How to call the fairy of desires at home


Magic is an amazing world in which materialization of thoughts and desires is possible. We will tell you about how to call the fairy. She will help embody what your soul wants so much.

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The rituals shown here are absolutely safe. The most important thing is to act clearly and do not be resting during the call, as well as let go of the essence after we set out your request. Since the challenge is happening during the day, then the feeling of fear can be safely leaken, and therefore, nothing will distract you from the appearance of fairies.

What do you need for the ritual?

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Day fairies are one of the most peaceful mystical creatures that are very friendly. Therefore, no attributes inherent in serious magical rituals will not need. There are no bloody sacrifices, devilish symbols and complex spells in the call.

You will need:

  • three candles from wax;
  • a small capacity with clean water, preferably from a natural source;
  • Sweetness cooked with their own hands.

What kind of sweetness to cook for fairies? Choose your favorite - cookies, a piece of cake or cake, etc. It is important that it bakes it yourself, thinking about your desire.

How to spend ritual?

How to call the fairy of desires during the day at home? There is nothing easier. The exact combination of the phase of the moon and a certain position of the Sun is needed. The ritual is held on the day of the full moon at least at noon. At the same time, the window (or just a fortuet) in the room should be open, and the room itself is perfectly removed. Spirits and so hard to contact with the physical world and people, and if you will be in a dirty room and untidy clothes, the fairy simply will not come.

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Ritual sequence:

  • It is necessary to put a container with clean water on the table.
  • In the form of a triangle with a vertex facing himself, at an equal distance to put and light the candles.
  • Nearby to put sweetness.
  • Concentrate and pronounce the words of the call: "Beautiful fairy, I spend you by the power of the earth and the sky to come to me and fulfill my desire."
  • Sit calmly. If ripple goes on the surface of the water, it means that you heard the essence. Slowly and clearly utter your desire, and then thank the Fairy: "I ask you to fulfill my request and take this gift. Go to the world and do everything so that the desire becomes reality. "
  • Remember that at one time it is impossible to make more than one desire, and you can call the fairy more easily than once for three lunar cycles.

Fairy will help in the implementation of material desires, but do not need to ask about the execution of something supernatural. This is not forces. Day Fairy can help in small household matters.

Another way

How to call the fairy of desires in another way? There is nothing easier.

To do this, you need:

  • Three containers with clean water from a natural source.
  • Pieces of sugar.
  • White chalk
  • Pure sheet on which you should write your cherished desire.

As you can see, a set of practical magician in this case is quite simple.

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The sequence of ritual is as follows:

  1. Write your desire on a sheet with paper. Be sure to remember that your thoughts should be expressed correctly, clearly and concise.
  2. Roll into your pocket.
  3. The time - on the day of the full moon is exactly at noon.
  4. On the table you need to place tanks with water in the form of an equilateral triangle facing the vertex from you.
  5. In each container put three pieces of sugar.
  6. Sit, to concentrate and pronounce the text of the call: "Fairy of desires, the power of the earth, water, fire and wind, the spirit of the Great Mother I spell to appear on my call and execute what is written."
  7. Sit calmly. If ripple goes on the surface of the water, it means that you heard the essence. Listen. You may hear a noise that resembles a rustling of wings or ringing bells.
  8. A few minutes you need to say: "Thank you for the fact that you come and fulfill my desire. Step with the world. "

As can be seen, you will not need any serious esoteric knowledge and skills to call the fairy of desires.

What desire can Fairy Fairy?

To understand what kind of desire can fulfill the Fairy, you need to understand that for the entity. This is a lower form of perfume, which is peacefully configured to living people. She is good and helps to solve practical questions. Did you often mind that the events in our lives are implemented as a result of the coincidence? Such coincidences can embody Fairy.

Do not ask her about something bad, damage to people or wildlife. This is disgusting the very essence of fairies. She cannot inspire someone's love, but to bring you to you by it by forces. Fairy may indicate the right output in some kind of problematic situation.

You do not need to ask the Fairy and the material wealth, for this there are other rituals and other spirits. The fairy itself does not appreciate the material and therefore does not understand such human desire. Fairy forces can be given to you power, power, supernatural abilities. But it may well help in zeal and study.


So, instead of imprisonment, we summarize everything:

  • Fairies are good-natured creatures that are positively tuned to people.
  • Request faithful to entity should not be impracticable.
  • If you, observing all the rules of the ritual, did not wait for the sign speaking of the presence of fairies, try to postpone everything until the next full moon.
  • After calling, be sure to send the entity back, saying goodbye to it.

As you can see, there is nothing frightening in this ritual, it is absolutely safe, but at the same time acts trouble-free.

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