Goddess Makosh: To whom she is sent good fate, and to whom is bad


"She spins the threads, wars them in the ball. And the threads are not ordinary, but magical. Of these, the life of a person is woker - from tied (birth) and to the most recent union (death). " So describes Makos - the oldest Slavic deity - the "Book of the strides". Who is this great goddess? What role is assigned to her in the Slavic Pantheon of the Deities? Let's find out these questions in the following material.

Slavic goddess Makosh

Goddess Makosh: who is she?

The name of the Divine Makosh, as it is believed to be formed by two words:

  • Ma - denotes "Mother";
  • And Kos - that is, "fate."

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It turns out that Makos is the goddess of all human destinies, she also assigned the role of the Great Mother, the goddess of fertility in the pagan pantheon. It is necessary for his wife to the great God of Gode, who on a par with other light deities supports the world created by genus and weld, in constant motion.

Makosh (or Makosh) is the eldest of the goddesses that are hiding human destinies. She sends high in the heavenly panels, and next to her two helpers are sitting - share and no longer. Together, they will place the binding threads of the fate, which connect the person and the fruits of his efforts, both good and bad.

In order to be clearer, poking is what unites the beginning of any case with his end, the reason with the investigation, creation with the Creator, the intention with the result.

Macoos are known all the secrets of fate of human, it owns information and about past lives, and on subsequent incarnations. She is equally obeyed and life and death obey. She is also the goddess of magic, sorcerence, ladies of intersections between different worlds.

But that is not all. In addition, the Divine Mother performs the following functions:

  • Provides its patronage to female fertility, motherhood;
  • attracts a good harvest and high income;
  • helps in any female activities (spinning, needlework);
  • gives his defense and patronage to all hostesses and beans.

If the goddess did not give up a good look at the farm, then you can not count on a generous harvest, nor on high profits, family income.

Our ancestors of Slavs worshiped Makoli as a hostess of wildlife every full moon.

But Makos is a female deity, therefore it has variability - it attracts human and good, and bad events. Gives mercy and award only those who have a strong spirit, actively fights for their place under the sun. And lazy people do not complain and will not help them with their help and support.

It helps to find solutions even in the very meaning of hopeless situations. The main thing is that a person does not despair, did not lose faith and continued to move on without changing his goal. Observing this, Makosh sends to him, who is goddess of happiness and good luck. Srecha comes and provides his help.

But in cases where the individual is disappointed in everything, goes down, betrays his dream and waves on everything with his hand, should not count on divine support. The rejected will be carried out in the life of terrible old women: denying one-eyed, curve, nozzles, a week, disrespect for the place, where the carna and shill are crying over the graves of people.

Makoshi still has one important task - to control the observance of rituals, customs. Those who adhere to the traditions of the genus will honor the vintage rites, she gives their mercy. Eastern Slavs set the goddess figures made of wood, onto the wells. Also, she was brought to offerings in the form of fabrics, sacking, threads and sheep wool.

Macobe weave the fate of man

There are Machashi and their messengers among living beings. They are bees, spiders and ants - the largest workers from insects. That is why, if you saw a spider in your home, you do not need to be afraid and in no case can you kill it. So you will scare away from yourself good luck.

If the spider shove into your home, then it should be carefully caught and throwing out into the street. The same applies to bees and ants.

When the bumblebee either in the window either a bee, a certain event that concerns Makosha is foreshadowed. Our ancestors believed that the first bumblebee in the spring would necessarily contribute to a lot of luck at the next twelve months.

The insect wrapped in a handkerchief or a cloth so that he would notice a little there, and then they were released on the will. The rag latch retained a thin aroma of honey and pollen. She was considered a faith, which was kept in his home for good luck. Interestingly, but this custom has been preserved to this day. And now in some villages, Rodnovier is performed.

With the arrival of Christianity, Lick Makoshi began to be associated with Paraskeva Friday. After all, Friday is a sacred day of the goddess. Many fine sex representatives, praying makos, worshiped Friday more Sunday. However, the church looked at the combination of Christian and pagan rituals very negatively. After reading the stob, we learn that all rituals associated with Friday are named as "beeromeric".

