permanent employment. The only thing that can be quite successful between them is friendship.
  • With snake . Although it would seem, in such a pair everything should be fine, but in fact the circumstances are quite different. Two snakes constantly arise extremes - from intoxiciously strong feelings to the yoy of hatred, which increases in geometric progression. In addition, the snake in their nature, even being in a relationship, is not against felt on the side, which is understandable, does not affect their union positive way. Two representatives of the same sign can be perfectly trapped with each other only in friendly connections.
  • With a horse . An option is a very dubious love union. The reason for this is a horse partner keeps loyalty only while she is in love. And if the feelings gone, the horse itself disappears. As for the snake, it does not differ from the horse. Such people are recommended to connect themselves not by amur, but friendly connections.
  • With goat . There is a rather mercantile marriage. It develops only on condition that the snake is materially secured, has finances above average. Although even with this situation, various unpleasant stories are not excluded.
  • With a monkey . Another not too successful tandem. It can be saved exclusively manifestations of prudence from both partners, as well as joint life goals. Friendly communications often arise only within the framework of secular life, since people do not have peace of mind, sincerity and affection for each other.
  • With a rooster . Unlike previous couples, the rooster and snake relationships develop much more successfully. Often they unite themselves a very happy marriage. And one, and the second perfectly understand each other, plus possess common life goals. They are able to reveal the mutual palette of feelings and really wish to be together.
  • With a dog . These signs of the Eastern Horoscope are difficult to share a joint life that the dog is more to blame. There is no hope even for harmonious friendships. Partners are insincere with each other, the only connections that they manage to support are superficial, secular.
  • With pig . Another option is a completely unpromising tandem. Although in the initial stages of dating often come delight from each other. But subsequently aware that the differences between them are greater than the points of contact, which provokes an inevitable gap.

In any case, I do not advise you to rely only on this compatibility option, since it cannot be called most accurate. If you already want to find out exactly how much you come to each other, it is better to write to the astrologer consultation.

And at the end of the article, I propose to view thematic lots:

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