Synower rituals - very effective and perfectly working


Distinguishing from other methods of materialization, Syononene rituals for the exercise of the desire are different in that they have the opportunity to think of their rules and magical by affecting the development of their lives. Similar rituals are very effective and work perfectly.

We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting and powerful synonene rituals from the forums on the Internet.

Synevel Rituals

Ritual "appear"

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The synchon technique is due to visualization, as well as mentality in working with images. In order to work out the skill, it is best to train on trifles. For example, to find the lost thing, you need:

  1. Formulate a cherished wish.
  2. Close your eyes and try to watch up.
  3. Very good to present the subject and say: " (subject), appear! "Or" Agreement, subscribe! ".

It should be paid attention to its inner sensations. Pronounce words in such a state, you can feel something exciting. You can regard it as a cosmos reaction.

Although this ritual, as they write on the forums, is designed for small requests, it is not forbidden to try out this technique and on a global desire. Who knows what will happen if everyone's "favorite, come!", Representing a man.


The meaning of the constant expression on from the quality of the sheet adhere to an intimate place , it is clear absolutely everyone. Why can it not be wrap in your own favor?

  • From thin paper It should be cut sheet;
  • It is quite clear Write a goal;
  • fragment Strengthens at a specific point.

In an alternative variation, you can take the original from oak or birch, where the marker can be attributed to the words. This kind of "tattoo" is worn for a couple of hours.

If you use a different part of the body for this, which located closer to the brain The results of such creativity also do not disappoint. A pencil for eyeliner (or even lipstick) on the forehead should fix the result of what a person seeks to: be beloved wife, mother, a famous person. Reflection in the mirror from time to time will be reminded of goal.

Happiness in Karochka

The basis of this ritual of execution is taken by the phrase of Bender about a sowing with a car. To the bottom Blue Breakers You need to put a symbol of your dreams:
  • Who wishes to marry - Ring;
  • money - paper bills;
  • Children's nipple;
  • Your house is a small model.

It is necessary that at the request of a person it was presented to him. To enhance the effect of the rite you can Cut a bright shiny star (from the usual foil) and hang there where a person spends the most time (on the chandelier in the kitchen). Under such a happy star will be easier to live.

Synery Ritual Birthday

The technique of making desires according to a sympathetic consists of such nuances.

  • On my birthday, a person needs to get jam from the raspberry. Since this berry is a true panacea from 7 diseases and is associated with a delicious life, a bank with such a delicacy will be a conductor into the world of real hopes.
  • On the bank it is necessary to stick a sticker "not a chef, and raspberry" or another kind of allegory.
  • After 27 days (magic number in Simone), jam should be eaten. It remains only to wait for change.

Magic mirror

  • Need to use Poodlets with a mirror . It must be washed with water and salt to clear the whole negative.
  • After Pardraws will become a real tool for converting thoughts into happy moments. Eye pencil or eyebrows you need to write on the glass brother phrase like "I'm happy", "I'm healthy" . It should be very brief and quite exccoing about his request.
  • Looking at reflection, you need to say an intimate phrase out loud.
  • And so to do every time when the powder is folded. In this moment, be in a bad mood and not believe in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.
Another interesting way to the ritual for health:

25 Dream

The main condition: all "desires" must be prescribed twice in a certain amount ( 25 desires twice each) . After very silent, such magic expressions should be said: " All desires will be implemented. Will be the way I wish!».

In the future ten days it is necessary to indulge: buy good lipstick, update clothes, forget about the diet, as well as attach importance to all trifles that lifting a man's mood. Experts noticed that cosmos very well and quickly perform the dreams of those who stay in a good mood and gives themselves joy.

Syneurian ritual "Jumping tiger"

Tiger In a foreign version, the cartoon "Winnie Pooh" from joy is high Jumping on the tail . It's time to draw conclusions and:

  1. Find in your cabinet striped (Or take a man's husband from her husband) or acquire golf and panties with horizontal stripes.
  2. In the absence of such things you can make your own body art (lip or eye pencil).
  3. In addition to such an interesting outdoor, hair should be taken and put in Extreme "hairstyle".

The actions performed should be under the image and the plot of the cartoon. Jumping in height can accompany these words: "On the tail to the sky, I will have a web, and I also get money along the way."

To fulfill each specific desire, there will be its own rhyme.

Need to implement 27 Jumps (As already mentioned, 27 is a magical figure). Roll with friends will be much more fun and high quality, as collective energy creates real wonders.

Jumping tiger

"Magic potion"

On the stove you need to put Pan (best of all red) with water. Nearby should be accommodated Spices, as well as greens and garlic . By adding components alternately into the container, you should reflect on your desires, and during the addition of fresh portions to speak them. Each new phrase should end approximately as follows: "I agree to any positive result" . The more seasonings will be, the more often they will need to sound.

The secret of this Synoronian rite is that Vibrations of votes are creating in some kind of energy (As with conspiracy), which helps to quickly carry out what has been said. It is important to feel good that very moment, not missing any little things.

Cooked "soup" can be improved using sauce, sour cream, lemon or other delicious things, but it should be remembered that the dish should be edible. In this moment, all the desires acquire power again. Then the soup should be pouring into a plate with a gold rim, and three spoons are put in the mouth. The process is needed to activate the necessary program that a little later should be consolidated by the second portion of the broth.

Nodular ritual

Many people admire the results of "tied" desires. For a simple actual ritual will be needed laces (not black). The technique is very easy: holding laces in the hands, you need to speak a wish. The words "wish" To formulate which is necessary in the present time, negative particles cannot be pronounced. The proposal should be very capacious and concrete. After the main phrase, another phrase should be said: "As the lace is tied and the desire is tied" . Tied a nodule. After the rope clings so that it hangs a bit (from the door handle or chair). How many wishes, so much need to impose and looping.

Dream in a matter of days

You can check it in practice. This will require about 20 minutes of time. Necessary:

  • Make a desire and write it.
  • Go to another room, cover the doors and attach the leaf of scotch tape to the canvase from the tree.
  • Inspirely read the text and boldly go out for the threshold.
  • Then return back and repeat the entire process. And so to do 27 times.

The goal is to make up ease where welcomes Ease, laughter and naturalness. The door portal will be a real guide to a new life, where everything comes true.

fulfillment of dreams

Rite with assistants

Virtual assistants can also help with desires. To begin with, you should cook Photos of famous personalities who have created monetary empires or distinguished themselves in another field . At the same time, problems may be allowed to participate, including love. Artists are better not to consider artists, since almost everyone has very scandalous stories. Pictures can be cut or printed.

A photo of one millionaire must lie in the wallet, the second - sprinkled by the semolina, the third - in the safe or can be attached on the table . Once a week, all posters for the night should be placed in dishes with cereals. At the same time, you need to follow the events, deservedly praise or edge yourself.

Amazing Rituals Simon. It can be called absurd, but they are very interesting and high-quality, as well as fairly simple. Moreover, according to reviews on the forums, they work perfectly.

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