How to portray the goddess makos from the Slavs

For us, many images of the Great Mother in Russian Embroidery are preserved. Most often it is embroidered or painted in the middle of two melosh rolling. But they can depict the goddess and as a female figure with his hands raised up, which she holds Horn Veles (known as a horn of abundance) and a bird.

On the face is also often there is a goddess-indictment:

  • The share is the right hand of which raised upstairs;
  • Nearby - holds his left hand raised.

It is still depicted with a sheaf with ears (which symbolizes the harvest), the Heavenly Cow Zemun (is the bodies of the gods and falls by Mother Veles), the magic spiner. There may be other images.

Further get acquainted with the basic characteristics of the Divine:

  • her day is considered Friday;
  • Metal - silver;
  • Mineral - Rhinestone or Moonstone;
  • And the beast is a cat.

Slavic Divine of Fate Macau

Makoshi Day.

As we already know, the day of the week of this deity is Friday. It is on the fifth day that it is recommended to create charms with its symbol. It is important that the moon to grow or had a full moon.

Previously, during the days of our distant letters on Fridays, women could not do homework: hiding, weave, sew, because on this day Makos makes all the listed actions on their own. Girls in the Regulations were forbidden to calculate their curls.

In addition, the belt says that under the ban is washing, bathing itself and his babies. It was impossible to leave the Cuppe for the night - believed that the Makos would take her night at night. Slavs tried to adhere to these rules, as they believed that otherwise they were waiting for various problems, diseases and misfortunes.

They themselves sought to arrange the goddess. To this end, she worn her dars on the temple, either threw yarn and a cudel to the well. And if someone managed to achieve divine grace, then a completely even singe thread took such a happy.

The official holiday of Makoshi is considered on October 28. True, in different sources this date is changing from October 26 to November 10-14.

Another, honorable the Slavic goddess Makosh, the representatives of the beautiful floor engaged in weaving wreaths in the new moon, burned fires and prayed to send them good luck and love in the marital life.

On the day of the goddess was laid to drive ritual rounds. And the dances were distinguished by their peculiarity: there were two rings swirling along different sides. The external appeared on the movement of the Sun or the clockwise (symbolized life), and internal - against (performed a symbol of death).

Makoshi Day means that winter will come soon. After him, women begin to engage in their traditional winter work: yarn, weaving, sewing and embroidery.

The symbol of the goddess

There is a great mother and their amulet. According to the properties, it definitely suits more female half of the population than male. Initially, the talisman was intended only to women, although sometimes it was also used by farmers to increase fertility.

Goddess Macau symbol

Who else could receive power from Makoshina sign?

  1. Our ancestors embroidered the Slavic symbol of Makoshi on the subjects of small girls.
  2. Young girls who have not yet had time to meet their soul mate, also honored the deity, asking her to give an ambulance with the narrowed and ensure a happy marital life.
  3. And the married ladies used the charm of the Slavic Goddess, wanting to secure easy childbirth, improve family life, filling the relationship with positive emotions.

And today you can well acquire this symbol for yourself. It is suitable for all female features. It can be presented with his little daughter to protect against negative energy and any misfortunes. An unmarried girl such a gift helps to attract the narrowed, and also makes an excellent hostess from her.

Being a pregnant woman, women wear a mascot to facilitate their position, and so that the baby be born healthy and for a long time. As it is believed that the Makos is a goddess of female magic, then its symbol will be useful for all girls who are interested in occult knowledge, dream of improving their sixth sense.

And even if you can't understand in any way, for which they came to this world, the amulet will make it possible to clarify this issue.

Speaking about the value of the Makoshi symbol, you can draw an analogy with a seeded field, when everything is already prepared for harvesting, but you only need to make a little effort to get the necessary one. 4 parts of this field are associated with four natural elements and the main components of a person (as Slavs considered) - that is, the conscience, spirit, soul and body.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the topic:

  • Mankos is the Slavs Goddess of Fate, magic, harvest, patronize women.
  • Her ancestors honored every Friday.
  • Macoshi amulet - reliable support for female.

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